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Here's the continuation of the series that was started yesterday- make sure to read that first to get all of the backstory needed on these naughty scientists!


“Thank you, Trevor- please stand still as we conduct the last section of this demonstration.”

Nodding his head, Trevor stood there, and I wondered if he knew what was going to come next, or if he was just as oblivious as I was.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, and then I heard the familiar sounds of the air conditioning being turned on in the next room. Trevor moved his arms up to cross across his chest, and I wondered if he was covering up his hard nipples from us. That was pointless though because he was about to be showing off much more. As the cool air circulated around the room, my eyes were locked onto the test subject’s briefs as small rips began to form across the fabric even though he wasn’t moving at all. I now recognized where the threads were coming from that I’d seen on the floor earlier as more fell from his briefs to litter the floor around him.

He'd noticed now as well but Tonya’s voice reminded him again to stay still, and he did even as his only bit of clothing left was deteriorating before his eyes. The waistband, the thickest part of his briefs, was the last bit to fall apart. He’d already exposed his bush, and I could see his ample ass as well as a bigger chunk of fabric fell to the ground. As the waistband tore, the rest of his briefs fell off and continued tearing apart at Trevor’s feet.

I couldn’t watch that anymore though as I looked up at the naked man standing in front of me. His thick bush was resting above a hefty cock with a pink head at the end that seemed to hypnotize me even as my brain tried to take over. I wanted to know more about the fabric, but I couldn’t let myself come up with one question until the naked man exited the room again.

“Marco, you sick genius. What is it?”

“Airborne chemical, completely non-toxic to any living creature, and there’s no odor. Once a large enough proportion has occupied a space, it can start to break down the attraction between cotton fibers. Thicker fabrics take longer, but we’ve gotten through a Canadian tuxedo in several trials. Polyester is next up.”

“What are the downsides?”

“Other than the boner that I keep having to ignore until I get home every day? Not one. Medical scans on are first batch of lab rats has them completely healthy. It only affects processed cotton, no living tissue.”

“You’re about to be his favorite scientist!”

“Coming from you, I take that as the highest compliment.”

Clapping him on the back, we headed into the hallway.

“Hey man, let’s go to lunch. We can even invite Trevor if you want.”


“Yeah, just make sure he hasn’t gotten dressed though.”



I’m so excited to see where this goes. A perfect pheromone


It could be an interesting story if this experiment was accidentally released somewhere