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Hey everyone.
Time for the first round of images from my latest set. As you've proably seen from my previous posts and messages over on Discord, I'm already at work on my next Mass Effect set. With it being N7 Day soon, I'm going all out on this set with a number of Xeno's for the crew to meet with.

I've released the first 20 or so images from the set over to the teaser folder of the archive, under 'Diplomatic Solutions'. There's nothing super spicy in them, just a small solo part I did to kick the set off. At the moment I am just over 30 images in, so it's still somewhat early days. However, with the structure of the set, I might be able to release small section as I'm working on it.

Super tired from work IRL at the moment so I'll catch some sleep and get rested for more smut making tomorrow.

As always, thank you to everyone for your support here. Love all you degenerates.


All characters dipicted here are all offering their consent to engage in sexual activity. No one involved is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, or blackmail.

My monthly archives are hosted on my Discord page. Be sure to link your Patreon and Discord accounts so you can access them over there. Or just shoot me a message if you haven't got access to Discord and I can email them directly to you.

Any questions, feel free to ask.




I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but could we get a Femshep x human male set sometime? I know aliens and such are the bread and butter here, but a little variety with who the various ladies smash would be a nice change of pace.


I hope we will see lots of Liara :)