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Edit: Now going LIVE @ 6 pm EST


Onion Nuggetz 1/3/25

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Wesley Chrobak

I figured this would be their off time, what a bonus. I'm tisting my tipples in excitement.

Michael Sims

Lots of lulz recently with Elon Musk. Glad to see the boys back


I am now completely working freelance lets go!

J Allen

Surely such a miracle can only be the work of our great lord Tomat. Through the great will of Tomat they have returned from their slumber.

Home of da BONE

a please show the plebs the cyber truck explosion video, fireworks and all.


Paul is the hottest fat fuck of the 4. I'm sorry Tomat.


Squeezit was the tits still in the mid 90's. I was 5. Don't bullshit my ass.


tj you gotta pluck the unibrow or you'll get dn

Man of Darkness

Who would win in a fight? GwenPool SpiderGwen Or IronGwen ?


This was a delicious serving of nuggetz


Theory about the Vegas thing: I think he was running for the border and the caught him in Nevada, killed him and used his ied that he was using as a deterrent to make it look like a suicide. I think the guy may have been a whistleblower