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Been working on some stuff, trying to keep busy. The last couple of comics I made were entirely digital, which is kind of unusual for me. I prefer working with paper sketches first and then moving on to scanned images, which I then proceed to detail.


In this case, I drew on paper and scanned the images in, and started working on them. I didn't notice the unusual line thickness since it has been a few weeks since I worked with scanned paper, and I was probably not as focused as I should have been. I was pleased with the image, though. Above: the scanned pencil with the inks overlaid on it.


Here, I've deleted the underlying layer and left the basic inked image.


By the time I noticed that my line weight and ratios were really, really "off", I had already committed to the colorization. I think I can work with this, though, I will have to do my dialogue on a layer with a different pixel ratio. I actually kind of like the thicker lines, though; I'll consider experimenting with some of this in the future.

In the one above, Juni and Emma are discussing some OSINT they were finding on a computer about the fall of Syria. Check out the below images for the bigger picture:


Ta-daah! The top and bottom panels now united.


In this image, most of the comic is available with only a little bit left to add. I've sorta developed a tradition of frequently showing actual picture images whenever I need to portray something on a screen, like a TV or computer. I have more shading and camouflage to add, but it is almost done.



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