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United CEO Tragedy Update, Biden Goes Pardon Crazy, Unbelievable Car Crash Story




We have H.P. Lovecraft's letters and there's one that's very funny where he basically says "can you not talk about my antisemitism around our Jewish friend I don't want to upset him by bringing up my opinions about jewery around him."


I find it hard to hate Brett as time goes on. I grew up with this guy, worse than Brett. Lied about everything. Nonstop. Apparently, he still does. Not small stuff, either. When we were kids, he bragged about surfing the rubble of the towers as an EMT. He was an arms dealer for one of our local shootings. He was a bouncer, a marine sniper, a skydiving instructor. As an adult, I met his parents again. They're both psychotic. Abusive. So much so that it made their child fantasize and dissociate wildly. If anything, I want to do the LOLCOW show right. Get all these poor saps together. Be their drill sergeant. Find them partners and jobs. Raise their standard of living. Like a reverse Howard Stern.


Yeah... some of the shit I have heard from one of my exes has made brett seem like a sweet little poodle. Stepdad drowned the family dog in the pool because he was mad and tweaking off 200mgs of adderall kinda shit. Iunno, manatee wants to listen to his son populate the next herd of sea cows through the doublewide's flush doors, just let em'. At least he's too disabled to break one of those doors down and not suffer permanent damage.

Tj Cole

The absolute worst human I've ever had the displeasure to encounter, Was Named Susan. Fuck Susan, Uptight Catholic bitch used to smack our hands with a ruler when we had the audacity to make the slightest mistake.

Stephan Messier

I think AI sentience is more likely to be a hoax than reality. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Ryan Daniel Bauer

Is it me or does Brett sound like a cyborg being powered down in the middle of speaking.