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Hail citizens,

Hope you're all doing good! I had a fairly typical week and completed 60 renders. I'm still working on the first Arena fight, and will finish it in the next two days. Animations are all done, and there are 7 of them in total (I don't count non-adult / ATL anims in that number, or it would be much higher). 

I'm very happy with how the Arena looks. It fits the exact "new tech slapped on ancient architecture" look I was going for. One of my biggest inspirations for the city of New Antioch was Prague in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, with the way its old town is still old-looking, but sprinkled with higher tech stuff.

Also a small success story: I figured out how to add icons next to choice options! So now if you've unlocked an option, a little animated padlock will open (or stay locked if the option's locked). It's a small detail but I really like it.

Don't really have anything else to report. Things are going smooth and steady. Mid-late Dec is still looking good for release!

See you all in dev log #11. :)





Benevolent Cerc

Nice. Seeing the arena should be cool :D