A Very Confused Pokemon Adventure - Part 1.5! (Patreon)
Alright! As I mentioned in the poll results post (as well as on the last My Hero Automata Post), I need a little time to sort out My Hero Automata's future plot in better detail. As such, the first update of the month is going to a newcomer story instead of Automata. A story which you all got a very small teaser of last month! The reason that this has been labeled Part 1.5 is that it's essentially a significant expansion on that small teaser. It adds over 7k additional words, bringing the story to just barely shy of 9,000 words as a result. Giving everyone a better feel for the story in the process, I think.
For those of you who didn't bother to read the teaser, this story is basically built on the premise that 2B (Nier) has ended up as a 15-year-old version of herself in a mildly AU Pokemon Universe. She doesn't know how she got there and is shocked by all the humans around! Wait...what do you mean she's human now too?!
The primary AU change for this story is upping the age Pokemon Journeys are done at. Instead of 10, they are normally started between the ages of 14 and 16 in this AU. I did this because, frankly, you all are perverts (to be fair, so am I) and I wanted the option to include lewds later on if it goes that way. No, they won't be Human->Pokemon lewds. I'm not even sure I want to do lewds for this story, as 2B is...2B, and will be struggling to adapt to the idea of being a human among humans.
The majority of this story, if it continues, will eventually focus on 2B going on the usual Pokemon Journey. But currently it hasn't reached that point yet. Just something to keep in mind ;-). As usual, the story is attached in various formats. Enjoy!