Appointment with your "deer" doctor F4A [page flipping] [ear cleaning] [tapping] [heartbeat] [close whispers] (Patreon)
Feeling a little under the weather you decide to make an appointment to see a doctor. Upon entering the room, you realize she's not human but rather a deer. Not a big deal though, right? I mean, in this world you coexist with monster folk (who all happen to be female funny enough). Hopefully she doesn't mind your diet it rude admitting to eating meat to a deer?
Happy Friday everyone, I hope this audio starts you off to a relaxing weekend :D Like I mentioned, I thought a long time on what I wanted to make the doctor character this week- too many species make for a good doctor, but I opted for a deer because...antlers? lol.
I wanted to give the vibe of her checking your heartrate from multiple spots so apologies if the sounds are a bit quiet in some spots. As much as I love heartbeat sounds, they really are difficult to record haha! xD