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Alright! As I mentioned in the poll results post (as well as on the last My Hero Automata Post), I need a little time to sort out My Hero Automata's future plot in better detail. As such, the first update of the month is going to a newcomer story instead of Automata. A story which you all got a very small teaser of last month! The reason that this has been labeled Part 1.5 is that it's essentially a significant expansion on that small teaser. It adds over 7k additional words, bringing the story to just barely shy of 9,000 words as a result. Giving everyone a better feel for the story in the process, I think.

For those of you who didn't bother to read the teaser, this story is basically built on the premise that 2B (Nier) has ended up as a 15-year-old version of herself in a mildly AU Pokemon Universe. She doesn't know how she got there and is shocked by all the humans around! Wait...what do you mean she's human now too?!

The primary AU change for this story is upping the age Pokemon Journeys are done at. Instead of 10, they are normally started between the ages of 14 and 16 in this AU. I did this because, frankly, you all are perverts (to be fair, so am I) and I wanted the option to include lewds later on if it goes that way. No, they won't be Human->Pokemon lewds. I'm not even sure I want to do lewds for this story, as 2B is...2B, and will be struggling to adapt to the idea of being a human among humans.

The majority of this story, if it continues, will eventually focus on 2B going on the usual Pokemon Journey. But currently it hasn't reached that point yet. Just something to keep in mind ;-). As usual, the story is attached in various formats. Enjoy!



Aimee Hebert

More please I really really really love this story of course I feel that way about all of your stories and will feel the same about your other stories


This is amazing and adorable♥️♥️♥️I love 2B as a character and humanizing fics for her that I actually find enjoyable are rare. Seeing her as a happy you ng girl getting a childhood is disgustingly wholesome. My poor kokoro. Thanks so much, more please 🙏

Christian E. Y.

While I 100% understand why you gave her combat boots, I think keeping her heels would have made more sense. Besides, it would be natural to see ppl’s jaw drop when the tiny young woman in heels pulls out displays of superhuman agility during combat while on heels. Having said that, I think it would have made more sense for her to start in her old clothes, with these being a little too big for her now, or even nude, because while I can suspend my disbelief enough to just accept she’s there ‘just because’, it seems a bit odd to imahine that whatever intelligent entity arranged for it, also took the time to give her perfectly fitting clothes and arrange for sensible shoes. Just having a now ill-fitting YoRHa uniform (probably with battle damage) or nothing at all would have made more sense to me. Besides, I assume professor Oak and Daisy got her extra clothes by now anyway? Since I doubt Daisy would bother to teach her about daily hygiene and self-care, yet let her wear the same clothes and underwear for days, let alone weeks, so I really think it makes more sense for her to start in a now damaged and ill-fitting YoRHa uniform and THEN have her end up with different clothes (including sensiblefootwear). Having said all that, I hope you have her manifest more weapons than just her sword. I always preferred her spear animations, honestly. PS: I think this 2B is adorable. Good work!

Chaos Dude

Love the story would like to see more of it. I absolutely love it when the main character of a story breaks everything that everyone 'knows' without even trying. Hilarious

Novus's Fanfiction Works

To be honest, I barely remembered that I made the switch to combat boots. It was sort of an off-hand thing that I did out of practicality, more or less. 2B's ability to fight in heels is basically only justifiable due to someone programming in perfect balance on them. But, frankly, they just flat out CAN'T work outside an urban setting. Heels sink in to earth because they have too small a surface area. It has nothing at all to do with balance, just physics, so she would have ended up having to walk barefoot if I hadn't changed it. Since this fic isn't focused on nitty gritty hyper realism, but more on an exploration of 2B's developing humanity, I didn't see her struggling with shoes or her clothes as being something that really contributed to what I was going for. Yes, it could make more sense, but I doesn't really add anything to what I was going for. Nor would it make a lot of sense for someone who moved her across universes, repairing the massive damage something like a black box self-destruct would do to her, to not also repair fix up her clothing. As for manifesting more weapons? Maybe. Frankly, I'm actually with you on preferring her spear animations. That's part of the reason I made Izumi more talented with them than with Virtuous Contract in Automata, so I could give them a little more screen time. That said, as a first weapon to be able to summon, Virtuous Contract just makes sense. It was the blade specifically custom forged to be HERS by YoRHa, after all...

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Glad you like it! And yeah, that's part of the reason I made it 2B specifically that jumped worlds. I find her accidently and obliviously breaking the locals minds extremely amusing. Likewise with getting to use her to poke fun at confusing things humans do ;-).

Christian E. Y.

In the same reply, you brought up realist physics to justify taking her heels, then said you’re dumping realism for character exploration…. Can’t we just go with ‘aura shenanigans’ for why her heels are fine everywhere? Or at leadt give her a proper set of clothes since, again, just the one outfit forever is only a thing when studios want to keep reuding the same animations to save money when making cartoons.

Christian E. Y.

Now that I think about it, what is 2B going to wear in this adventure? As adorable as the ‘puff is, the pink ball of adorable faery power is gonna clash a lot with her standard YoRHa uniform. I mean, part of me thinks it would have been fine if 2B’s Starter was a white and/or black pokemon, like a level5 absol, or a ghastly, but that isn’t the case. I think something more casual, maybe something like a pink jacket on top of sporty clothes or maybe hiking clothes? Heck, why not something mildly coquettish like the leotard (plus a leather jacket) and combat boots like street fighter’s Cammy? Mostly to highlight 2B’s alien fashion/modesty sense.

Novus's Fanfiction Works

As you mentioned elsewhere, there's no way Daisy would let her stick with just one outfit. I haven't explicitly sorted out what she'll look like, to be honest. This story is a lot more seat-of-my-pants that my other works. Mostly because the pokemon setting actually sort of works better that way. An odd exception to the usual rules. (Not that I don't have some general outlines of events/people I want her to encounter, mind you. Just not as much detail as I usually preplan into stories). I mostly settled on the Jigglypuff line as her starter because of the somewhat stark contrast in personality it offers. Which, honestly, aesthetically is a little funny too. Imagine a goth 2B who has a hypercute pink starter with ADD :-p. Realistically, though, I'll probably make some alterations away from her near-fetish-outfit that is the YoRHa uniform. Pastel Goth? Punk rocker 2B? I could shift her to earth tones and practical hiking gear if I wanted to lean into her adapting to the Pokemon world. Or if I wanted to stick with something Neir-esque, possibly something like Kaine's dress? Though likely a bit more modest. ..

Novus's Fanfiction Works

I said not 'nitty gritty hyper realism.' Not that I'm dumping realism. And she'll get proper Journeying clothes before going on a Journey. She's going to spend around a year at the Oak lab/ranch before she sets off.

Christian E. Y.

I think it’ll be funnier if she starts showy (again, SF2 Cammy leotard + combat boots + thick aviator jacket) and then starts covering up as she begins developing as a person and grows more aware of how humans look at her. Kaine (I assume you mean from replicant) is actually more daring than I had in mind, honestly

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Hmmm, I can see that, but I'd think it might be more logical the other way around? If she spends a year working in a stables/ranch environment + the inherent practicality that tends to define 2B, I'd expect her to start out with the highly utilitarian outfit. Then only slowly realize that other humans find her attractive and start experimenting? I could see a REALLY amusing encounter with the older Cerulean sisters down the road, for example. As they insist on giving her a makeover to take advantage of her looks. Poor 2B is confused, with older Misty attempting to rescue her, only for her sisters to somehow get HER into the makeover along with 2B. Then Misty and 2B ending up super confused how the makeover turned into the two of them out on a date at the top of a Ferris Wheel...

Christian E. Y.

So, start very utilitarian and then get more coquetish as time goes on? Eh, I guess it makes sense if she starts growing a sense of humour and enjoying to make people stutter and/or pause to do a double take when she shows up or passes by. Then again you're amazing at making fun characters that enjoy accidentally (or not) breaking people's minds. Hell, have her go around in her original outfit minus the skirt, and watch Brock collapse unto himself. ---and let us not forget, Ash Ketchum is an ass man.

Christian E. Y.

You know, it just dawned on me that since her uniform is never damaged during intense combat in Automata (unless you self destruct), and you had it resized to her new body, this may actially be the one time i would be okay with the protagonist wearing the same set of clothes forever…

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Yeah, that's actually something I VERY briefly spotlighted in My Hero Automata. That whatever the YoRHa uniforms are made out of is ridiculously advanced and beyond merely durable. I made a few references to that, like with Izumi's first hero costume being made of material that was only 'almost' as good. And that she could technically summon the real uniform and it would be a bit better, but would cost a tiny stream of power so she doesn't do it. It's the same with the Automata weapons. Virtuous Contract survived a point-blank explosion of nuclear level (self-destruct via black box is considered nuclear scale officially) in USEABLE condition.

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Thanks :-p. I tend to enjoy writing characters that mess with people like that ;-). Though whether she'll encounter Brock or not is in question. Since I defined this as 'Ash has been Journeying for some time already,' Brock might have already become a Pokemon Doctor. And I'm legitmately not sure if we even know where he operates out of for that?

Christian E. Y.

Wait what about her visor? Beyond *bite lower lip* 'dat ass' jokes, I’d say her eyes are by far her most striking feature whenever they’re visible. Are you at least giving her aviator shades if you’re taking her ‘blindfold’ (hud)?

Novus's Fanfiction Works

As the British would say...bugger. I legitimately forgot about her visor for some reason. Hmmmm. I'm going to say she probably doesn't have it at all. Meaning I'm likely going to need to edit in a mention of that when she first wakes up and assesses herself. The visors are tech in and of themselves, though I don't think we know if they are standalone. If they ARE, then she should have had a lot more data available to her quicker. Even if that data was 'why can't I interact properly with my HUD?' If they aren't...even that might well have clued her into something being off. Since a visibly undamaged visor that her 'systems' couldn't connect too wouldn't be something that she didn't consider. Meaning I need to either add a mention that it was missing. Or else add a mention that it wasn't functioning right. In the latter she might be able to eventually work out a way to connect to it again using the local tech. Which would actually be sort of interesting is she links it up to a Pokedex... Ugh. Now I have to think about which way I'd prefer it to go. Your remark about her eyes being extremely striking is a VERY good point. But the idea of a HUD-linked Pokedex AND a metric ton of reallllly confused people that think she's blind or blindfolded? That could also be interesting/funny. Thanks for pointing out my oversight of it :-p. I'll have to figure out which way to play that.

Christian E. Y.

They will probably think she's psychic when they see her moving around blindfolded. If you're going to edit ch1, could you remove that bit about her suddenly having combat boots? It just feels unnecessary. You can always have Daisy or Prof Oak give her combat boots as a gift later. Heck, it could be funny to have Daisy comment about 2B doing farm work on heels. Also, you commented you were giving her the dress from Replicant, right? I'll be honest, that feels a lot more 'bedroom only' than anything else. It really looks like something for intimate encounters of the best kind.

Christian E. Y.

I noticed the (2) on the epub download. Is that because you afressed some changes? Did you do domething about her HUD/blindfold? You did have her observe that she couldnt access her internal systems, but she did seem able to access dome data regardless.


That was f-info awesome! I can’t wait for more. The number one thing I love about Pokémon fics is when a trainer makes custom moves, so more of that please! Three more things, will there be pairings? what region/s will this story take place in? And where on the timeline compared to ash or the games does this take place?

Christian E. Y.

Wait, I think Brock became a pokemon breeder, not a pokemon doctor. Heck I didn’t know there were pokemon doctors, just nurse Joys and chaceys?

Novus's Fanfiction Works

I admit that I'm a fan of custom moves myself. And 2B makes for a great out-of-context person, someone who flat out doesn't understand the idea of staying 'on the rails' with moves. Even a lot of self-inserts end up thinking in Game terms and don't do much with move modification as a result. Whereas 2B doesn't have that framework limiting her thought process. Better yet, she linked up with a very young Pokémon that doesn't know better either. Pairings: I'm currently unsure on this point. I specifically adjusted the age of journeys to make me at least comfortable with the idea. All of my other stories either already have, or will have pairings. But with this combination of characters, I'm unsure exactly WHO I would pair her with. So I left the possibility there, but haven't decided if there's anyone that would fit very well. Misty or Sabrina would perhaps fit, for very different reasons. None of the male characters I can think of in Kanto at least match very well, though. At least that I can think of. Region: The Primary/First region for the story is going to be Kanto, simply because it's the one Region that I'm truly and completely familiar with both the games AND the show. I'm reasonably familiar with Johto and Alola on the game side as well. Alola in particular, I could see her visiting later on for several reasons. It would be a very good place to learn to be more herself, instead of just her purpose, for example. On the show side I never watched anything beyond the original Kanto region, though. Which complicates matters a bit. Timeline: This happens quite a few years after Ash started his journey. I very intentionally threw in Professor Oak's mental commentary that Ash and Gary are almost 20 in order to establish that early on. As for Exactly where that falls in the timeline...that's very dependent on how you look at the series. Timeline for the show in particular is murky as heck because of Ash never aging. Doubly so since OTHER people seem to age. Personally, I'm leaning a little away from that. I want to reshift it a bit so that he did age, and his journey took place over several years. In which case we'd be wither near the end of his time on the show, or post-show entirely. The fact this ALSO allows me to push several of the show characters into the range that I'd consider for a relationship was, of course, intentional.

Novus's Fanfiction Works

I actually had to do something of a deep dive into the wiki on the main characters from the show, to find out what had happened to them. Brock is the most complicated because he did BOTH. He became a breeder first, then decided to become a Pokemon Doctor. The final few appearances he had in the anime, showed him as having finished training to be a fully-fledged Pokémon Doctor. As for Pokemon Doctors in general, they introduced them as a Trainer Class in Gen 5, and have showed a few of them in the animated series long before that. They appear to mostly run clinics and such outside major cities, though. With major cities instead being served by Pokecenters and the Nurse Joys.


Personally I think Sabrina would be perfect. The two could bond over powers/techniques with telepathy or something. Also I’ve seen a lot of Sabrina’s start off as emotionless/broken people due to telepathy exposing the evils of people. And I think they could both learn to be a little human from each other. As for Alola, that would be PERFECT, you get 2B on a vacation, beach episodes, and Alola is where realities membrane is at its weakest. Which I think is something 2B would very much want to further research due to confusion about how she got here. Gosh I’m so excited for more of this!

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Sabria's already encountered Ash, so she's likely a little bit less broken. Though she might still be struggling since his method of fixing things was...questionable. At least if I'm recalling it correctly. She's absolutely one of handful I'd consider a good fit, though. Good point about 2B wanting to know how she got there...though I don't think she'd ever consider trying to go Back. There are humans here!


True about going back, I mostly meant how she might see ultrabeasts as a serious other-worldly threat to the humans, would probably make 2B a little concerned. Any chance you’d be willing to give a little sneak peak at what 2B’s team will eventually have? 👉👈

Novus's Fanfiction Works

I haven't actually fully established it yet...buuuuutttt part of the reason for that should be a nice surprise you'll see in a day or two ;-).

Christian E. Y.

I juuuuust remembered, but there’s a big problem with the gyarafos story, tho it can be easily fixed. Gyarafos is a water/flying type. The anime just sort of forgets about it but yeah, that goddamn terror can fly so its hard for it to get stuck or trapped in shallow waters. I’m guessing everyone here is too young to have played gen 1 but yeah, you can teach a gyarafos waterfall surf and fly, alluseful moves that let you move around on a badass pokemon’s head on gen1. Just fix it by mentioning that it evolved in a shallow or small cave and it’d make perfect sense for it to get stuck.