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Oh, it's just getting worse for Haley (which is tough since she almost burned the house down last episode). But, she knows she's supposed to be moving on, but can't figure out how. And since we get her internal thoughts via voicemails to her mom, we can see how tenuous her mental state is.

And Nathan is doing, literally, everything he can to try to help her. He tries to get her to go to therapy, spend time with her, do the housework, get her to talk to him, go for car rides, walks, recreate special moments. Nothing is working. But he reasons Haley has kept their family together up until then, and now it's his turn. As horrible as things are going for Haley, it's very sweet to watch Nathan try to help her.

In order to help Jamie deal with his mom not really feeling like his mom right now, Quinn takes Jamie out for a special day. She creates a scavenger hunt that sends them around Tree Hill to search for treasure. This was one of my favorite Quinn episodes. It took a bit for me to warm up to her, but this episode, just shot her into another stratosphere. And Jamie finally finding the treasure and deciding that some other child might need it more, so they should bury it again? Come on. And, of course Jamie is smart enough to realize that Quinn set this whole thing up him because he's sad about mom. But the only treasure he wants is his mom to be his mom again. 😢

Julian has finished the movie, and is preoccupied with whether or not it will get into a film festival. Brooke assures him it will, it's really good, but he's very concerned. He ends up talking to Alex about it (who actually gives a really great perspective). She tells him that even it doesn't get in, look what it did for all of them. It saved Alex's life, Julian learned he was a great director, he got Brooke back, and finally got a chance to work side by side with his dad. This Alex is definitely the best version of Alex.

Victoria and Alexander decide to go back to New York to run Clothes for Bros. Brooke decided to send Millie with them and make her vice president. I wonder if that means we're losing the three of them next season. If we're losing Victoria, I think we need Dan back. I can't believe I'm saying this, but with Katie getting arrested this episode, there isn't a ton of drama. And I guess that means Dan is back. (I mean, I guess the Haley storyline is dramatic, but I don't think of that as Tree Hill drama- Haley is struggling with trauma right now).

And speaking of Katie, she's broken into Clay's house and stolen a journal of his. After reading it, she was able to pretend she was Sara. She bought the same food, and played the same music, and knew things that they had done years ago. She tries to convince him that she's actually Sara. He kicks her out of the house. Later, the cops call him because someone claiming to be his wife is threatening to jump into the ocean. Clay goes down and tricks her into thinking he believes that she's actually his wife. Once she's safe, the police grab her and take her away. Seems like Clay and Quinn really had opposite days today.

Oh, Mia and Chase broke up (I forgot Mia existed, but she's back to help with the record label now that Miranda is gone). Also, Miranda and Grubbs broke up (if they were ever together). We could be spending so much more time on Haley than either of these two things!

I'm super concerned about the finale. I don't know if we're supposed to think that Haley was planning to drown herself (I don't, as she didn't have anything to hold her down), but it's still not good for her mental state. I feel like it can either go, Haley gets worse and it ends on a cliffhanger (she hurts herself, ends up in the hospital, has a full mental break, runs away); or Nathan (or Jamie or whoever) manages to get through to her and we get a semi-happy ending. For story purposes, I'd prefer the former, but for Haley purposes, I'd like the latter. Lol.


(No title)


C. J. Ramirez

Katie is as crazy as psycho Derrick


This episode is another emotional rollercoaster...but written so damn well. I always enjoyed it for what it was and how great they dealt with the subject matter of depression, not only for Haley and the way she's written and how Joy showcases her, but also for the unstable Katie as well. Those two parallels complimented each other so well in an episode like this. And yes...we have Nathan trying so hard with Haley here, and it's absolutely amazing to see. Not that Nathan isn't always great and attentive with Haley, but in regard to her deep pain and anguish in this storyline, his behavior towards his wife is even more endearing. There is nothing else that he can really do, other than what he's already doing. Despite how hard she keeps pushing him away.... he's not backing down, and just keeps letting her know that he's here, and that he's not going anywhere. Sitting with her out back, wanting to spend the day with her. Going for a drive and getting stuck in traffic and then immediately getting out of the car and walking with her because she's suffocating sitting inside it, and then ending up at the riverwalk at their special bench and table and re-enacting their cracker jack bracelet scene....so effing adorable. The parallel between 1x03 Nathan and 7x21 Nathan is off the charts. I so love their lines when Haley tells Nathan that it's not going to work, that whatever prize he finds isn't going to fix her, and Nathan immediately says back...why not? It fixed me...just slay me now, lol. The JL's were so on point there, and what a callback indeed!!! And btw...did you notice that Naley were matching in their scenes together with their leather jackets and converse sneakers, hehe. The show has dressed them alike before to compliment each other, and S3, S5, and S6 come to mind off the top of my head, but in this episode....for this story arc, it's so fitting indeed and visually captivating that they went ahead with that choice in a heavy emotional episode to remind the audience that through it all, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, they are still Naley, and always in sync together. Just slay me now with the parallels, hehe. They are sprinkled in all over the place in this episode, but James and Joy rocked their matching outfits, no doubt!!!! Then Nathan discovering that it's Lydia's cell phone that Haley has been calling and talking to as she's leaving voicemails for her mom is heartbreaking indeed. I don't know that the scene between Nathan and Quinn where they are listening to all the messages that she's left for Lydia was meant to be any more worrisome for them than they already have been, but I think it clued them in, and the audience to Haley's very real and deep struggle here as her internal thoughts were all replayed here and we heard them throughout the episode which was a brilliant choice. It'll make more sense in the next episode why Nathan is the one to listen to it. And I too loved Quinn setting up the treasure hunt for Jamie to take his mind off his worry for his mom. That is the best version of Quinn that the show portrays when she's helping Jamie in service of Nathan and Haley...and it's always great to see. Haley really needs her family to step up to the plate for her right now, and Quinn helping Jamie is a big help for sure. And yes....Naley have raised and are still raising an amazing kid, but then again, was there ever any doubt? hehe He is Naley's kid after all, so of course he would be a sweet, smart, kind, fun loving, good natured, and sympathetic and caring child. Naley as parents is their ultimate legacy, most important job they will ever have, so getting to see them blossom in their parental roles over the years, and seeing how much they love their family, just elevates them so much. It's heartwarming indeed. And then we have Brooke and Julian who were adorable here, and Victoria finally coming into her own as Brooke's mother and stepping up for Haley was amazing to see. Loved that scene between Victoria and Haley, as well as Brooke and Victoria later. Clay stepped up and did what needed to be done for psycho Katie, and at least we are getting some great music from Grubbs' heartbreak over Miranda, lol. But Haley jumping in the pool at the end after she's been eyeing it for the past few episodes was quite the cliffhanger and culmination of things. And Jamie drawing Haley that picture of her and writing that she's their treasure (meaning him and Nathan) and leaving the gold star on Naley's bed.... let the waterworks begin, lol. He's the sweetest boy ever.... but they again, it goes back to being Naley's kid, so of course he would be, hehe. Good luck with your 2 day wait for the season finale, hehe. Trust me when I say......it'll be worth it though. I really hope that you are immensely surprised and enjoy it. S7 is one of my favorites as you know, so I'm looking forward to your overall thoughts about it once you've watched 7x22 :)