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Roleplay poll 25 & QOTW!

  • Big Foot 1
  • Loch Ness Monster 9
  • Megalodon 17
  • 2023-11-28
  • 27 votes
{'title': 'Roleplay poll 25 & QOTW!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Big Foot', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Loch Ness Monster', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Megalodon', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 28, 23, 19, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 27}


Hello everyone! This upcoming Friday we're going to have a super sweet and submissive sheep girl who will of course let you shear her wool without any issues whatsoever :P This poll will be for next Friday so let me know which one sounds most interesting to you. As you can see it has a theme lol.

As for question of the week, I'm curious to know if any of you believe in aliens? And more importantly, are any of you aliens from another planet? Not that you'd tell me of course >.>



It's a toss up between megalodon and the loch Ness monster for me! Maybe not so much with bigfoot, pretty sure i had a close encounter with one when solo camping and it was the single most terrifying moment I've ever had lol. Also, aliens? What aliens, there's certainly no aliens here, nope, not at all, whatever gave you that idea?


Lowkey Loch ness would be tight!


A Megladon character huh? Well that would be a lovely interest of a character. Maybe she'll be willing to explain her origin of how she was originated. On the real though, I'm only liking the Megladon because of the whole BTD6 Beast Handler Megladon tier 5. As for the alien question, it's more or less confusing on what you would claim as an alien. Because it's either a species that was an alien from land or sea, or alien like what people used to call people from different countries. Out of that topic, I would say they could exist because anything could be technically supernatural everywhere.

Crimson command

This is the big 3 of things most people people believe in myself included lol. I abousltelty believe there is alien life out there one of my favorite quotes is "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." Intelligent life such as ourselves might be exceeding rare or its possible we are the only Intelligent life in our corner of our galaxy but that has yet to be proven. However even the discovery of microbial life or even primitive life would be a monumental discovery we are though on the verge of discovery something big in the next 20 years it'll be interesting to see what we discover

Kai Zomei

Loch Ness monster sounds interesting. I don't think I really believe in aliens, but would be interesting to see if extraterrestrial intelligent life is out there.

Sir Skelington

I personally don't believe in aliens, I've heard too many convincing arguments for why I don't have faith in intelligent life in space, and if it does exist then I believe it would be so far away that practically it wouldn't even exist because neither of us would be around long enough to see the other. The only real argument I've heard for it existing is that that space is big, which neither confirms nor denies anything. I will say that when I was young though, I was deathly afraid of aliens, mostly because my dad would watch Mars Attacks and when you are like a 3 year old child watching that movie it's very disturbing.


As a Scottish resident, I'm happy to see Loch Ness monster winning so far! Let's keep it up, boys! And Ali, if Nessie wins, you have to - HAVE TO - (even just for a few seconds) attempt a Scottish accent. At least have her go like; "Oh, you probably thought I would talk like this: *imitates Highlander*" That would truly be legendary, I can promise some kickass fan art if you do it! XD I already have some ideas. Edit 1: I literally refreshed after posting this comment and Nessie just lost the lead. The quickest 'aged-like-milk' moment ever. XD Edit 2: Aye we're no winning, lads 😞 You got lucky this time, Ali. You are no longer due for accent imitation. 😭 What's even sadder; it's St. Andrew's Day today ;_; As for aliens, I definitely believe in them. There could be a number of reasons we haven't seen them yet. Maybe they're deliberately hiding their existence as to not frighten us. Because I mean, an advanced species capable of interstellar travel = a species that could cltr + alt + delete us if they wanted to lmao. I know I would shit myself.


I have to pick megalodon dude, I love shork and it big shork. Although I am deathly afraid of the ocean so I like sharks from a very far distance away, preferable on a screen or a page of a book lol. For aliens I believe there is something out there, however I do also think about Fermi's Paradox a lot. It's mentioned in a lot of media I play/watch so I can't really escape it, but also Avenged Sevenfold has a called "Fermi Paradox" and it's one of my favorite of their songs. That being said, I do not believe we have ever been visited by an alien or anything like that. I believe that humanity will likely go extinct before we find any other signs of life in space.

Secular Succotash

Oh boy confession time, truth be told I was a total nutcase about aliens when I was a kid. I believed all of it. The crop circles, the crashes, the coverups, the close encounters…I was convinced that the conspiracy was all but a closed case. In fact I genuinely thought I was abducted haha, but looking back now it was probably just a dream from all the alien content I inundated myself with. Nowadays I’m throughly unconvinced. Don’t get me wrong, with how incomprehensibly vast the cosmos is I think life hiding out there somewhere is almost a certainty, but maybe intelligent life is an exceedingly rare development. Others have already brought up the Fermi Paradox and there’s a ton of interesting solutions to it; Great Filter, Dark Forest, or even Human Earliness as per the Grabby Aliens hypothesis. It’s a fun YouTube rabbit hole to go down lol. I do believe life other than ours is out there, but I don’t think it’s ever been here. Btw, speaking of life in the universe; one of the cooler hypotheses on the formation of life is that, based on the average temperature of the universe after the Big Bang, there was a period in which the entirety of the universe would have been a habitable temperature. Microbial life could have formed on nearly every rock with the right conditions, and once the universe cooled, that life was left frozen in stasis on countless asteroids. These fertile asteroids would wander the dark expanse of the cooling universe just waiting to crash into the right planets at the right time, beginning the expansion of life into all corners of those young worlds dotting the black. (Keep in mind I ain’t a doctor, just some dude on the internet so I’ve no idea how realistic that hypothesis is and I probably butchered the whole explanation with my summary anyway lol)


Oh no, that sounds terrifying D: It's one thing to experience something like that with friends or family but alone is something else. Glad bigfoot didn't get you!


Lol it was legit terrifying, 30 miles deep on a backwoods road in the Appalachian mountains, no cell service, no means to contact anyone in case of an emergency, was getting ready for bed when the whole forest went dead silent, no bugs, no frogs, when it was deafening just moments, hair on the back of my neck went up and every nerve in my body was screaming at me to not make a sound and to not move a muscle, and then I heard it, a set of very heavy sounding footsteps... walking right by camp that were distinctly bipedal.... Needless to say, I got no sleep that night haha


I have a couple of ideas that I think would make for a cool Megalodon character. I'm always up for drawing a shark girl too! :P As for aliens, I don't think it's too crazy to think another life form could exist on another planet. I like to think of some weird creature looking at us from space and thinking we're aliens haha! xD


I lean more on the side of believing in aliens. I don't think it's too crazy to think other life forms are out there somewhere! Maybe that's just my hopeful imagination talking but I think it's possible for sure. Or maybe I just want a cute alien girlfriend lol xD


A loch ness character would be fun! I'm sure at some point I'll end up doing all these ideas :D


Oh man, I remember my dad watching that movie too. Even looking at some of the images/scenes now it's still a little disturbing lol. I used to not believe in the idea of aliens at all- I never even gave it much thought really. I think the possibility of other lifeforms existing is high but to what degree I'm not sure. Maybe I just like the idea of some cool creature being out there haha!


Don't worry, I'm sure I'll end up doing a loch ness character at some point regardless haha! I feel like all my character ideas eventually make their appearance; it just takes some longer than others :P I wish that I had more hours in the day because I have a lot of ideas I want to work on. That seems to prove impossible even for an undead like me lol. And while I'm not anywhere near confident in doing a Scottish accent I will try when the time comes! >:)


I'm always up for drawing a shark character so if that's the winner I'm totally fine with that! :P I also share the fear of the ocean. Tbh, I'm personally more afraid of what may live in the water as opposed to space lol. I'm not super familiar with Fermi's Paradox but the song made me curious to look more into it. I also have a confession I want to make about Avenged Sevenfold. Growing up I really disliked them; I think it's because Bat Country and Nightmare played constantly back then, and I have a habit of not liking stuff that does that lol. I have an appreciation for them now that I'm older though so thanks for sharing that song, I liked it! I've been finding more songs I like by them over the past couple of years :)


You're the second person to bring up the Fermi Paradox! I don't really know much about it, so I think I'll need to do a little deep dive lol (down the rabbit hole I go!). It's fine, I'm always in need of stuff to listen to while I'm drawing anyway so it should be fun :P As a kid/teen I never gave much thought to aliens. I didn't really believe or not believe them I just never thought too much about it. Now that I'm older it's interesting to think about. I don't think it's crazy to think other lifeforms are out there somewhere. I would almost make the argument that thinking we're the only ones is more of a crazy thought! That could just be my hopeful imagination talking though because I think the idea is really cool :) Either way, your and some other comments here made me really interested so here's to probably scaring myself into staying up late watching videos as I draw haha! xD


I don't even dislike the things in it that I can perceive. Like if I was in a pool and a shark was in it with me (not attacking me lol), I don't think I would be more panicked than like a normal person. I really hate tho that there is so many places that things can come from in large bodies of water and the fact that it's usually low visibility. Fermi Paradox isn't very complicated on it's own. It just saying how strange it is that we have not found any signs of intelligent life despite it statistically being very high that there is something out there. That's about all I know tho since thats usually as far as games go. However, Secular put some fun theories/solutions about it. Also I completely understand that, I never listened to the radio that much so I never heard too many overplayed things. I only found out about Avenged Sevenfold from their song in Call of Duty "Not Ready to Die". Their last 2 albums have been very good, in my opinion, though mainly cause they have been so different then their old albums.


Oh God that really is scary ; o ; I've always heard it's never a good sign when it goes dead quiet in the woods. Animals always know when something bad is around so if you don't even hear them something is up for sure. I'm happy you made it out OK!


I get that for sure. The idea of not being able to see what's there is a scary thought. Ever since I made this post I've been saving alien related videos to listen to as a draw lol. I'm sure I'll be good and scared this weekend as it gets dark in my place. I'll battle with myself to get up and turn on the light. I pretty much had fuse and mtv on all the time back in the day and I swear Avenged Sevenfold played constantly. It was probably just my perception of it but damn, really makes me dislike a band lol. I think it was you that I mentioned the song "Nobody" to before- I really like that one too! I don't know how to describe it, I could be completely wrong and this is just my ears- but now that the lead singer is older, he sounds different and it's much more pleasant than I remember when I listened to them years ago.


I'd fight an alien, they don't scare me. Little grey men or giant bugs are nothing to the horror of the sea. I see, that makes sense. I never really watched much TV as I had a computer for most of my life. Also you are not wrong, the lead singer was straining his voice too much with his old style of singing so he had to change it. I don't mind either style but it is probably better for him to save his voice as much as possible with the new style lol


Very! I've never had that happen before, and I've had a mountain lion close enough to growl at me at camp! Lol (which also didn't leave me as unnerved and panicked as whatever this thing was lol) and I am too! I still get nervous when driving down that section of the forest road haha