July Character Render Poll (Patreon)
Hello everyone! Today I'm opening my first in months Patreon character poll, the KKL/Kisekae render poll! For the next week I’ll be gathering character suggestions from my patrons from Main Dish tier onwards and then make a poll for all my patrons to vote on the character to receive a free KKL model, complete with free for all export codes.
Post the characters you want in the comments!
Few rules:
No OCs or real people
Characters from anime and video games are welcome
The new model and export codes will be released first on Patreon and then on DA. You are free to use all my exports as long as you credit me.
The model itself is a SFW work. Whatever you make with them is your personal matter.
Characters with overly complex/render unfriendly designs might be refused. If that happens, I’ll message you asking for a replacement.
I know that this is some departure from my usual cycle of weight gain and BBW stuff, but I want to branch out as an artist and try to do some SFW stuff that I can show to my IRL friends. I’m also putting this disclaimer partially to keep the algorithm from hiding it from my usual audience XD