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Today, we get to meet the OIC ("Officer In Charge", that's the official title) of the S-2 shop, or the Intelligence shop. She's been on an assignment, and is just now catching up with the rest of the troops.

 From the pencils, we get the initial lines/"inking".

 Then, I clean up these lines. I typically don't show this phase and cut ahead to the "clean" version, but this time there was a lot of overlap and the changes were (I felt) dramatic, so I put it in.

 The coloring starts. The OIC is supposed to have jet-black hair, and the base color for that has always been blue. I don't know how or why (a color theorist could probably tell me) but it works, so that is what I am doing here.

 Now I start adding the background and more colors, and it starts to make more sense. You are allowed to dye your hair in the Army, but it must be a "natural" color, so no, you could not actually show up with blue, purple, orange or green hair.

 The initial, partial camouflage...

 ...and what we're going to end up with, with everything but the dialogue.

Even after all these years it is still kind of fun to see how it goes from rough, crude pencils to finished works.




Random Coyote Productions

Looking at this, it is weird how hard it is to draw good hair. I am never satisfied with the hair that I draw.