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With Gohan being the first (And let's be real, best) Super Saiyan 2, Bulma just had to try it out. Or perhaps more accurately, try him out. But his new attitude was a little more than she had bargained for...

This is a sketch which was inspired by a few of the Gohan-related ideas posted in the Suggestion Box, mostly the ones posted by Prime117. I wanted to specifically try out just drawing something which was 100% intended to be a black and white sketch with no added colour or anything. I remember ages ago, when I released a low-effort sketch of Deku x Mina, and it was, much to my surprise, one of my most successful pictures, and I even had some people telling me it was their favorite of all my work. That was when I really realized that putting more time into my art doesn't always equate to the art being more liked. Sometimes it's best to just put out something simple but effective.

Of course, I will always put 100% effort into my pictures. But the reality is, sometimes just something simple like a sketch, some lineart, or a more basic picture, can have more than enough appeal, and some may even prefer that. So with this idea being one of the larger ones I had in mind, I felt it would be a good one to test out that idea. Funnily enough, even though I knew from the start that this was supposed to be black and white, once I had it finished, I still ended up trying to talk myself into coloring it so it would be "Complete", Just goes to show how difficult it can be to break a habit.



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