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In this episode, a soldier has to attend a "travel brief" prior to going on leave.

 The "travel brief" is a real thing. When a soldier is about to go on leave or pass and they intend to travel outside of Kosovo (as almost all of them do), they need to be told about potential problems and things to watch out for in the place they're going.

 While technically we're supposed to warn them about terrorism and stuff (which is a potential problem just about anywhere), what they're more likely to encounter is regular old crime.

 Pick-pockets, purse snatchers, and date rape drugs are a danger. Even for men, drugged drinks are a danger because some people will drug someone and then guide them to an ATM where they will be instructed to withdraw all their money.

 Also, some countries (like Italy and Greece) have other dangers: seismic activity. Earthquakes and volcanoes add an extra layer of wariness there.

 Basically, we need to instruct troops about any danger they may face, because if they're taken out of the unit for any reason --terrorism, crime, or earthquake-- then it affects overall unit readiness.

 Well, that's if for today! Until next time!



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