WIP Wednesday! (Patreon)
This one went all over the place. I knew as soon as I drew the characters I was going to have to move them around a bit; they were too far over to the left (I wanted them somewhat on the left, but not that much) and they were too tall for the frame as I drew them.
Still, I got them inked in situ and figured I'd move them around later, thanks to some simple but helpful tools in PhotoShop...
Much better! They also needed to be changed around because of the order in which they will be speaking... it never does to have the speech balloon tails crossing each other.
And the final one... with all the details, highlights, cammo... and fog, which is ubiquitous in Kosovo (especially in the mornings). Fortunately I was able to show the whole page this time since the visuals didn't give away the punchline.
Stay tuned!