Gohan x Bulma 2 (SSJ4 Alt) (Patreon)
2024-11-06 23:00:09
2024-11-07 03:58:35
The Commissioner of this piece wanted a couple alts, including the concept of Gohan being in Super Saiyan 4 form. Gohan has never achieved this form in the show, nor has, to my knowledge, this version specific of Gohan ever achieved the form in any official DBZ media. Even within the realm of non-canon spinoffs like heroes. Looking at the effect the form has on a character's hair, I decided to go the route of having his hair in this form be a combination of his regular hair, and the longer hair he has when he's younger. That felt like a good way to make the changes seen within the SSJ4 transformation, while still keeping it looking like Gohan's hair actual.