Quick Poll about the ANIME SETS (Anime Monday)
- Anime Monday: All anime-styled sets posted on Monday. 7
- Alternate Anime Sets: Anime sets spread throughout the week 3
Heyo everyone! I’m thrilled to hear how much you’re enjoying the anime-styled sets! I have an important question for you all:
As you know, Anime Monday has been our plan where all anime sets are posted on Mondays. However, some of you suggested that it might be more enjoyable if Tier 3 and Tier 4 had anime sets spread out over the week, alternating with my NEZ-style sets (The Main style weekly requests). This way, you’d get a mix of anime and NEZ styles throughout the week, rather than all anime sets thrown at you on one day.
I’m open to both options, so I’d love to hear what you prefer. Here are the choices:
Anime Monday: All anime-styled sets posted on Monday.
Alternate Anime Sets: Anime sets and NEZ style sets alternating throughout the week.
Let me know which option you’d like best, and I’ll go with the one that gets the most votes!