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Whew! Sorry this is out slightly late, folks! I'd intended to get it out in the early evening, but I ended up both making some changes during the editing pass...and realizing that I wanted to update the galactic map with their progress. It ended up being almost 1 am as a result, before this was ready. And I have a bunch of authors notes to do for it, too. Yikes!

Anyway, despite being out slightly later than I was aiming for, I'm extremely happy with the result. We've got another snippet of Palpatine's reactions, Jedi filtering onto the scene, Izuku back in the action in Hutt Space, and even a lemon in one of the chapters. Sadly, not in chapter 69, which is disappointing to my inner immature teenager. Ah, well. There will also be quite a few familiar faces, for those who are into lore. Two of which have images attached to the post. Both are, so far as I know, AI generations. Though as I grabbed them off a site with lots of such at the last minute, I'm not 100% confident about that. If I discover otherwise, I'll link their creators.

Anyway! Enjoy this nearly 16,000-word update! As always, the new bits of story are attached here in various formats, and I'll be updating the Master Files in the Pinned Post shortly.



Novus's Fanfiction Works

This comment is for author's notes! Beware spoilers! And if you want to comment on one of them, please do so in a separate comment NOT nested here, in order to keep these orderly!

Robbie Baker

pdf version is the wrong file, looks like it's the master file. docx is correct. didn't check epub

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Chapter 66: AN 1: Completely unimportant, but the Chapter is titled after a song from Wicked. Why? Because I got a vinyl of the soundtrack for Christmas and have been listening to it. The idea of applying the song to Palpatine amused me too greatly to resist. AN 2: I was hit by a bit of a shock when I recognized Ylesia! One of the first Star Wars EU books I ever read was Paradise Snare. Part of a terrific Han Solo prequeal trilogy by A.C. Crispin. Some of the best books in the EU, though not overly relevant here, as the none of it would have happened yet. AN 3: A wild Asajj Ventress has appeared! A couple of notes on her and her Master. First, her age. The Canon versus EU/Legends data bits for her age are very different. And, in this case, the Legends date makes FAR more sense. Even just looking at her, both appearance and actions, in the actual canon content of The Clones Wars, the Legends date makes WAY more sense. If we took the canon birthdate, she'd be almost 30 during the Clone Wars. She doesn't remotely look or act like that, which makes me scratch my head WHY that's apparently her canon age? So...heck with that. Legends places her between 17 and 22 during the Clone Wars. Which fits a LOT better. I placed her at the older end of that, at 18 now (so she'd be 21 by the canon Clone Wars start). Which suited me just fine and fits a lot better than her werid 'canon' age. Second, Ventress didn't go Dark Side until Ky Narec's death, which we don't have an exact date for. Only that it happened before 22 BBY. Since they are still a solid three years prior to that date, I decided it would be more interesting to show a Ventress who's actually still an outright light side version of herself. Chaotic, raised outside the temple on a war-torn world, but still grounded in the Light and open to seeing the Jedi as heroic rather than as people who abandoned her Master to his death...

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Chapter 67: AN 1: Trotter isn't canon and hasn't been mentioned before. I just realized that Izuku is juggling so many things at this point that he sort of needs more than just Asora as an assistant. Trotter is his military aide, really. Where Asora is his business/legal/political aid.

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Chapter 68: AN 1: So, the whole towing asteroids thing to pull people out of hyper is at least Legends canon. It, frankly, doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. The mass shadow of a battleship should be enough to do the same thing if that sort of nonsense was going to work at all. BUT, it's a THING. So I at least tried to make the thing make as much sense as it could, despite being horribly illogical overall. AN 2: Cam Syndulla! So, for those who've watched the Clone Wars cartoon series, you might recognize him as the resistance leader of Ryloth during the Clone Wars battles on that planet. His personality is very military and a bit belligerently so from what I remember. Given Ryloth's improved position and access to the Shattered Shackles via several of Izuku's companies being behind that improvement? He seemed a logical canon character to have gotten involved with the Shackles. That he was a talented military mind in the Clone Wars means that the Hutt Crusades here can season him into a major ground forces general/higher command dude for their senior command for the Clone Wars. A/N 3: Callista Masana! Some of you might know her name, if you're familiar with the EU books. Though you might more quickly recognize her name as Callista Ming, not Masana. Masana was her original name, before the Eye of Palpatine mess and hijacking someone else's body after said person kicked the bucket. None of that has happened yet, and I was surprised to discover she was one of the Altisians when I went looking for names we knew were part of that group. There's some...oddity in the timeline, there, though. The date she supposedly joined the Altisians does not match up well with her rank during the Clone Wars, at all. So I've made some tweaks. Essentially, just making it so that she was part of the main Order first and broke off with Master Altis. Probably as a Padawan to another member of his group. So she's been in training long enough to actually be the Knight she's listed as during the Clone Wars.

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Chapter 69: AN 1: Tisht and Beldorion the Hutt. I made another change here. Beldorion is an EU character whose story doesn't QUITE make sense as is. He was supposedly dispatched to a world called Nam Chorios in something like 400 BBY. Where he discovered Force boosting crystals. He and his partner both fell to the Dark Side, where he killed her and then took over the planet. Problem? Nam Chorios is along a fairly major hyper lane, in a grid sector that seems MUCH too close to the Core to actually be 'Outer Rim Territories.' Its location just flat out doesn't make sense, particularly since the Jedi KNEW he had been sent there. 400 Years closer to the Sith Wars, the chances they wouldn't have sent someone to find out what happened to him and his partner are...slim. Basically non-existent, actually. Nor is it very likely he'd have just stayed there terrorizing the locals for close to 400 years. So! I made use of this set of inconsistencies by shifting the planet and combining it with a world in Hutt Space called Tisht. We know ALMOST NOTHING about Tisht, except that the Hutts didn't let anyone go there without permission and that it's on a hyperlane literally called The Dead Road. Thus, I moved Beldorion and the force amplifying crystals there to make the whole thing more sensible. The Hutts wouldn't have wanted an entire task force of Jedi coming into their space. They could have allowed Beldorion only because he was a Hutt. Then, not wanting more Jedi poking around OR to establish a precedent of Jedi killing a Hutt in their space, they reacted to his takeover of the world by just quarantining it. It's not like his demands to be worshiped, and the occasional torture of a local, would be all that big a deal to the rest of the Hutts. So...why not just lock him up there and stonewall the Jedi? AN 2: I refuse to believe even a Light Side Asajj isn't chaos incarnate. Honestly more so than the Dark Side version, where she became more of a blunt tool, which was an honestly poor match for her. Ergo, devious plans for those poor, poor mercs...

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Chapter 70: AN 1: Yay, Aayla and Izuku are back together! Which, of course, meant sexy lemon was demanded. Food play isn't really my thing, but I can just barely wrap my head around use of things like whipped cream. So, hopefully I managed to write it decently.


The PDF version has all the chapters from 1 to 70 instead of chapters 66 to 70. Still great chapter looking forward to reading more.

Novus's Fanfiction Works

I fixed that at almost exactly the same time you commented, thanks to another commentor :-p. Thanks for taking the time to point it out, though :-).

Jamie Celtic

Great chapter i enjoyed it and laughed at the defenders getting stoned , curious palpy scene mentiones the league gaining territory near kamino if its not a spoiler willl izuku & co discover it before its supposed to be ? , hoping to read obi-wans and anakins reactions soon also curious about dooku's thoughts on tge league considering i think it was canon that he joined the sith originally to bring change

Novus's Fanfiction Works

So, Kamino is WEIRD. Apparently (even in canon), the Rishi Maze is actually a irregular dwarf satellite GALAXY that's in a decaying orbit with the Star Wars galaxy. What we don't see when we look at the maps of the Star Wars galaxy we have is depth. Even if it's practically impractical to show it that way, a lot of the worlds we see aren't on the same plane. They are higher or lower within that depth compared to each other. Kamino is one of the only cases where that fact seems to have been actively leaned on. As near as I can tell, Kamino is essentially either near the 'top' or 'bottom' of the galactic plane. So far out that it's actually caught somewhere Between the Rishi Maze and the main Star Wars galaxy. In this way technically sometimes it's considered outright extra galactic. In this way, despite being within the zone that is the Abrion Sector on a flat map, it's far enough outside the normal galactic plane to effectively be in Wild Space. It's headache inducing, in a lot of ways, and I really wish they'd just settled for sticking it out in the more traditional 'wild space' areas of the flat map. But it is what it is -_-. As for Izuku and Co finding it before hand, probably not. Though I suppose it' s possible Celeste might find it, given she's still trying to track the Sith in the background ;-). On the other hand, its position is going to be INCREDIBLY awkward for the Republic, even if they don't find it early. Since it will be in a region of space that's far more friendly to the League than the Republic.

anthony corcoran

i just hope this palpatine doesnt end up the all knowing super sith that most make him out to be. The one who doesnt make mistaks or be caught of guard. Its great otherwise.


Was hoping for a little more “Quant-ussy” action, but great chapter other than that. I love seeing other people’s reactions to the mania, like when we see Palpie lose his shit. So more of that plz. Thanks for the chapter!

Derek Palm

Awesome as usual and always leaves me wanting more

Novus's Fanfiction Works

There will be more reactions in the future :-). The next one will most likely be either from Padme's perspective or the Jedi Order's. Possibly Celeste's too, at some point. I don't want to fill too much space with them, so I'll space those sorts of chapters out. But they are a good way to show what's going on elsewhere.

Novus's Fanfiction Works

He won't. As evidenced by his current reactions, my version of him CAN be caught off guard. He's reaaaalllly good at rolling with the punches and coming out on top. But the more he's forced to do so, the more holes and cracks are going to appear in his plans. Already, he hasn't quite thought through some of the consequences of what's going on. Such as, just as one example, the fact that this Jedi Order actually IS going to have some veterans of an actual serious-scale war to call on. As well as having had time to figure out the problems that come with Jedi fighting in wars...

Cameron Ruff

Is there any way to get personal OCs into your story? I'm asking just to check. If so, how do I contact you about planning said OCs?

Novus's Fanfiction Works

Not really. I minimize even the number of OCs of my own I have to put into the story. Both in their numbers and their frequency of appearance. So adding someone else's, with details and backstory that want to see, doesn't appeal at all.

Cameron Ruff

Understandable. Thanks for replying! And keep up the good work, it's fun to read all these stories.