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For Ivan




Hah! Niiice!~ Glad to see Merry making a comeback here. Now it's her turn taking Zora's body out for a test drive :p


I am told by Ken Singshow that this couldn't actually happen due to them not actually having organic brains or something like that.


Oh wow, that's interesting to know! Given the comic page where you showed Merry's brain being transferred to her new anthroid body, I figured they actually did have organic brains. Though it would make sense that their brains are also synthetic as they would need more processing power for digital interfacing and simple diagnostic runs. Though, that still raises an interesting question: If they aren't organic, wouldn't that make the swap even easier, being that their minds could be advanced enough to sync with other bodies? Or maybe they have to be set to a certain type that needs to be compatible to their brains? This is just so neat to think about. ^^


Hey, they’re probably made out of printed biopolymers/nanites and the like


I thought so too. I try my best to translate his intentions but also have to make my own continuity of them work.