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Sorry for the hiccup at the end. Not sorry for the rage or cursing xD



Alichu standing up to a Kevin(or male Karen) at work and then getting that sweet taste of regret once they come back to that place. That would've been a good time for you to say, "Karma's an bitch, ain't it" in the audio.(I couldn't stop smiling at this rambling and laughing at what exactly was happening too)[I'm also sorry if this probably what you don't want to see as a comment, unless you're ok with it] Aside from all that, you are definitely right about In N' Out. There are those rare occasions where they do something like that and it's just really ruins the taste of a burger. I can't have an opinion on 5 Guys because i never had tried it yet. Honestly, the second I saw Burger on the audio of this, I though we were finally just gonna hear you munching on a burger while talking at the same time. Maybe one day.

Sir Skelington

Alichu over 1000 episodes deep into One Piece. Me: Yeah well I just finished episode 5 of the live action One Piece. I completely get you with the burger thing, I wont even eat a burger unless me buns are toasted, but I'm even pickier with my pizza. Everything must be perfect, everything on a pizza much live in perfect harmony or it goes in the trash. I had to refrain from writing an essay about pizza.

Kai Zomei

I guess for the girl in your story she was emulating her Dad's behavior and acts differently around them from her friends. Given how simple a burger, sandwich, and salad can be you eventually settle on what you ultimately prefer. I've tried both In-n-Out and 5 Guys, but not recently so my opinion is a bit foggy for them. The former only once when a new one was built outside of my school. When I listened to the comb strumming it made me think of a crinking door or floor board. Even though this ramble was more a story time, I do find it amusing I got some laughing from you here cause of your thoughts on Luffy's laugh. XD Hope the rest of your week goes over well.


I mentioned it before, but I am a One Piece hater for nearly that exact reason lol. Too much nothing in a show that is 1000+ episodes. However after watching the live action show, I have been tempted to use One Pace to get through it quicker but thats still like 350+ episodes. Those types of situations are nightmare and the #1 reason I don't want to work retail. I don't know if I have the restraint to not say whats on my mind. Also I'm here for the burger discussion. I used to just order burgers with ketchup and cheese until like 2 years ago. But now I have started to eat thing's as they are supposed to be and it's been great. In particular i have started to love burgers that are heavy on sauce. So like Big Macs and In and Outs burgers are my favorite. I also had In and Out on Sunday so this was funny to hear,

Secular Succotash

Bro I don’t understand how people get off thinking being an asshole to an employee just doing their job is okay. At least you got some karmic retribution out of it, no better feeling in the world. Back when I worked fast food I got more than my fair share of dickwads too. While I was working drive-through one guy wanted me to throw away his trash for him. Told him I couldn’t do it, taking trash through the same window I’m handing food through is obviously unsanitary. Well he got pissy and the second I turned my back he threw the trash at me through the window and sped off. Asshole wanted to fuck around but not find out I guess haha Now time to talk burger. I’ve had In & Out and Five Guys, and my opinion is weirdly complex too. First off, you’re absolutely right about Five Guy’s fries, easy S tier. The burger situation is a little more nuanced though and lemme tell you why. The first time I had In & Out was in Texas and it was very underwhelming, nowhere near as good as the Five Guys here. However, In & Out gets progressively better the further west you go, peaking in California. Cali In & Out absolutely trumps Five Guys. Regardless, I don’t think Five Guys is good enough to justify its price. They charge too damn much for a burger and fries so I rarely go there unless I’m really craving them specifically. You know, I was about to drop the comment but I saw Antoni’s name and it made me think of one of the best smash burger places I’ve been to. Funny enough, wasn’t even in the good ol’ U S of A! It was a family-owned joint called Dramburger in Drawsko Pomorskie, small town in northwestern Poland. I fuckin loved that place, me and my buddies would hit it up weekly it was so damn good. Ngl, there’s a ton of American spots that would be put to shame by Dramburger. The Hombre was my go-to with Cpt Hamerica as a close second


Sounds like Five Guys is expensive over there too, huh? That's the only thing keeping me from having it more often. I love the customization. Sorry to hear about your drive-through experience. But I do like when we can all have that moment to unite with stories of "these" customers. Everyone had at least one encounter. Man, I don't remember actually going to a sit-down burger restaurant in Poland (or anywhere for that matter). I should score that off my list next time I get a chance, I may even note down 'Dramburger' for my next visit!


Did the daughter end up thanking you? Lol But on a more serious note, sorry you have to deal with these type of people sometimes. I'm lucky that my customers don't ever get that bad, but my bestie had some experiences of his own at the goth shop. Being UK-based, I don't believe there are any In-n-Out's here. I'd love to try it one day. I love Five-Guys. Although, it seems you and I are opposites on a couple things; I like soft fries, and a soft burger bun. Don't know why, I just do XD Finally, on that comb. I had a similar thought as you; insect sounds. Maybe even rattlesnake girl coming some day? Or perhaps a wilder idea; record yourself slowly stroking that comb, pitch it down + add reverb. Boom. We've got ourselves a potential predator-girl audio. Now how cool would that be? I enjoyed your little ramble here. Happy late Birthday to Gandalf. And I hope you, Ali, and everyone reading this has an awesome day/night!

Secular Succotash

If you find yourself around Drawsko Pomorskie you should definitely hit it up, you won’t regret it!

Secular Succotash

Hey you’re on to something with using the comb for a rattlesnake sound, could totally see that working


I'm happy you enjoyed the ramble! :D And no worries, your comment is totally fine. I like to keep it chill here so feel free to crack some jokes if you want :P I've dealt with people having attitudes about online ordering a lot, but that girl's dad made me angrier than usual and thought it would be funny to share lol. As for burger eating- maybe one day! I do love me some hamburgers, maybe I should do a diner/waitress roleplay at some point xD


I'm still hesitant to watch the live action. I've heard nothing but good things so I know I should give it a try! I've just been burnt by so many live actions...I'm looking at you Death Note >__> While I am a connoisseur of burgers, I am a degenerate with pizza- it must be burnt and crispy! :P


You're probably right about the girl. My hope is that she ends up nothing like him as she gets older lol. It's funny you brought up the door sound for the comb because I just used it for such a sound in my upcoming roleplay :P I absolutely love luffy's laugh! Honestly his voice in general just makes me smile. I like the little noises he makes when he uses his devil fruit powers too, so funny xD I hope you have a good week too Kai, thank you! :)


Ngl, this is my first time hearing about One Pace xD The fact that people came together to edit down the anime is not only amazing but to be expected at this point lol. I love Bleach too and feel like the original could do with some of that. NOW. I will say, One Pace better not be editing out the songs because they are fire. As for burgers, I'm a sauce fan too. I forgot to mention this in my little review, but I feel that 5 guys could benefit from using some sort of special sauce like In and Out. Something to give it that oomph lol.


Wow, what an ass hole that guy was. I'm really sorry that happened to you, no one deserves that. Ngl, I probably would have cried if that happened to me. Not because of hurt feelings but because I have a bad habit of crying when I get extremely angry xD I forgot to mention the price of five guys. To anyone that may be reading, Succotash is absolutely right in that it's a bit overpriced. I didn't mind too much only because I had leftovers to eat later. Overall though, not somewhere I plan to eat at a lot for that reason. I can only imagine the amazing burgers you can get in other countries so thanks for making me jealous! lol. Hopefully one day I can try some others. Eating a burger from a bunch of different places sounds really fun now that I think about it :P


I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm going to think of some different things I can use it for :)


The girl's thank you was clearly only because the mom told her to haha! It's ok though, she was just a kid teen at the end of the day so no harm. My hope is that she doesn't end up like her dad though lol. Silly me didn't know until now that five guys was in other countries lol. You learn something new every day! If you ever come to the states though you MUST try In & Out if you can. Double, double with grilled onions, fries and a shake- don't forget it :P I love your idea of using the comb for a rattlesnake, thanks for that suggestion! I've purposely been avoiding a snake character because I'm not sure yet how I want to do the possible scale/coiling sound. Ngl, the predator idea sounds cool too xD


I think it's probably not cutting anything out music wise, their about page says "One Pace is a fan project that recuts the One Piece anime in an endeavor to bring it more in line with the pacing of the original manga by Eiichiro Oda. The team accomplishes this by removing filler scenes not present in the source material. This process requires meticulous editing and quality control to ensure seamless music and transitions." So it's probably safe based on that. Yeah for sure. Special sauces when done right are really good! But I also like when they aren't so overdone, just a nice enhancement to the burger instead of being overwhelming.