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Hey everyone.

As you can see from the thumbnail, the Ashley model has finally been released. Been waiting for her to drop since late October. At the moment I'm working on a small project with her and Shepard. Not sure how long it'll be. It could be a mini set or a full one. For now, I'll play it by ear.

Just started this today so not many images to show off so far. Once I'm deeper in, I'll post some more images here.

Also just wanted to say a merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to everyone. In terms of smut this has been a fantastic year with some highs and lows. But the smut persists regardless. Couldn't do it without all of you guys. Whether you've been following me for years or just recently, I owe so much to each and every one of you.

I'm still gonna be active over the holidays, so if you've got any questions, feel free to drop me a mesage here or on Discord.




All characters dipicted here are all offering their consent to engage in sexual activity. No one involved is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, or blackmail.

My monthly archives are hosted on my Discord page. Be sure to link your Patreon and Discord accounts so you can access them over there. Or just shoot me a message if you haven't got access to Discord and I can email them directly to you.

Any questions, feel free to ask.




Always happy to see more Mass Effect, the models are so good.


I hope you do a full set with Ash and Femshep. A girl on Girl set with the two of them would be everything I ever wanted from you as a creator.