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I think the thumbnail speaks for itself... what a moment to witness. Enjoy :)



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I love your face during these reactions… PRICELESS!! It was also fun hearing your intro about R&R knowing what happens in the episodes. 😜 I don’t think you realized that there was no audience reaction to the initial kiss. They actually cleared the live audience for that scene to keep it secret. Then in the next episode when they finally embrace before she finds the list, the audience went crazy. This show is so good at showing the male and female perspectives. When they kissed at the coffee shop, the girls made a huge thing about Rachel telling them about it when the guys were only interested in if there was tongue involved. And then again with the advice that Chandler and Joey gave Ross and we know Monica would’ve given him such better advice.


The list friction is a curious one because in a certain way, it makes sense. We have our own mental lists of pros and cons about people we like. It's rare we're in the same situation of having to list them out so specifically, because who winds up in a situation like that, with two women madly in love with you at the same time & having to pick between them?