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This photo has been sitting in my drafts for weeks, and I finally got the inspiration to use it. Check it out on the VIP Discord server to see what our football captain looks like...


As the team captain, I knew that I needed to step up. My college athletics' budget was getting slashed, and we'd just found out that we'd need to raise funds on our own if we wanted to compete next season.

"Guys, what are we going to do?"

"Car wash?"

"Dude, it's the middle of December- no one's going to get their car washed by us now unless we're shirtless, and that's not happening."

"Wait, that's it!" The guys turned to me as I stood up in the middle of the locker room. "It's the end of the year!"

"Wow, our captain finally learned how to read a calendar..."

"Shut the fuck up, Kyle. We're not going to read a calendar- we're going to make one."

The guys tried to shoot me down, but I explained how firefighters always fund raised thousands of dollars from shirtless calendars- we could do the same thing.

I had a friend who was a photography major, and they had a hook-up with a guy who'd made calendars like this before. He was asking for a tiny cut, and his company could print them and ship them to us before January. It sounded too good to be true, and I'd end up being right.

On the day of the shoot, the photographer laid out a range of jockstraps and thongs and other sexy items, and I dutifully took test shots for him to get set up for the photo shoot... or at least that's what he thought he was doing. I'd gotten there before the other guys, so the photographer asked me to post a bit in each pair to see what color backdrop would look best.

I was just finishing December when the other guys got there, and I luckily was able to wrap a towel around myself and duck out back before they got to me. I didn't want any of them to chicken out, so I didn't want them to see the thong that I was in right now. I was successful and out the door before they even saw me.

When the calendar came out in January, the stack of boxes was delivered to my house. I was expecting a good turnout, but this was nuts. I ripped open the first box and saw an order form of who'd already been promised one, and I flipped through page after page seeing a few familiar names on the way.

My heart sank in my stomach a bit at these people seeing me in a jockstrap for my month, and I hoped that the photographer had chosen a modest angle. I pulled open cellophane wrapped package on top, and there was a team photo we'd taken earlier in the season. Taking a deep breath, I flipped to January and saw myself standing there with a football in my hand and a peek at the left side of my ass cheekily pointed towards the camera. I looked good, but there was just a lot of me on display. My face was aimed right at the camera as well so there was denying my identity.

Flipping the page, I decided to check out what the other guys looked liked, but I was Mr. February... and March. As I kept flipping each page, I saw that the photographer had only used my test shots for every month. I'm not sure if he'd tricked me or if the team had just backed out once I left, but I was the only model in this calendar.

Once I got to September, I saw a photo of me changing out of August's jockstrap. The last three months of the year were me completely naked, ass pointed straight to the camera, and then one of me leaning over for November. For December, there was a full frontal shot of me that I apparently never noticed him taking.

I now had a decision to make- I could either call the company back and get a full refund, or I could pass these out and fund my team probably for years to come. As my phone started to ring, I realized that my decision was unfortunately already made.

This was going to be a long year...



I’m sure everyone who bought the calendar just couldn’t wait for Christmas.


I’ve had a similar fantasy to Jason’s