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Hello, and welcome to another edition of the BOHICA News! It's been awhile since I've shared one of these, so let me start by saying thank you for your membership with me on this journey, and welcome Wayne as a new Sergeant and Gazz as a new Recruit! Good to have you in the Battalion!

I'd also like to let War Murals know that I will be sending some photographs of a bunch of KFOR murals that are all around Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, where I am stationed at these days.

One of the reasons my activity has been restricted a bit lately is because of my deployment to Camp Bondsteel. KFOR has me busy-- this isn't comparable to my Iraq deployment. There, I was still a Combat Engineer doing rifleman type things. When we weren't actively fighting, doing convoy escort, patrolling or manning guard posts, we had pretty much nothing to do. It was common for me to have several days to myself all in a row.

But here at Camp Bondsteel, I'm in the Intel section... and while I love this job and prefer it over the Infantry and Combat Engineer days, it also means that every single day is filled with reports, meetings, briefings, and so on. I'm a much more active, regular participant in the daily planning and operations, with very little "down time".

That said, I am reading up on my books for the yet-unnamed "Wolf Project", currently reading "The Rise of Wolf 8" by wildlife zoologist Rick McIntyre:


I also read a really cool book on coyotes, because of course.

I have not neglected Empires (much); I am working on some ideas and stuff but for now they are just handwritten notes that aren't really focused. I'm trying to find ways to make my aliens more alien and not just be humans in funny skins.

But I admit, my progress is not as quick as I'd hoped it would be, however, I will continue posting here, at the main BOHICA Blues website, as well as keeping things caught up on Tapas and Instagram. Once I have finished the original BOHICA Blues story about Iraq in Tapas, I will skip ahead to the KFOR chapters. Some of the 2020 through 2024 stuff was great, but not really a focused story line with a plot, making it kind of awkward to stand alone. I will probably also start posting some of my Empires short stories and novelettes there as well.

Anyhow, that is all for now. Until later!



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