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Roleplay poll 26 & QOTW!

  • Sphinx 8
  • Sandworm 14
  • Bastet 5
  • 2023-12-04
  • 27 votes
{'title': 'Roleplay poll 26 & QOTW!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Sphinx', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Sandworm', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Bastet ', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 4, 23, 52, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 27}


Happy Monday everyone, I hope you all had a nice weekend and have a good start to your week too :) I've been getting a few comments of people saying that youtube hasn't been notifying them when I post lately so it appears I've angered the Gods lol xD Kinda sucks but hey- you win some, you lose some. I live to draw another day!

This Friday we'll be spending some time with a shy/lonely megalodon girl. I don't want to spoil it entirely but let's she say she's the last one of her kind :P This poll will be for next Friday so let me know what sounds most interesting to you!

Question of the week is this: How is your eyesight and do you need glasses? Also, would you ever get lasik surgery done if you had poor vision? My eyesight has always been terrible, so I need glasses all the time. I've tried contacts but didn't like them and hell no I'd never get lasik- the thought alone is terrifying to me lol.



I looked at all images of what exactly each character is, and only interested one I like is sandworm. Also, a shy Megladon girl huh? Better get to fishing to have them greeted well then. As for that question about eyesight, I'm gonna DM that since why not before I get a reply on this later on afterwords. All I can say is that yeah I wear glasses, but it's not for vision improvements, just protection.


Sphinx would be tight!


December came quicker than I realised! I thought there were 31 days in November :P me smol brain. Nevertheless, it started off really well. I hope I can say the same for you and everyone here! Yes, I wear glasses. My eyesight is 💩 I'm short-sighted, anything 4 inches from my face starts getting blurry. Though, I would never get surgery - I agree with you that it terrifies me too. I've never worn contacts before either and I'm actually not even comfortable trying them. So, thank goodness I like glasses. There's many styles to choose from and... I have a question back; do you enjoy eye examinations? I love them. For me, it's an ASMR experience in and of itself.


Fun fact: Megalodon bites are believed to have produced up to 180,000 newtons of force, that's around the same amount of force as balancing a school bus on your head! Also I wear contacts daily, though I would 100% get surgery if I could afford it.

Kai Zomei

I have very poor eye sight (near-sighted). I do wear glasses, but primarily wear contacts because I don't like how I look with glasses. I might try lasik surgery at some point in the distant future if I have the money for it and the technology improves.


i would love the bastet since by Egyptian lore it is the bringer of protection and good health. which in my opinion pairs well with the thought of asmr. other than that i hope you have a good day ali


Eww, Monday lol weekend was good though! Hope yours was the same! No issues on notifications from you on either on my youtube accounts so that's good! Hopefully it stays that way for the megalodon girl lol and I do wear glasses, and contacts, but mostly glasses, I wanted to get lasik, but my coworker got it, and told me that not only do you have to be 100% conscious during the procedure, but she could smell it... nope! No way no how! Ain't doing it! I'll deal with the glasses and contacts lol


My week has been good so far, although I am playing a really depressing game called Omori so I don't know if it the happiest week I have ever had lol. The game is amazing though so very much worth it and I also admittedly was looking for a sadder game when I started it. For the question tho, I am very blind and need glasses. I have tried contacts a few times and they have never really stuck. I do plan to get Lasik though, preferably ASAP, but money is always an issue for almost anything.


I don't wear glasses. My eyesight's pretty good, but I know it won't last since both my parents need glasses 😵

Secular Succotash

Seems like you got a desert theme in mind! Curious to see what you’d do with a sandworm. I’m fortunate enough to have never had eyesight problems. Actually, somewhat weird fact about me. I have 30/20 vision, so I have better than average vision. What average eyesight can comfortably see at 20ft, I can comfortably see at 30ft. It’s funny cause that heightened eyesight is absolutely wasted on my unobservant ass haha

Sir Skelington

Ooh Egyptian asmr, fingers crossed for ancient Mesopotamian asmr. I used to have great vision, as good as you could hope for, and even when I was little I was the only one in my family that didn't need them, but more recently I can hardly see at a distance, I'll end up having to get some cuz I don't even like eye drops, ain't no way I'ma put contacts or lasers up in there. Not sure how I feel about a skeleton with glasses.


December did come really fast, it's still hard to believe the year is almost over. I'm doing pretty well though, had a bit of a rush job today. I wanted to get a video out but got called into work instead xD It's all good though, there's always tomorrow! Sounds like you and I have similar eyesight. I can't make out anything without my glasses unless it's right up in my face lol. I have a pretty bad story with contacts. Back when I was in high school, I tried them and sure enough either them or the solution was recalled :') I remember getting a bad infection or irritation from them. Ever since then I swore I'd never use them again. As for eye exams, it really depends on the doctor. Most have been really nice so the experience was good, but I have had a bad one who made me feel really uncomfortable. Overall though I don't mind them! The worst part is when that machine blows air in your eye xD


Woah, strong shark! I can't even imagine if those things were still around now. Don't worry, this Megalodon girl won't bite you- but she would like a snack though :P


I'm sure you look great in glasses Kai. Glasses give the wearer +25% coolness! :D


I hope you have a good day too Yagi! Even if Bastet doesn't win the poll this time, I'd still love to make an audio with her sometime in the future ^_^


My weekend was pretty good! I got a lot of stuff done drawing and recording wise to that made me feel great :D I'm glad you've been getting notifications on youtube, like you said hopefully it stays that way and I get back into their good graces haha! Oh damn, I knew you had to be conscious, but I didn't know the smelling bit- that sounds horrible D: Kinda related, I had to be conscious to have my wisdom teeth removed. One of mine was extremely crooked and under the skin and I remember hearing the crunch and enamel smell- really weird experience that I never want again lol xD


I've seen some people play Omori! I love the art of that game and have been meaning to pick it up myself. Knowing you I'm sure you're almost finished with it :P I feel like sad/depressing stories are always my go to. I saw recently that they made FF Crisis Core for the Switch so that's on my Christmas list now lol. I don't think I've ever cried more playing a game back in the day. I'm pretty much the same with contacts. I tried them a few times when I was younger but had a bad reaction to some which solidified my decision to never wear them again lol.


I've only been wearing glasses for a few years, though I probably needed them long before haha. I forgot what my optician said about my vision exactly at time, but I remember him saying one of my eyes was smaller than the other. Not really had that comment since, so hopefully it wasn't that big of a deal. My right eye is so much worse than my left eye though can't see anything 2 metres in front of me clearly, the difference between my lenses is quite noticeable 😅


I have some ideas if the sandworm wins, hopefully the sound idea I have for it can turn out like how I want it to! Woah, that's neat about your eyesight. Does that mean you're like...part of the x men? Your power could be super sight, but your character trait is being really oblivious to what's around you- a fan favorite! :D Jokes aside, that really is cool though- I'm jealous. I can't even imagine what it's like to see well without needing glasses!


A skelly with glasses is possibly one of the most gentlemen like things I've ever heard. Coolness levels will be off the charts. Don't worry, when the time comes you will be more than welcome in my graveyard for those with bad eyesight!


I am close to finishing it! At least the first route lol. I do plan to play the second route at some point but a game (Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader) is coming out Thursday that me and my friends are excited for so I only have time to do the first one. For Crisis Core, I hadn't actually played it until it's re-release on PC last year. In fact I hadn't really played anything FF7 related until right before the remake came out. Surprisingly, as someone that play a shit ton of JRPGs, I didn't really enjoy original FF7 tbh but I did like Dirge of Cerberus a lot more than I expected. That might be because I came in with low expectations but I thought it was fine. Also in general though I don't really like old FF games, It wasn't until like 10 that I really liked any of them. Hope you enjoy going back to it on Switch! I read your reply about contacts on Antoni's comment. I can't even imagine that, I would be horrified! I've only had pink eye once in my life and that was enough to never want any eye infections again at any cost lol. Hopefully it wasn't super bad for you.


That's good to hear!! And I think you are in youtube's good graces, I got the notification for your cowgirl video while I was at work haha And yea.. o.o I don't even want to imagine the smell! Yea.. sticking with the glasses, and my contacts if I want to wear sunglasses, even though taking contacts out can... lets just say suck... haha And oh god! I still need to get my wisdom teeth removed since I'm pretty sure I'm in the same boat that you were in, and now... I don't think I want to... thank you for that.. lol


How do you like wearing glasses? I used to hate wearing them when I was younger but as I got older they started to grow on me lol. I remember a past doctor telling me that having the same vision in both my eyes was a little unusual. I can't imagine one eye being different than the other but that's probably because I've had equally bad vision my whole life haha!


Nowadays, I don't really care much about them, it's just a part of the routine now, but back when I first got them (it was a little longer than few years I just lost track of time) 5/6 years ago, I almost refused to wear them, partially because I thought my eyes were fine, and partially because the group of people I'd surrounded myself in back then weren't the nicest people to me, and I figured that it would just add more to their arsenal against me. Hindsight is 20/20, and I shouldn't have worried, but I don't blame myself for not wearing them, and the same for sticking with the only people who I'd ever really hung out with (I was, and still am a pretty bad introvert, especially with new people), even if they were some of the worst people to my face. Either way, so long as I can laugh now I know it wasn't too bad.


I get that for sure. I remember back in middle school when I found out I needed glasses I didn't wear them the first year for the same reason- I thought I'd get made fun of by the people I hung out with at the time. I think it's good to be able to look back and see things in a different way, probably one of the few good things about getting older! Either way, I hope that you either have or will find people who like you for you and treat you kindly *heart because patreon doesn't let me use the heart emoji- I don't know why xD*


I'm sorry for reminding you! Don't worry, you'll feel much better when they're out- trust me. I held on for a little too long because I was scared. Even with that experience though it was better than dealing with the on and off pain they were giving me. Just make sure to have plenty of soup and mashed potatoes ready! :P


I've never heard of the Warhammer game before. Seems to be a turned based game though and those are fun! :) Speaking of which, the day of getting a new computer may be upon me. I don't think I'll be able to get the original Starforged I wanted, but I definitely saved enough to get something much better! So long as it can make my audio and video editing better and I can play some of these games we've been talking about I'll be happy :D As for the FF games, I completely get your take on the old ones. I think the main reason I like them is for the nostalgia factor, similar to the dot hack games. There are flaws but I can't help but love the heck out of them lol. Also, Dirge of Cerberus was amazing! I wish I didn't lose my old copy of it :(


Thankfully they don't cause any pain most the time, maybe once or twice a year there's some discomfort. Made it this far into my adult life without having them removed, so I'm in no rush! Lol but when I do have them removed, I'll make sure to take your advice! Lol


Awesome! I'm so happy to hear that you're close to being able to get one, even if it wasn't that Starforged one we talked about. Since it's abundantly clear that I am little bit of a video game fan, it's great to hear when people get a new console or PC! Yeah, I get the nostalgia and also in context I think FF7 was one of the first 3D games ever so that must have been super impressive when it came out. I just personally don't like most of the old FF games cause of the grinding in them. Still though, there's almost no games that I really hate, so even if it wasn't for me I still don't fell like I wasted my time or anything playing them. I don't know if I mentioned it when I was playing the dot hack GU games but I do also plan to play the older ones as well, I just don't know when I will have the time for it lol.


That would be really cool to hear your opinion on the old games too! I admit that there is a bit of grinding to them, but no more than GU if I remember right. I think being a WoW player has made me immune to the grind, but I completely understand that being tedious- especially when story progression depends on it. If you do get around to playing the old ones though I hope you enjoy them! ^_^


I'll be sure to let you know when I start them! Grinding for me depends a lot on what I'm grinding for. Like if I get a new ability every few levels, upgrades for existing abilities, meeting level requirements for new gear, etc I usually don't mind it. But for a lot of old games like FF or Dragon Quest, it's just for stats and that isn't as enticing for me.