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And with this, I do believe I’ve completed the drawing phase for February just need to ink a few. Or have I missed anyone?

Data and Memori for Dormouse.




Heh, flashing "the goods" on a digital billboard. Nice. I've noticed that Patreon has switched most images into loading as webp format files instead of whatever format they were uploaded as. Some creators took notice as well and have started including the original file as an attachment.


The original files will still be uploaded to the Dropbox, but I hadn’t noticed. The change. How do other artist include an attachment?


When you click "Create" to post, there's gonna be a little bar that says "Attachments" at the bottom. On that same bar, there's going to be a button that says "Upload." Click that, and choose the file you want to upload. You can edit pre-existing posts to add attachments the same way. This "new behavior" only affects new posts that were made starting yesterday. Older posts behave like they used to for viewing/downloading images. Perhaps Patreon is changing how things work and once again neglected to make an announcement about it.