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wait till the end....




She’s so fucking hot. Love the cum shot. I came up with a name: how do like Nevada Crescere (which means “to grow” in Latin).


By the way, I love the red dress in the first pic. She looks awesome


Speaking of that cum shot: Aside from the fact that her boobs are so small in that pic, the entire feeling of it is different and more "detailed looking", for lack of a better word. Was there a different process to generate that one? It's awesome! Would love to see more of those with bigger breasts and even more cum. Damn.

Joey Shmoe

A lot of LoRas change the overall composition. Most of the "big boob" ones are trained with anime data and therefore need to be balanced with realism to bring back the detail. That one image didn't really have any of the exaggerated LoRas...or at least I don't think it did.