Swim Team's Bulking Season (Patreon)
The sun blazed over the Granite State University parking lot while the men’s swim team’s four star swimmers soaped up another car for charity. The event had drawn a crowd, not just because of the cause but due to the swimmers’ decision to wash cars in their speedos. The lean, ripped physiques of the swimmers attracted considerable attention, turning heads and eliciting appreciative glances from all around.
Jake, the team captain, stood at the entrance with a bright smile, his tall, athletic frame glistening with sweat and water. His abs, a testament to hours of intense training, were a magnet for onlookers. Beside him was Ethan, a slightly shorter but equally toned swimmer with a playful grin. Kevin, known for his broad shoulders and narrow waist, was engaging in banter with a group of patrons while soaping up a car. And there was Liam, the shy but charming backstroker, whose defined muscles and quiet demeanor drew in many admirers.
As the swimmers worked, they noticed a group of large, beefy men approaching: the football team. One man, a thickly built offensive lineman named Alex, leaned out of the driver’s side window, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
“You swimboys look like you’re having fun,” Alex said, his voice smooth and teasing. “Think you could give our car some extra attention?”
Jake chuckled, wiping suds from his forehead. “Didn’t know you guys knew how to SPELL ‘charity’--or ‘car’ for that matter.”
Alex glanced back at the other burly passengers of his car, winking at them, unfazed by the insult. He and the other towering linemen watched intently as the swimmers worked, their eyes lingering on the sleek, wet bodies of the athletes. “Those have to be the skinniest muscles I’ve ever seen,” Mark, the football team’s center, commented, admiring the play of the swimmer’s sleek muscles under the sun.
Ethan winked. “We probably eat more than you do,” he said, pausing when he noticed Dyson, a 350 pound ogre of a right guard. “Well, maybe not HIM… but all that time in the water keeps us lean.”
Alex shrugged his wide shoulders. “I guess, what would we know? We spend all day stomping around on LAND.”
Something was up with the football players; their usual rivalry seemed shut off for some reason, replaced by Alex’s smarmy banner and the others’ uncharacteristic silence. Alex would make a comment–”You guys must be right at home splashing around out here, right?”--then Jake would fire back something far more aggressive–”Well, stuff usually gets wet while I’m around–for example, your girlfriend, Alex!” Then the football players would laugh to each other, failing to return the verbal jab. Jake couldn’t believe how many times he’d gotten away with direct insults on the steak-gnashing behemoths from the football team without it dissolving into a physical brawl.
“You guys sure are being friendly today,” Ethan said, confused but grateful to not being arguing with the oversized linemen for once. “Especially after that whole budget thing… when they cut your funding but left the swim team alone, I figured we’d have a nasty rivalry for sure.”
Alex playfully swatted the subject away. “The more winning team got what they deserve is all,” he said, “but y’know… if that were to change–if the swim team started to fail to perform–”
“--not a chance in hell of that happening!” Kevin said, high-fiving Ethan and Jake. “We’re fucking UNBEATABLE, bro. NATIONAL champions.”
Even with that declaration, the football players never took the bait. The swimmers, unable to stir up a nice brouhaha with their rivals, focused on washing the filthy SUV, their movements still confident and fluid. As they scrubbed the windshield, Alex discreetly pressed a button on his key fob. Blue fluid shout out from beneath the wipers in a wide spray that coated all of the sudsy, barely clad swimmers.
“The fuck was that?” Jake asked, but he didn’t have to wait long for an answer. At first, they felt a slight tingling sensation, but they brushed it off, focusing on the task at hand. However, as they continued washing, they noticed a strange swelling in their muscles.
Jake was the first to feel it. His biceps, already well-defined, began to inflate, the veins standing out prominently. “Guys, do you feel that?” he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
Ethan looked down at his own arms, watching in shock as his muscles expanded, becoming thicker and more defined with each passing second. “What’s happening to us?”
Kevin and Liam experienced the same transformation. Their once lean and sleek physiques were growing larger, their muscles inflating to ridiculous proportions. Their pecs ballooned out, their abs became deeper and more pronounced, and their legs swelled with newfound mass.
All the while, the football players watched with delight, wide-eyed as they saw the long, sleek swimmers’ bodies starting to bloat up with muscle. While the swimmers looked shocked, the football players seemed amused but not surprised; this was all part of their plan the whole time.
The swimmers’ bodies continued to grow, their muscles becoming so large and cumbersome that their speedos began to strain against the increasing bulk. As their shoulders widened, their necks thickened, and their legs swelled so wide it pushed their feet apart, they each pressed down on their own muscles trying to squash them back into place.
Their speedos went off one at a time: Liam’s first, then Ethan’s. Kevin’s and Jake’s busted open at the same time, each one eliciting a loud, “POP!” as their widening cores burst through the skimpy material. Huge cocks flopped out, swinging between massive legs–thighs as big around as their waists had been moments ago. They clapped meaty hands over their now-gigantic junk, their rising pecs pushing their arms out of the way even as their glutes bloated up behind them.
“M-make it stop!” Jake said, knowing the football team was behind this even if he didn’t know how. His voice was deep and gravelly now.
“It’ll wear off, right?” Liam said as he flexed each melon-sized pec, watching muscles he’d never seen so developed crunching into rippling piles before collapsing into a heavy weight on his torso.
“Guys, we can’t SWIM like this!” Kevin roared. “YOU fucking did this!” He stomped forward, ready to throw a fist, until he realized
“Man!” Mark said, high-fiving Alex as the other linemen pumped their fists. “You guys are bigger than WE are now!” It was true. Even 6’5” Dyson was still an inch shorter than each of the swimmers, and they were almost as wide as the front of the SUV.
“Bet all that bulk moves slow as shit now!” Alex cheered. “And we’re fine to fight you if you want, but if I were you, I’d get covered up before you get indecency charges!”
A crowd had gathered. Passing students were recording the gigantic nude swimmers, their sweat-soaked bodies still spattered in soap suds, about to assault the football players.
The football players returned to their now-shiny car, laughing and taunting the transformed swimmers. “Looks like you guys won’t be swimming anymore,” Brad jeered. “Wonder what team’s gonna get the money now?”
Frustration and anger surged through the swimmers. They tried to use their newfound muscles to retaliate, but their massive bulk made them slow and clumsy. Jake lumbered after the car as it slowly took off but it was long gone before he’d made it far. His legs were so huge, it was hard to get them around each other! Plus, swinging his massive arms around his body felt like a chore in itself.
Jake, looking at his massive arms, sighed. “What do we do now?”
Ethan flexed his enormous biceps, then slapped his hands down to shield his 10-inch soft cock from the nearby cameras. ”First we get clothes,” he said.
They had practice later that day. Coach was ready to rip them a new one when he heard they never finished the carwash, bailing in the middle after people saw them whipping out their cocks in public. But when he saw his four star players–each Hulk the size of two of the unaffected swimmers–his jaw dropped open. “How the… how the fuck did you get so… BIG?” he said, walking past all four, staring up at them.
It was still them, he could tell. He recognized his stars’ prettyboy faced buried underneath all that muscle, those big square jaws and traps so big they looked like they would swallow their heads. The other swimmers backed away from their gigantic teammates, fearfully that whatever affected them might be contagious.
“How… How are you supposed to swim like this?” he said, eyeing up Liam’s enormous ass. “Where did you guys find swimsuits for guys THIS big?”
“They’re still not big enough,” Jake said, blushing as he tried to tuck the head of his big dick back inside his suit. It remained for a moment before popping out when he exhaled. Coach was ignoring the dick-slip, however, more focused on Jake’s titanic pec.
“You got yourself big stripper titties,” he said, mystified. He rapped his knuckles on the underside of Jake’s left pec. “Fuck, boy… thing’s made of steel!”
“We can cut carbs!” Ethan suddenly blurted out. “Quadruple cardio sessions… twice a day in the pool…”
Coach tried to put his hands around Kevin’s bicep. The thumbs and forefingers wouldn’t touch; too much meat in the way. “Ethan, if you dove in the pool I’d be afraid you’d displace all the water out. You boys turned into whales! The fuck am I supposed to do with you? Nobody’s in your weight class and I’ve got no guarantee you can even float with all that stupid muscle on you!”
The four swimmers walked in a line out the door, their huge glutes and pecs bouncing with each earth-shaking step, the four of them nearly totalling half a ton in weight. “Bro, my girlfriend wouldn’t even touch me last night,” Liam said, his head hanging in shame. “She said I’m a fucking freak.”
“I thought she called you a monster?” Kevin said as they approached the door to the swim facility. Each of them had to duck and turn sideways just to squeeze their massive bulging bodies through.
“She said both words,” Liam said.
“Fuck,” Jake said, his eyes lighting up. “So what if we can’t swim! Look at us?” He flexed his arms. “You have ANY idea what I’m thinking?” he said, slapping Ethan so hard the palm on steel-hard muscle sounded like a thunderclap.
“Do we become male hookers?” Ethan said, lifting up the bulge in his 6XL speedo and letting it fall.
“Naw, man, Onlyfans!” Kevin suggested.
“Nope. New charity idea,” Jake said. “We’ll do a muscle calendar. Instead of washing cars…” He paused to spot a nearby Jeep. He squatted down, grabbed the bumper, then grunted as he stood, lifting the front half of the car from the ground with ease. “Charity calendar. Us lifting heavy stuff. People will go nuts?”
“Screw that, we’ll lose our scholarships!” Liam roared. Angrily, he grabbed a nearby parking meter and yanked it out of the ground with ease. Shocked at the public destruction, he immediately came to his senses and gently set the meter down on the sidewalk.
“So we can’t swim?” Jake said, turning to Ethan. He lunged forward, smashing his bare pecs against Ethan’s. The two monstrous men’s feet slid back and forth as they each tried to become the unstoppable force and the immovable object. “Think of all the shit we CAN do now,” he said. He quickly shoved Ethan away, then brought his arms up to an impressive double biceps pose. “Liam, your girl doesn’t want you? Guarantee there are a hundred girls–maybe a thousand guys!--who want you now.”
The possibilities were just beginning to brew in the men’s heads as a car slowed down nearby. “Nice cockhead!” yelled a feminine man.
Blushing, Jake realized he had popped out once again; his pecs were so massive he couldn’t see past them. He wriggled his hips to readjust, turning away from the snapping cameras.
“But first, bigger clothes…”