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Spicy Poll for December Sets

  • Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy 2
  • Lucoa from Dragon Maid 0
  • Ada Wong from Resident Evil 3
  • Nico Robin from One Piece 4
  • Yamato from One Piece 1
  • Lois Griffin from Family Guy 3
  • Ivy Valentine from Soul Calibur 6
  • Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop 3
  • 2023-12-02
  • —2023-12-05
  • 22 votes
{'title': 'Spicy Poll for December Sets', 'choices': [{'text': 'Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Lucoa from Dragon Maid', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Ada Wong from Resident Evil', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Nico Robin from One Piece', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Yamato from One Piece', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Lois Griffin from Family Guy', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Ivy Valentine from Soul Calibur', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 5, 13, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 2, 23, 55, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 22}


Hey everyone! I added 8 characters, based on engagement on the posts of these characters and your suggestions from the last 'Spicy Poll suggestions' post.

I'll close this poll on Tuesday so I have enough days to create the first set.

Remember that I choose the characters for these polls mostly based on the engagement they receive in the regular posts. So to ensure that a character goes into the poll the best way is to give a like on her posts.

The winner for December's Spicy Sets is Ivy Valentine. I'll deliver one set every weekend.


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