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patronでの活動休止を検討しています。We are considering suspending our activities in PATRON.

  • patronを休止するべき patron should be suspended. 94
  • イラスト枚数は少なく、更に安いプランで続けてほしい(2~3$) I would like you to continue with a smaller number of illustrations and an even cheaper plan (2~3$). 242
  • イラスト枚数は少なく、今のプランのまま続けてもいい Fewer illustrations, and you can continue with your current plan. 68
  • 2024-10-22
  • —2024-10-29
  • 404 votes
{'title': 'patronでの活動休止を検討しています。We are considering suspending our activities in PATRON.', 'choices': [{'text': 'patronを休止するべき\u3000patron should be suspended.', 'votes': 94}, {'text': 'イラスト枚数は少なく、更に安いプランで続けてほしい(2~3$)\u3000I would like you to continue with a smaller number of illustrations and an even cheaper plan (2~3$).', 'votes': 242}, {'text': 'イラスト枚数は少なく、今のプランのまま続けてもいい\u3000Fewer illustrations, and you can continue with your current plan.', 'votes': 68}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 29, 1, 51, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 22, 1, 35, 57, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 404}






①もっと完成度の高い作品を作りたい、その為に漫画 (コミック)の制作技術の習得と制作する時間が欲しい






















Thank you all for your continued support.

We are currently considering suspending our activities at patron.

(This means that we will keep the account as it is, but stop receiving your support payments.)

The reasons for the account suspension, and the reasons for the recent changes in the design and quality are as follows

(1) I want to create more perfect works, and to do so, I need more time to learn manga (comic) production techniques and to create more works.

I have been thinking of creating and selling my own works as a doujinshi (fanzine) of manga (comics) someday since before I started the service on patron, although I did not tell you this.

However, I had to retire from my company in April of this year, and since I had never created illustrations for adults, and since I needed to do something to make a living, I started my activities on patron in earnest as a way to practice adult-oriented illustrations.

Thankfully, I received support from many more people than I had expected, but as time went by, my desire to create doujinshi manga grew stronger.

I was worried that I could not betray the expectations of my supporters, but I could not lie to myself.

Now, I am studying to create a manga doujinshi, but I have less time to create illustrations for patreon, and I don't have the time to create illustrations of the same quality as before.

(2) The AI model I was using as my main model is old and takes a long time to produce.

My main AI model has good performance but has not been updated for over a year now.

I cannot produce new characters, and there is a limit to the number of sex positions I can do.

(I used to edit and add images for all difficult compositions, etc.)

We are in a situation where we cannot produce the same quality as before unless we use special methods that take time.

The recent change in the picture design was due to the use of a new model that reduces production time in order to allow time for study.

3) I want to create other works with original characters and stories.

4) Language problems in creating works.

Because of the above

From now on, I would like to focus mainly on creating doujinshi works, so I will no longer be able to submit the same quality and number of works as before on the support site.

This is the reason why we are considering suspending our activities.

Even though the form in which I provide my illustrations has changed, I am not lying about the fact that I want everyone to feel that my illustrations are the best and that I want to provide the best illustrations.

I am truly sorry that I have deceived my supporters.

I am not going to stop my activities on patron completely, but I would like to continue posting illustrations on patron as a fan site, although the number of illustrations will be smaller.

I would like to conduct a survey to see if there is a way to make a cheaper plan and post a few illustrations a week.

Please let me know what you think.



I think it's a good idea to open Patreon again by giving me a little update with Pixiv without stopping my activities. If your condition is not good, it will definitely affect the work as well I think I can wait until your situation gets better.


But sometimes I think I can post what I can't post on Pixiv on Patreon. If you upload one or two a month I think I can pay for coffee. I support your decision.

Famas Kan

I like your picture and anime story, please keep going🙏


I love your works. However, if you are thinking about some real things such as your career. I think you should focus on that one and learn more things, which will be good for your future. And finally, I respect your decision. You have already made a lot of awesome products. It's good to take a break.






見返りを求めないお布施コースの設立はとても建設的なアイデアだと思いますが私は今のプランのまま、貴方の試行錯誤する過程を見せて頂ければ幸いです。 時には何の投稿も無い月があっても気にしませんが、コミックを制作する上での没集等を投稿してくれたら頑張ってるんだな~と思えるので嬉しいです。 いい意味でクオリティに見合わない価格で楽しませて頂いたので、変に気を張らず継続してくれたらと思います。

Uncle AI Illustration

ありがとうございます。 アンケートの結果でもう一度どうするか考えてみたいと思います。

Uncle AI Illustration

温かいお言葉感謝致します。 私自身、他にやりたい事があったので負い目というか...そういった理由で値段は変えずに運営していました。 アンケートの結果を見てからもう一度どうするか考えたいと思います。


Will I still be able to get the works you have already done if you stop Patron or will they get deleted?




以前からそんな気配を感じてはいました。 本当は自分で何かを作り上げたいんだろうなぁと。 AIからでも創作に頭を突っ込んで自分の気持ちにお気付きになられたんだろうなと。 いいじゃないですか!一度きりの人生、自分のやりたいことの為に舵を切るのも自己責任なんだから自分で責任を取れば誰に何を言われようが自分のやりたい人生を進むのが後悔しないですよ! ただ、現実としてお布施って選択肢を残すもよし、バイトしながら原稿仕上げるもよし、現実の荒波を乗り越えながら夢に向かって頑張ったら、自分の中に何か経験って記憶のページがが重ねられていくし、それが積み重なって自信って自身を信じれるベースが出来ると思います。 それでも迷うときはまたみんなに尋ねたら良いと思いますよ。 今日は主さんの門出の日だと思っていますので、おめでとうの言葉をお送りします。

Uncle AI Illustration

ぽよぽよさんありがとうございます。 私は今まで何もしてこなかった分、人より後悔が大きかったように思います。 このままずっとこんな人生なんだろうと思っていたらAIによって人生が良い方向に一変しました。 そしてpatronでの経験が自分の自信に繋がって今回の決断が出来たように思います。 同人で成功するのは難しいですが今の自分なら出来ると信じています。


お疲れ様です。 変な目線の話になってしまいますが、貴方がもし今後も続けるつもりなら、内容や値段を調整してでもサブスクリプションは継続すべきでは?と思います。 理由としては、今サブスクしているファンが一度解約してしまった場合、例え貴方が本当にレベルアップして帰ってきたとしても、全員がまた契約するかはわからないからです。一度得たファンは上手く維持すべきだと思います。 作業などの進捗や、技術に関する情報の提供など、できることは色々あると思います。 それでもなお、多くのAIクリエイターの中で、良い世界観や責任感を持っているのは事実です。ぜひ、上手くやってください

Uncle AI Illustration

ご意見ありがとうございます。 せっかくここまで頑張ってやってきたので私も続けたいと思っています。 今後の状況でどうなるかは分かりませんがご支援を頂いても、頂かなくてもファンの方々を大事にして運営していきたいと思います。


更新停止は少し寂しくなりますがオリジナル作品作り頑張ってください、応援しています! それと差し支えなければ教えてほしいのですが今までなんというモデルを使用していたのでしょうか?

Uncle AI Illustration

休止は支援者様からの支援金をいただく事を停止させて頂くという事です。 アンケートの結果にもよりますが、一応週1回ぐらいは更新していこうかと思っています。


Any chance to see the original 同人作品 sample of your own works? (Not AI generated or 加筆)


I really like your work and the style of the ai model. Keeping your patreon updated will also make your life less stressful. I think the solution is to keep the membership fee (or lower it if you want to reduce the frequency of renewal). The original model is still used in the creation, keeping about 100 pictures updated every two to three days, but you can completely avoid racking your brains to construct a wonderful plot, the picture to maintain a certain consistency is enough. Let fans vote for each character or offer suggestions. You can also create uncensored images to make your work more popular。 You can refer to toratora or xmc's work, I will always support you, wish you success!