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Easily top 3 animated films for me! I loved the angle they took with the relationship between Moses and Ramesses. It really made the emotional stakes far more heartbreaking. Enjoy :)



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Hans Zimmer and all of the artists and musicians who worked with him knocked it out of the park and into orbit with this score.


Dayyum. I haven't watch this for at least 20 years. I dont recall this movie being so sad. Probably because I was just a kid and don't really understand English that well. Now as an adult I literally cried a river watching this. Haha. Awesome reaction.

Kitty Underwood

So glad you finally got the opportunity to watch this amazing movie. It makes me cry every time, it really is so beautiful. Also not sure if you noticed, but Moses is whistling his mother's lullaby after he and Ramesses get in trouble for destroying the temple, and Ramesses is sitting on the statue. So he already remembered the song before running into his brother and sister, he just didn't know where it was from until she sang it


I am a huge disney fan. Like going to the parks, having tons of merch, playing ”Kingdom Hearts”, being able to list every single disney classic in chronological order fan. Even so, I consider this movie to be the greatest animated movie of all time. It was very interesting seeing a reaction from someone very familiar with the biblical story. Hans Zimmer did some of his best work in this film, and so did Stephen Schwartz. My personal favourite is ”the Plagues”, but they are all great. I highly recommend checking out Voctave’s ”Prince of Egypt” medley. It is sensational! I also recommend checking out the two videos Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) has done on this film. He points out a lot of things I never realized or noticed before. And of course the ”making of” clips on YT. Btw have you ever considered doing a letsplay series? If so, you should really play through the ”Kingdom Hearts” series. In part because you’re watching so many disney movies now, and in part because I’d just really like to see your reaction to all the storylines through the dark seeker saga. Cheers!


I have such a love for this movie, I can't really put it into words. I thought your reaction was excellent. If the movie has a flaw, it's that they didn't really put a fine enough point on the nature of the final plague. It was not a plague of death, but a plague of reversal, for want of a more dramatic description. If Ramses had ordered that all the Hebrews would go without water for a month, that would have been the punishment of the Egyptians. But, he ordered the deaths of the firstborn of the Hebrews, so it was this which befell Egypt. They do say it, "Ramses, you bring this upon yourself." However, I think it can be interpreted here as merely more of the same of what has been happening thus far with the plagues rather than a new thing entirely. "The Ten Commandments" did a better job of explaining that point, I think. But as flaws go, it's quite a split hair. This thing is a stratospheric masterpiece in every other respect.