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Pratiksha Majee

Your intuition was very off today 😂..and that whole MNET trying to evil edit Seok Matthew coz he was just trying to voice what he wants that mission hasn't happened yet..they started preparing before this elimination, but only the ones who survive this elimination will be able to take part in the next mission where Matthew and Hanbin are in the same group and had some difference of opinions. Well, Jiwoong was 25 at the time they were filming BP and probably the 2nd oldest after Hui. So makes sense why he seems mature and a boomer compared to other trainees. Plus, I think it's also him trying to show that intense image of himself to stand out even coz he is on the older side and as we know kpop fans are not only crazy about visuals but ageist too. In other survival shows that's happening now, I am seeing older contestants who r talented being eliminated coz kpop fans r voting for all the young ones. So Ji woong keeping that intense mature image is working for him in a way and I am happy for that, not to say he isn't intense in real life. He might be but just saying, this makes him stand out..He is not be cute and adorable like others but sexy and intense and fans r liking that contrast. I was kinda upset that a talented trainee like Wumuti or Yedam went home while Takuto stayed.. Takuto is adorable and cute and everything but after a certain point in the shoe, fans should really vote for talented people and Takuto wasn't as talented as some of the others who went home. And Ma Jing Xiang was definitely not more talented than Wumuti or Yedam and they ranked lower than Ma Jing Xiang. So, I feel his visuals kept him alove in the show till this episode and after his selfish behvaiour was aired, even people who probably voted based on visuals didn't like it and didn't vote for him. But talent wise I don't think he should even be in 30th place..Talentwise Hiroto, Mun jung hyun, wumuti, yedam, oh seungmin (the leader who suffered trying to control ma jing xiang) these 5 r much better than Ma Jing Xiang.