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I'm finally ready to show off one of the projects I'm working on this month. This is going to be a sequel to Noyemi that is looking to be about 40 pages. So It likely won't be finished by New Years but I'll have a majority of it done by then.

One of the supporter perks here is to see progress and updates on comics, so I'll be sharing things throughout the month so that you can enjoy the story as I work on it. I'm hoping to improve on story, pacing, and art with this one.

In these three pages, I'm experimenting with things so it's not final by any means, but you can see the general idea regardless. I always prefer to use fewer tones so I'll try to "tone" it down. Anyways, I'll still be posting art regularly, and I have other ideas for supporter comics like the last ones, so stay tuned.
