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We're nearing the end of signing all the Blu-Rays that were pre-ordered. For all those that pre-ordered, we appreciate your patience and support. We wanted to ensure the quality was up to our standards and make extra effort to fully personalize each one.




Scotty, mah man!

Trevor Kirwan

Would’ve loved to grab one but I have never owned a blu ray player lol

Zoe Scherzer

Scotty looks like the Lorax in this pic

Captain Tunnel

I look forward to seeing what was drawn, or left possibly, on my copy when it arrives. Shoutsout to the Pessimists for the sweet merch

Trevor Kirwan

Nope not even a tv. I only have a computer with no drive cage because of that thick 4090

Poop Poop

Vegas 🎰💩 Pooo0oP


Love it. Looking forward to mine. I hope that this idea was a smash hit, because I'd love to buy blu-rays of future meetups as well!

Roman Douchington

Excited! 🫶 Thanks for all y'all's hard work! Seriously, y'all are the best.


Have you been working out, Scotty?

Jackson Matley

thx for the update boys, expecting big things in my mailbox

Liam Larson

will it be possible for merch tier patrons to purchase it later?


Does this include the merch tier Blu-Ray? I am assumed those are not signed and personalized but maybe I'm wrong?


Yes, but we are not going to put the Blu-ray up for sale again until all outstanding orders have been shipped out.

Atticus Omundson



Hell yeah looking forward to getting my copy 🤙

Isaac Booker

Will the DVD footage be uploaded to the Patreon, or only available through physical copies. I don't mind paying for the digital media if possible?


I better not have to pay import tax on my blu-ray, otherwise this'll be a double scam!

U wot m8

I heard TJ was working really hard, trying to get these signed as soon as possible. He's doing 2 a week!


I wish I could just stream it. Guess I'll have to wait.

Roman Madatyan

i would pay 30 bucks to stream

Roman Madatyan

damn it now i really want one


It has been so long that GoatVsFish has forgotten if we ordered one or not. Have we?

Sean Hong

I wish I could buy it on DVD too..

Dick McPenis

Don’t forget to have Paul rub his balls on one of


Each signed copy is TJ's heart, soul, and ass into those autographs.

Officer Jarpis

My stoned ass was wondering how Scotty was able to take that picture, then it became obvious Taylor took the picture

Officer Jarpis

TJ commits to the 1, 2, skip a few metric. Meaning he'd sign one on Monday, sign one on Tuesday, and EH the rest