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Onion Nuggetz 12/3/24

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You guys should do a favorites of the Year video. Favorite movies or anything.




Please unban Big’n from paultergeist


Paul, the way your mother behaves is just being a typical western, narcissistic woman. My mother acts exactly the same way. Women bring this behavior to any relationship but it's multiplied by 10 the moment they spawn a human. They turn into some sort of Karen monster when they reproduce. They're completely selfish, delusional, head always in the sand, and unable to be reasoned with. At the end of the day, it's NEVER their fault and refuse to take accountability for anything. Cutting all contact and ghosting is the only way to deal with them.


Paul ain't wrong at all about that Kyle shit. I like the guy, but game recognizes.


Well, in academic philosophy the antonym to transcendence is immanence. However, that term does not describe, what TJ is looking for. If I understand correctly, he's looking for some kind of transcendence, that is not SURPASSING the immanent sphere, but somehow going BELOW it.


I think that chelokian thing is an attempt at training an ai through interaction on platforms to improve its video and chat capabilities. NASA operating it makes total sense if they wanted an ai controlled deep space probe

Man of Darkness

Do a destiny gauntlet. I began watching Vaush like 5 years ago when TJ talked to him (for the first time I think?) and this destiny mf and his fans are total dorks. I used to type in Vaush on YouTube and I’d always see a dozen Destiny videos attacking him. Nowadays I see him calling for the genocide of Gazans. He’ll claim that women crying over their dead husbands and children are doing it for the camera. Dudes a sick loony


Y'all put the new Tournament of Terror in the 6 hour gauntlet tab on accident.

Man of Darkness

Just finished the Kyle part. The thing is what did you want Kyle to say? Kyle never liked Biden and never liked Kamala and he thought Kamala would win despite his distaste. I didn’t like her but I thought she’d beat him too. The thing I don’t get is how Paul can be so angrily vindictive at leftists while having ZERO smoke for right wingers. I’ve seen this before when he defended Jimmy Dore

Man of Darkness

Just finished the episode and I seriously have no idea why Paul always seems to be so pissed at people like Kyle for simply thinking Kamala might beat Trump. I agree that her campaign sucked but so did Kyle and many others. I just don’t get this seemingly performative outrage

Man of Darkness

As a momless person I can’t relate but I can say that what you described sounds much better than having an aggressive Trumper father


Both can be aggressive, and neither is necessarily worse than the other. You're comparing poisons. An aggressive Trumper father could mean anything and even have narcissistic tendencies. You say you'd rather have the former when you haven't even been through that psychological hell. There's absolutely no solution to narcissism other than ghosting.


There really wasn't anywhere else to put it. It replaced the gauntlet for October, so that's where it went


It's not just that he was wrong, it's that he was wrong and then immediately jumped back into electoralism. Really, talk about 2028 when Trump hasn't even been inaugurated is frustrating at this point regardless of whether someone made a correct prediction about this year's election.


No worries, aa long as you guys knew. Next year should be the start of the Tournament of Terror tab. They're always fun.


Hey, TJ, your blowjob analysis might be helped with the philosophical concept of open texture. Personally, i say we have a general idea of what a blowjob is, but the area where it ceases to be a blow job is vague and like, not a fact of the matter thing. Its like trying to find where your head ends and your neck begins.