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Hey! Welcome to the New Year! It's been a while since I've done a post like this. Today I'll share my plans for 2025!

1. The BTL series will continue at random intervals. I have a few scenarios ready, so I hope I'll be able to do them all this year!

2. The GFS series will also appear - hopefully more frequently. I'm also letting you know that all my OCs are available for commissions!

3. I also plan to start working on a new Boruto comic. It's quite long, so it's possible that it will be divided into parts.

4. The first comic this year will be something from League of Legends inspired by the Arcane series. I'll start working on it at the end of the month.

In February, I plan to release the longest comic I've ever made and which I worked on last year. It will be divided into parts and released weekly for the whole month!

Next week I will also have a little surprise for you, so stay tuned!

As always, thank younfor your support! I also invite you to the discord server, where you can follow WIPs of new works, streams of creation and just talk and have a nice time :D



It's going to be a good year :D