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This plugin creates a shop where you can buy skills for your actors. You can set the price of the skill and which skills are sold at which shop. The player will select a skill to buy, then select the actor to teach the skill and the actor will learn the skill.

Beta Update (6/24/2021):
In beta a few features were added such as skills that require other skills before they can be purchased (ex: you can't buy fire II before the actor knows fire I). It also adds the ability to permanently restrict individual actors from buying specific skill IDs. Actors can still learn skills through event commands or level up, these restrictions only apply to the skill shop.


Paul Robert Miller

Holy smokes.... This is *exactly* what I was looking for. You just saved me about 4 hours worth of common event scripting. I tried it in my project, and it is better than what I was coming up with. You win. Forever. Thank you.

Paul Robert Miller

Love the new update. The actor notetags in particular are big for me. I'm working on a hobby-project now that this will definitely come in handy for! :) :) :) Any plans for attaching those restriction notetags for classes?

Casper Gaming

I haven't considered classes, is there any reason why actors wouldn't work or would this be a purely quality of life request? I am not sure how easy it would be in the code.