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Yep, finally got anround to doing another Half Life set.

After the 'Radio Silence' set from the start of the year I've had a bunch of requests to do another set with Alyx. Took me too long to fcome up with a decent set for it, but better late than never I guess.

So I'm 25 images in so far and I've just hit the action. Haven't got this set fully planned out like my others so I'm kind of winging it a bit but so far it's all going well. I hope to include a Headcrab in the set at some point however I'm not sure how it'll loom with the location and lighting. If it works, great, if not I'll save that for another set if all else fails.

I've uploaded a chunk of images from the set over to the usual teaser folder, they're under the placehodler title 'Lost Pathway' .

Feel free to share any thoughts you guys have.

Also I'm thinking of doing a Cyberpunk set after this as I've had a few people ask for some of that Night City smut. Toying with the idea of doing something with Us Cracks. Not fully sure yet though.




All characters dipicted here are all offering their consent to engage in sexual activity. No one involved is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, or blackmail. 

My monthly archives are hosted on my Discord page. Be sure to link your Patreon and Discord accounts so you can access them over there. Or just shoot me a message if you haven't got access to Discord and I can email them directly to you.

Any questions, feel free to ask.



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