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More vampires & more Tarantino!


Harry Potter 2 (Chamber of Secrets) (2002)

Guardians of The Galaxy 3 (2023)

The Boys S3E5+6

The Haunting of Hill House S1E3+4

Harry Potter 3 (Prisoner of Azkaban) (2004)

Once Upon A Time in Hollywood (2019)

Sin City (2005)

The Boys S3E7+8FINALE

The Haunting of Hill House S1E5+6

Secret Invasion Episodes 1-3

Harry Potter 4 (The Goblet of Fire) (2005)

Superman (1978)

Gen V S1E1+2


Dusk Till Dawn



This then Harry Potter and then Guardians 3. What a great run of films you guys are gunna have

Gabriel DiLaurentis

Yey next up harry potter, funny someone beat me to making this comment 🤣

Melanie Vine

Harry Potter is all I read there 😆 My husband "talked me into" watching Dusk till Dawn last month....... never again!

Josh Viz

Oh man I'm nervous to watch this lol I've been saying since the Taranto journey started that you gotta watch this one too so thank you! I wanted this but now that we are here i gotta watch yall watch the foot scene among other things and i just feel nervous for yall 🤣

Josh Viz

Aww man yall knew about the vampires before hand? 😞 that's a shame! I mean I guess keeping it a secret was hopeless anyways, yall read the fun fact about the green vampire blood that they presented at the start so what can you do 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol

Peter K

Tarantino and Rodriguez are/were friends, not sure what their current status is, but they were BFFs.

Jessica Houser

This is my one of my favorite Tarantino movies. I was a teenager when it came out and it was so great! Lol. Juliette Lewis, who plays Kate, is so good. She's in Yellowjackets and another one of my favorite movies...Natural Born Killers. You should definitely watch it! Thanks for the reaction! Love ya'll ❤️

Jesse Lee

I think we just got Punk'd 🤣


I am so sad yall went into this knowing about the vampires, it's so fun watching people react to the sudden switch to a vampire movie! The guy you thought was Orlando Bloom (Legolas) is the guy who plays Sol "The Jew" in Deadwood...dk if yall have seen it. Cheech Marin (of Cheech & Chong) plays THREE characters in this movie - the border cop, the p**sy salesman, and their buddy they meet up with at the end, Carlos. And yes that was Danny Trejo as the bartender, idk if he is the character Machete but I think he's played that character in multiple movies (watch Spy kids if you haven't BTW lol they're all directed by Robert Rodriguez). The 2 guys you see having some kind of tiff in the bar when Sex Machine whips out his "love gun" are frigging horror movie legends. They do practical effects for all kinds of stuff. Sex Machine is played by Tom Savini & the guy he's beefing with is Greg Nicetero (he does ALOT of the practical if not all of it for the walking dead!). I believe there is 2 more From Dusk Til Dawn movies but I haven't seen them so idk if they're good at all or just trash. You can for sure tell that Quintin wrote this one right? Lol. He gave himself some interesting opportunities to do some feet stuff in this movie.


Yes I was so bummed they already knew. It's so much fun watching people see it turn into a vampire movie when they don't expect it.

Josh Viz

Right? I wanted this reaction for that reason! Haha but oh well


Is natural born killers the one with Brad Pitt?....or is that like Kalifornia or something. Either way the movie I'm thinking of is good lol.

Jessica Houser

No, it's the one with Woody Harrelson....but Brad Pitt is in Kalifornia with her. They're both great movies. I recommend Natural Born Killers if you haven't seen it. Robert Downy Jr. is in it too.