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Males: (TOP 2)

Xenif  7 votes

Micro 4 votes

President Equinus (A surprise) 2 votes

Spitefire  2 votes

Walice 1 vote

Females (TOP 2)

Alleycat 7 votes

Victoria Starfox 3 votes

CeeCee 2 votes

Vague 1 vote

Sachi 1 vote

Harvest 1 vote

Ysys 1 vote

Thanks to the $12 tier for voting.

Let's hear some suggestions for possible poses for Xenif, Micro, Alleycat and Vitoria. What are some things you'd like to see them doing for their desktops (Suggestions help  but 'm not holding to any specific one).



Micro should totes be in the middle of fixing something, like he was caught accidentally. Alleycat...maybe phasing into Max's room? Victoria...I'm not sure how to describe a "welcome home" pose so I'll just suggest something blatantly invitational. :P


For Xenif, we could have him sitting on a throne in Eden with a chalice and looking 'amused' at his chosen 'entertainment' for the day. If I remember correctly, weren't the female Remalons his concubines?


For Micro a tech support pose, Alleycat either phaseing in or out of a wall.


With Xenif a classical 80´s fantasy, where he sits on his throne and yes i agree he should be surrounded with the sexy remalon and Phenix. Victoria Starfox I suggest a day as a housewife

Shawn Smallman

Micro = The program where he was going to meet Rokki at the beach. clean could be him wearing swimming briefs and the other well, leave to the creator's disgression