アニメーションコンテンツについて (Patreon)
現在Standard plan (スタンダードプラン)にて少し前に初めたアニメーションコンテンツを今作成している分を投稿したら休止します。
AI技術の進化でいずれは今投稿しているものよりも遥かにクオリティが高いアニメーションコンテンツを提供できるとは思うのでそれが出来るようになるまではStandard plan (スタンダードプラン)以降の内容を9月に投稿させて頂いていた内容と同じに戻します。
Thank you for your continued support.
I am currently on the Standard plan and will be taking a break after posting my current animated content, which I started a while ago.
There are several reasons for this, but one is that it took me a long time to create one of them and it was not as well received as I had hoped, and the cost of creating them was so high that I felt I could not take the time to improve the other contents.
I believe that with the advancement of AI technology, we will eventually be able to provide animated content of much higher quality than what we are posting now, so until we can do that, we will revert to the same content we posted in September for the Standard plan and beyond.
I would like to improve the quality in this area as well, so please keep up the good work.