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my last day here then im off home tomorrow morning🥺

the hotel i stayed at had free breakfast which meant anything on the breakfast menu came with the hotel stay 🥹 (which was an actual breakfast menu and not like a lil cup of cereal and milk LMAO) so i ordered an eggs benedict with natural orange juice 🍊

honestly the food here definitely tasted different but so good & natural >_<

we only stayed at the hotel for one night but OMG i am going to miss it so so much😭. the bed was my favorite as you can see heh

i swam in the pool for a bit, checked out of the hotel, then i visited El Tunco with my fam and had this giant fish 🐠 tbh tropical/warm fish taste so much better ;u;

we walked around El Tunco, got some coconut ice cream 🍦 and then we went to the mall for a bit. i didn’t really buy much since i noticed things from America or that are lower cost in America are much more expensive here😳 since American brands are seen as “luxury”.

then i got my final Strawberry Yogurt Frappuccino from Starbucks😭💔


well cuties, this concludes my trip and my last trip recap posts for a while :’) i appreciate you guys messaging me about how you enjoy these type of posts. i was worried that it wouldn’t be as interesting but im glad you all liked it😭💖 im very sad to be leaving El Salvador, because it really felt so comfy, fun, and relaxing to be here. it feels so right to be close to nature like this and connect to the culture as well🌿 i believe a piece of my heart will remain here… so if you visit this lovely tropical place, you might find it somewhere :> ✨

I’m excited to see my kitties again, be in my room, work on my stuff, and most of all, implement what i have learned here.

I’ve learned so much… most things that i don’t need to share but are very common yet forgotten lessons. my mind is so set on my future and im excited to accomplish things i never thought would be possible. all while still enjoying the present and being grateful for what i have now ^-^

if you have any recommendations for my next trip, leave them below or send me a DM and I’ll check it out and write it on my list :D

thank you so much for entering this world of my lil travel diary 📔 ✨ i promise so much more of these will come soon c:

take care,

anahi 🐠



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