Seikyuu Patron Announcement!! (June Edition) (Patreon)
Hey there everyone! Seikyuu's here for a SEIKYUU PATRON ANNOUNCEMENT.
SPA! So let's sit back and enjoy this cozy little summer month's end as we welcome July.
First off, thank you all so much for being with me again this month. It's the second month since the first Youtube Channel died, but thanks to all of you, I'm still doing what I'm happy doing, and so I sincerely want to give you all everything you deserve and more. XD I'm sure I haven't succeeded there, since you all mean the world to me, but your Seikyuu will always be doing things with you as my family in mind.
This month, we've had some cool projects such as the Villain Deku video, the little tag voting thing, and some spicy audios here and there, as well as some patron calls, ukelele concerts and other memories. I hope July will be filled with much more!
Though I want to ask a question.
What do you prefer more?
More audios and content being made or having me be more active on social media and discord?
I've been wondering if I've been utilizing my time in the manner that will make you all happy.
Perhaps this kind of answer will help me figure out how to get myself more happy too. I've been feeling down here and there, but I'm doing okay for the most part. I still wonder sometimes why I feel down sometimes. Part of me feels like...I want to break free from something. Maybe I should spend more time with my parents while they're still able to walk or something. Maybe I should be kinder to myself and wander outside sometimes.
AH but that might be a little bit too tangential. But I guess typing this made me feel a bit better.
One more thing before I stop typing this letter for now and go back to editing.
I'm going to make a change to the Patron Rewards System.
The rewards on the right side of the patron page should be updated for July!
Things are mostly the same but,
1. There are more slots for the Seikyuu's Senpai ($50). This means, I can talk to you all more.
2. Seikyuu's Senpai ($50) does not have the ability to commission me to an NSFW audio, but they as any tier higher than ($25) can commission an SFW audio about 100 words
3. Seikyuu's Master ($100) Can choose to have either a n NSFW audio commission or an extra hour of the call.
4. I think each tier became a bit less cluttered and more clear about what each gives.
Phew. I think that's all for now. Hopefully I'll get this Nagito one done XD Took some extra time because I added in some NSFW to it.
Take care!
And that song I'm going to sing?
Ehehe. I've been practicing.