Questions answered for July! (Patreon)
Alright, my brother and his family has gone back to Göteborg again, and summer is officially over and work can hopefully resume as normal. Hope everyone has had a somewhat restful time!
Does Jake have insecurities about sleeping his way to the top?
Of course he does, but he tells himself that isn't what he has done at all. But yeah, he's sensitive about that.
If someone had the power to completely seperate parts from people, for example from targeted teleportation, would Anathema be effected? If she is would she survive, like if she was cut in half would both halves be fine? If she did survive would it be possible to put her back together?
Ooooh interesting. I would say it would depend on power level. The most likely result would be that the whole of Anathema gets teleported, no matter how small parts were targeted. If we were talking about a super powerful targeted teleporter I would say that parts might be teleported off. They would still be alive and functional and I honestly have NO idea how to put them back together again. That's nightmare fuel.
Does familiarity with Sidestep effect how susceptible someone is to their notice me not invisibility?
Yes, it is a lot easier if they have no idea who Sidestep even is.
Is one of the threads Nocturne requested something along the lines of "You are okay with people being hurt or killed to accomplish your goals"?
I don't think so directly, but she has absolutely used it as therapy for acts/events she really wants to forget. She is pretty ruthless at base level.
Does Nocturne keep a list of all her requested threads and a schedule for when they need to be renewed?
Not a physical one, but yes, a mental one. But, it also varies with time, some threads might be fading forever as she has moved beyond their need, while new ones might be needed as a result to life as a crime lord.
How well would Sidestep be able to navigate using only telepathy?
Depends on how many minds were around. Both too few and too many would be an issue.
How well is Sidestep able to parse esoteric powered senses when reading minds? If someone had shrimp vision or could taste emotions what would that be like for Sidestep?
It would be weird, but Sidestep would be able to tap into the person's experience and knowledge to help them deal. But yeah, boosted individuals can be a trip to mind dive into, and sometimes you have no choice but to withdraw before you lose yourself in senses you can't even understand. Sidestep is better than most telepaths at this, which is also why they can do animals pretty well.
For trans Sidestep will there be an option to choose whether HG refers to them as brother/sister based on their agab or brother/sister/sibling based on their current gender?
It will be a choice eventually, HG is eager to please.
Is there anyone HG has a relationship with where they aren't influencing them?
Huh. Hmmm. Does Ortega count? But, joking aside, yes they do if you count active threads. However, even casual acquaintances often gets a little touch and a word of encouragement. Little minor things, a lot of the time for what HG sees their own good.
In hypothetical books where other characters are the main protagonist in which ones is Sidestep the deuteragonist, in which ones are they an antagonist, and in which ones are they just a supporting character?
Dunno for all, but I do know for some: Ortega - deuteragonist. Herald - antagonist. Argent - antagonist. Chen - supporting character. Dr. Mortum - deuterantagonist.
Is Catfiend the type of invincible villain who is desperate for a good challenge?
Hmmm. Slightly tendencies to that, yeah.
Is Catfiend aware of the mysterious threat Sidestep is preparing for?
I don't think so. Not yet.
Would a heavily modded individual have better chances of surviving a boosting that works normally kill someone?
No, probably less due to the implants not being affected in the same way.
Is Argent tempering her expectations for the regenerator?
Yes, she's trying to.
If thief step gets the regenerator quietly, does that mean that argent lost her chance at it?
Well, we will see about that. She might still be hunting for it...
Do you think the word count for books 3-4 will be greater than books 1-2?
My goal is that they shouldn't be. But... I don't know. They will be as long as they need to be. But I also want to finish the story and not have it balloon further.
What is project stripes?
Spoilers! You will find out in book three.
Is argent usually dismissive when meeting new people or did step's introduction come at a bad time?
Both. She's usually quite curt, and this came right after she had run amok and hurt her teammates.
So the puppet demo will cover paths 2 & 3 together? What made you decide to combine them? Or was that always the plan.
It wasn't always the plan. But, as I pathed them, I realized that enough scenes and events were shared that it would be easier to deal with them as a whole from the start. More work initially, but less work in the long run.
Is HG capable of self-threading?
Oh yes! They try to be subtle about it though.
I remember you saying that if not romanced, Danny ends up with someone else. Is that still the plan? If so, does his crush on sidestep fade?
Like most crushes, they fade if people realize they have no shot. There are two people Daniel might possibly end up with at the end, but it it by no means a given, and I won't say who.
Will rat king always be with sidestep whatever happened?
Can we make body for rats king
Probably. It is planned, hopefully it is workable in the story too.
How did Daniel react to learning of Sidestep's apparent death? Was he inconsolable, fall into a deep depression, motivated more than ever to become a hero, or some other reaction?
He was very sad, it is a traumatic thing to see your hero die in the line of duty. But it did give him more motivation than ever to become a hero.
What are Five Pennies powers? What exactly happened during the incident where he killed a protestor?
Five Pennies powers are weird and spoilers, so I won't describe them in detail. The incident in where he killed someone was during an argument with the press, in which he was accused of various wrongdoings. He lost his temper, one of the coins attached to one of the people that had annoyed him the most, and the poor man died. Most say that his blood boiled, but that's most likely an exaggeration, it did look and sound exceedingly painful on camera.
Was Anathema immune to the nanosurge, or were the nanovores able to overcome even their Invulnerability?
Anathema was immune, no nanovores could eat them.
Who was responsible for the Nanosurge, and what had they been expecting to happen before it got out of control?
Who was responsible will be revealed in the story, not sure if it is book three or four yet. As for the purpose, that is spoilers!
And most important of all: has Daniel ever rescued a cat from a tree?
Of course!
For injured Sidesteps that are stuck in their base after the escape from Rangers HQ, would the RatKing (theoretically) be capable of piloting the suit to help care for Sidestep (at least for things that don't require a high degree of fine motor control)?
Yes, the girls could absolutely come to the rescue there!
How did Deadeye come to be a sniper?
Her boost really assists her there, but she was already a very good shot beforehand. She likes it.
Does Argent consider what she ‘does’ with the vores to be cannibalism?
No. But she knows it is murder.
Does Jake sincerely believe in myths such as aswangs and mananaggals? Is he creeped out by supposedly haunted places? What about the Heartbreak site? How does he feel about banyan trees?
It's always hard to parse what is sincere belief or not. I would say that he is slightly superstitious and can be creeped out easier than for example Nocturne who likes to tease him about it. He is absolutely wary about places that gives him a bad feeling, and he absolutely would NOT go anywhere near the Heartbreak site. It feels off. But would he swear that all the mythic beings he grew up hearing about exists for certain? No. But it costs nothing to be careful, you know?
What do Nocturne and HG think of his superstitious nature?
Nocturne likes to tease him a bit, HG is more... hmm... I trust his instincts.
Considering their affinity for eating, would the nanovores enjoy it if we doodled little drawings onto Argent’s skin? Hypothetically: what about when she’s asleep? I know it’s strictly not allowed by her, but: Would doing so risk a breakdown of cohesion between her and them?
I don't think the nanovores would enjoy it, unless you doodled with meat sauce or something...
Would carbonisation via intense, concentrated fire from a flame thrower overpower the Catfiend’s regeneration? Or would whatever’s been burned eventually grow back?
Everybody's got their limit, nobody's found the Catastrofiend's yet. It is feasible.
You mentioned before that Jake finds power sexy. How does that appeal translate to the bedroom? Does he like having that power over him be translated in similar position in bed? 👀 Or the other way around- does he like having power over it?
Oh I am leaving bedroom imaginations to the reader here.
If Sidestep has a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate), would the Rangers respect it? Or would some people (Ortega, Herald) try to revive them?
Depends on whether they had talked about it beforehand I think. If they had, I think they might come to terms with it. Though especially for Ortega, they would need to be convinced that Sidestep was really serious and it wasn't just depression.
From the previous QnA, HG doesn’t seem to take kindly to Lord Ember even having a crush on Sidestep… surely it’s fairly harmless? Or does Lord Ember have a track record for being dangerous to crushes/lovers?
Lord Ember does have a bad reputation, fire power is volatile...
You mentioned before that Bo isn’t exactly thrilled to be roped into an ambitious Mob Boss’s plans. Do the henches have any preference for what kind of career path they’d be more happy to work for?
Hmmm there already is some variation between Rosie and Bo when it comes to what they will accept and become permanent retainers, so yes. But I am still developing this due to... reasons, so I'd rather not go into depth beyond what is in Retribution at this point.
Does Blaze ever use his powers to light a cigarette? Or is it not precise enough to do that? Does he smoke? Or is it just the sweet vice for him?
I don't think Blaze smokes but he could use his powers to light a cigarette on a good day. Might sting a little bit in the fingers that holds it too, like holding your hand too close to a fire.
How good is Skybright at in arm wrestling challenges? Given how strong her boost is, is she physically strong as well? Or is she reliant on her telekinesis?
She is physically in very good shape, she feels that she needs to be in order to use her powers to their best. But, she relies on her telekinesis, that's her boost after all. In a normal arm wrestling competition she's as good as a professional athlete that is not specialized on that.
How durable and strong was Cavalier? Would bullets hurt him? Bombs? Does he have any drug resistances if someone wanted to knock him out? Could he be shoved by an average person?
Cavalier was strong, but not massively so. Probably on the level of Sidestep's strength upgrade armor. He was very durable, otherwise he would never have survived his boost. It was a combination of hard skin, solid flesh, and limited regeneration. Not at all Catastrofiend levels, but enough that he would survive a bullet to the chest or head. You needed what amounted to light anti tank weapons to start hurting him, but he tended to explode rockets and the like before they ever reached him. He was sensitive to gas and the like, he could hold his breath for quite a while, but not forever. He couldn't be shoved by an ordinary person, unless he wanted it and faked the reaction. The thing with Cavalier was that he was very hard to take down because his immediate reaction to things that seriously hurt him was to explode his surroundings and annihilate everything around him. Not great for collateral damage, but great if you were the spearhead of an attack.
Considering Seattle holds itself to the highest moral standards compared to other states, would they take in runaway Re-Genes seeking sanctuary/safety from the Farm? Or would their backgrounds bar them from ever entering + get them arrested/killed?
That is an interesting thought. Seattle's views on ReGenes are so far classified.
How are valuable Re-Genes treated? Do they get extra perks for consistently doing good jobs? Experimented on (or tortured) more often to possibly induce greater power? What about Re-Genes who don’t contribute much to the Farm? What are their odds of getting scrubbed/killed?
Good Re-Genes gets extra treats. Once they have useful powers, there's generally no experimentation to induce more, that's reserved for failures and weak ones. Re-Genes who are dangerous gets scrubbed, but weak or useless ones might be used for parts as well. Note that non-combat powers can still be useful for operations around the Farm.
Based on the previous QnA about Blaze having no leg to stand on when people like Ortega more than him, after he claimed he didn’t get into the hero business to be liked… how would he react? Would he ignore those words, or think them over?
It's the kind of words that are denied and shrugged off at first, but remains and festers in silence. Impossible to stop thinking about. Maybe even words that might lead to change eventually, but not immediately.
Considering the food fed to Re-Genes, does the Farm breed/keep animals on-site to make into food? Or do they get the meat from cities and transport it back?
Yes, they breed animals on site, and grow crops. The cover of the Farm is an actual farm after all. One which experiments with genetically modified crops to help with the ash-damaged fields. It's self-sufficient when it comes to basic foodstuffs like vegetables and meat, but a lot of more specialized things are transported in by truck. Flour and sugar are two big basics they import, while they do grow corn, the processing of grain to flour was deemed too complex.
Can Zephyr be genuinely selfless? Or is their only concern being money and recognition/attention?
I mean people are complicated, so sure!
If the Farm wants to look for runaway Re-Genes, why not station some of their staff at hospitals for deep covers? Even if a Re-Gene managed to unfailingly evade being sent to one, there are still valuable medical records and ‘samples’ their spies would be privy to, making for good resources to send back.
The amount of staff needed for that is not deemed worth the investment. There are a lot of hospitals and little clinics everywhere.
Would HG and Nocturne eventually tell Jake the truth on their own? Or would they need outside influence to do it? (Say… Sidestep)
I think they might need outside influence, or at least an inciting incident. It has gone too far by now.
Can Blaze cook? If he does, what sort of cuisines does he do? Or is he more of a takeout guy?
I see him as a bbq guy, who can cook when it's under certain circumstances, but is happy eating takeout normally.
I’ve seen some people claiming it, but is it true that part of the reason Blaze hates Julia is because she turned him down? Or is he used to having flirtations turned down (Argent) to not really hold it against her?
I mean at this point a lot of people have turned Blaze down. And I wouldn't say he hates Julia, but there is a certain amount of hurt manhood feelings there, both when it comes to reputation, powers, and that they won't become Los Diablos hottest (literally) power couple.
If released, is there anything stopping the Catastrofiend from barging into HG’s turf to devour everyone, including their own people? There is a lot of tasty people who tend to gather on their territory…
Normally, the Catastrofiend is very aware of which side the bread is buttered on. It used to work with a lot of these people, might even have liked some of them in its own way. It's not a complete monster. But, technically it's nothing to stop them from doing it, especially now when it's so hurt.
How did Tina and Teddy get married? They’re both criminals. What’s the process there to getting hitched?? Who proposed?
Oh Psychopathor proposed! Of course. He's an old-fashioned romantic. Probably blew up a refinery and something as an engagement gift. And, when you are a criminal it is an easy matter to take over a church, priest included, to get married. If any pesky heroes would try to interfere, well, there you have the wedding party taken care of too.
How did the HG trio react to reading the Catfiend’s Mitchell profile?
HG: Let's never antagonize this thing. Nocturne: It could be useful though, all you need is touch it. HG: No way, have you seen how gross it is? Jake: I wonder if I could take it...
Is Tina tech savvy?
A bit, yeah. More than most realize.
Compared to being the LBH leader and being the captain of the Guardians, what would you say Blaze’s favourite things about either position is? What about his least favourite?
Long Beach Heroes was the dream. Low key heroes and friends, keeping punks and villains off their part of the town, helping with rebuilding and making their home a better place. If he could choose, he'd go back in a heartbeat. But between broken friendships and city politics, that path is closed. He's proud to be the Captain of the Guardians, but the responsibility is heavy. As is the fact that he has to take orders, and then defend them to everyone else. The money and fame feels good though.
Speaking of Blaze: is it still safe for him to surf when he has a bad leg? Is Zephyr at all happy about being the better surfer if so? Or are they miffed they didn’t beat him by their own merits?
Blaze sadly doesn't have time to surf much these days, and his bad leg would have hampered him. Zephyr was always the better surfer, at least in their own eyes. Blaze would not agree.
If Argent gets sleepy, does the cohesion/connection between her and the vores weaken, and risk ‘accidents’? How does she deal with tired days?
On tired and bad days, she goes home. She has it in her contract that she can take sick days when she needs to, though she has not detailed exactly why, other than at times her powers weigh heavy on her.
Does Chen know he has the WORST taste in people? Esp when it comes to a romance Sidestep? Like really? The Rat of Los Diablos? Why???
Chen is sadly aware of this fact. It is nothing new to him. Some might accuse him of "but I can fix him" syndrome.
Who initiated the relationship between Blaze and Steel? And am I reading it wrong that Blaze still has lingering feelings?
I think Steel took the first step there, after he had been picking up some signals. As for lingering feelings... who can say? If you don't end up hating each other after a relationship it is easy to sometimes have soft memories of the good times together. That doesn't mean either party thinks it would ever work, or are willing to try again.
Also on Chen's romantic life, I think you said he never had anything serious after Soo Park. Does he feel that Sidestep is more like those last relationships? Or something finally serious?
Hmmm. I do feel like he thinks Sidestep is more serious, because there is a lot of baggage there. Not something he can easily step away from and pretend it never happened. He gave it a lot of thought before taking that first step, it is the biggest risk in a relationship he has taken in a long time.
Will Dr Mortum know that Step is a ReGene after kidnapping them if they help bust the puppet out? Or can that still be a kept secret?
I'm not entirely sure yet, I need to finish writing all the variables.
If Sidestep used sign language more than actual speaking, would any of them have learnt it for them? Would Chen have difficulty due to his hands not having that kind of dexterity?
I think all of them would have. And I don't think Chen would have issues, the fingers are movable, it is more the sense of touch that's the issue. Gestures should work fine.
More for my own amusement, how would they (ROs) take it if a tall step put things on the top shelf after fights? Just to be a dick.
The only one who would be annoyed (and who would have issues getting the stuff) is Argent, who would be livid and climb the shelves like a hissing squirrel. No, Dr. Mortum wouldn't have issues either, but I won't tell you why.
Why did Jake call a short step, yknow, short at the meeting? Like throwing rocks while inside a glass house after getting your ass handed to you after the auction.
Sometimes you go for the easiest insult, even when it might hit yourself too. And I think it was genuine surprise, Sidestep looks taller in the armor.
Ortega picks up on step’s secret crush at some point, but when did they start to notice? Was it anything particular that Step did like getting annoyed and jealous when they flirt with the waiter at Hoots?
I think it varies. But Hoots would be a major clue for most variants.
If we’re soft with Argent and staying at Ortega’s after the crash, has she noticed Step’s secret crush yet?
Oh she will, and have such fun time with it!
If you choose rival Ortega in rebirth, you get a hefty relationship drop but not in retribution, what’s the logic there?
In Rebirth, everything is still new and fresh. A lot of the stat settings there are BIG, because they are used to set sort of a baseline for the character if that makes sense? Since everyone starts from the same base. So, when you set Ortega as a rival pretty early there, it sums up your whole previous feelings about Ortega, and how angry you are that they might be in your way now. Hence big drop. While in Retribution, this is an adjustment of rivalries. A change. The thought there is that you will already have had time to pick up relationship drops as you go, the selection there is just a new "title" to finalize your feelings. And, if you haven't got any relationship drops and have a massively high Ortega friendship and still picks rival... well, that's the kind of complicated feelings that makes good stories. Your best friend/love interest is also your rival.
If you date Argent in part 4 and have a secret crush on Ortega they’ll ask if you want to hang out instead. Was this Ortega trying to get close to Step before anything serious could happen with Argent while they still had the chance or something else? Because they don’t do it if you try to hang out with Herald or Steel.
I would say it is a sign that Ortega might be more sensitive to the Argent relationship, and in a way might also be more easily hurt by it? Ortega and Argent didn't have a thing (because of Argent), but there was also a sympathetic vibe there, two people who could work together. And this makes Ortega have feelings. It is different with Herald and Steel. It's hard to explain how really, sometimes Ortega does things in my head that feels right but which are more based on vibes than any plans of mine. They are terrible that way.
Did Argent make up a fake birthdate as part of her cover story?
Oh yes. But she still doesn't like celebrating her fake one.
Is Step that first person who can potentially visit Argent’s apartment?
Ortega has been there too, but not for as long a time. SO I would count Sidestep as the first true visitor.
How much older was HG than their younger sib?
Oh boy I calculated that at one time but I'm not sure. I think between 10-15 years? Closer to the latter.
Did HG and all their sibs share the same father?
You mentioned in an earlier QA that Nocturne is the main reason Ortega hasn’t had much success in pursuing HG. What’s her method of choice?
Bureaucratic chaff and misdirection. Also a judicious use of hired/manipulated minor villains for distraction.
What’s Herald biggest regret regarding his career, if he has any? How about Steel? Argent?
I don't think Herald has any regrets about his career. It's gone as planned. Steel does wonder what would have happened if he never would have taken the offer to become Marshal, there is a small amount of regret there. He wonders if his presence was what made Ortega come back from retirement. Argent does regret joining the Rangers on occasion, she feels like it's only a matter of time before her secret will be revealed.
Danny’s true power seems to be gravity, and it’s being kept from him. Wouldn’t it only benefit him and the Rangers to know that?
But who would know to tell him? The Rangers team doesn't know for sure either. And, if it is kept a secret... one can speculate why that would be. As you say, it would be very useful.
Has HG ever been as close to someone as Nocturne or was she the first to be let all the way in?
She was the first. HG is affable, but doesn't let people close easily.
You’ve mentioned Ortega would be the RO most interested in step’s tats. I see that being a sore spot for a lot of Steps, can we tell Ortega to back off if they try and push that envelope?
Of course.
Is HG’s aware of Re-Genes or just think they’re an urban legend?
Urban legend, but some legends have a kernel of truth.
How long have Lord Ember and HG been rivals? Is the rivalry between them personal or just business?
Business. SInce Lord Ember set himself up as the main villain in San Francisco.
Does Nocturne have bigger plans than LD?
Did Argent go thru TBR at nanosurge?
Does Jake think of himself as a self made man or someone who got lucky thru his powers/close connections to HG?
He likes to think of himself as a self made man, but a small part of him feels like maybe he slept his way to the top.
Has HG ever gone thru TBR?
Has HG ever thought about taking boost drug again since their powers can help them survive?
No. Too much of a risk. HG is a coward at heart.
I’m not asking for it as an option, but would HG be willing to thread sibling(ish) step who wanted to get double boosted?
No. Too big a risk.
Was Anathema the “heart” of the Rangers when they were alive?
I would say so. At least the good cheer.
Was Rat King ever part of a rat colony? If so do they remember it?
No, they were implanted right after they were born, that's why they can work together this well. They have no memory of a body or other existence.
Is it possible that a Step who uses the regenerator could end up regretting it, and/or still try and confess to being a re-gene?
Maybe, we'll see. Not sure yet.
If Ortega knew about the regenerator plan before hand, would they be for or against Step using it? Would they keep their opinion to themselves and let Step decide?
Ortega would shut the hell up for once in their life.
Does Ortega still plan to come out as Bi in a straight-passing relationship?
I want that to come out, yeah. Just needs to find the right moment.
Would Ortega immediately come out to a gender-questioning Step who confesses to wanting to be the same gender as Ortega?
That sounds like a good moment to do so.
Similarly, for gender-questioning Steps who still think Ortega is straight, could they be afraid that coming out would be the end of their relationship?
Absolutely! I feel that is a common fear.
Can Argent blinding one of Step's eyes ruin her relationship with any of the other Rangers?
Hurt, yes. Ruin for good? We'll see. But it is an act that won't be forgotten.
What's your opinion on the hypothesized feathered dinosaurs? And what's your favorite dinosaur?
I don't see that as a hypothesis any more. There's been so much proof (not for all dinosaurs of course, mostly the smaller ones who need the insulation) of it! Feathered dinosaurs is the truth now. As for my favorite... hmmmm. Since Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs, I would go with Stegosaurus, it always fascinated me so much as a kid.
If Step told Ortega about being friends with the Rat King would they be interested or curious about the relationship between the two telepathic entities, given Ortega seems to have an interest in telepathy in general and because it’s Sidestep related? Or would their response be more along the lines of “I don’t get it but good for you”?
Oh Ortega would be madly curious!!! And once again, frustrated at being immune.
We’ve been told a few time the autopsy tapes were pretty traumatic for Steel; was it just because it was seemingly an autopsy on someone he knew or was there something else that made is especially brutal, like the body being treated in a way different to normal autopsies?
It was someone he knew. And well, the body was treated pretty uncaring too. Very callous.
Is the toxicity of Step’s mind, to other telepaths, a result of their trauma/bad mental state? If so would a Step who heals become less toxic to other telepaths?
I would say the trauma is a big part of it, and a Step that heals would be a lot less toxic.
If it’s not related to their poor mental health did left over effects of their experience with the Void, Nanosurge or Heartbreak contribute to the toxicity?
It's a big mixture of all the events they went through in life.
There’s the fan club variable, the Rangers, Blaze, Mia, ect that we can use to gauge how some people feel about Sidestep’s actions; but how do the general public of LD feel/view about anarchist, prepare hero hunter Steps and thief Step’s who give to charity? The way LD works gives me the vibe that people would be very cynical or apathetic but there are smaller communities like Vera’s that are able to see the effect of direct action to help each other.
We're going to go into that more in book three, as certain villain paths are fleshed out. Your LD vibe is right on target.
The HB site has been weird and off putting for a while, would there be any way of cleansing/exorcising/fixing (I’m not sure what the most applicable word would be) it?
Hmmm. I am honestly not sure there. Probably not, but who knows?
Could you share a random fact about Ben, Vera and Arde?
Ben likes icecream a bit too much, and is self-conscious about getting a bit of a tummy as he ages. Vera fantasies about leaving Los Diablos and see how far away the horizon really is, but is kept her by all the ties to the people and the community that she loves. Arde has plans they don't tell anybody about, not even Vera.
Would Argent like it if we dropped the ‘you like jazz?’ line from the Bee Movie as a really, really bad way of flirting with her? (Platonic or romantic)
I don't think she's seen the Bee Movie.
I am a free-time writer, and I have a very strong dislike for my writing. So I just want to ask you; as someone who has written for a long time, does that feeling ever go away?
It does! The thing is, when you start writing you know what you like to read. Chances are you have read a LOT, and you know exactly what you like and what you hate. But that also means that you can see all the flaws in your own writing, and hates it. That's why writing at the start is about writing A LOT. Don't worry about it being good, just keep putting down words. Fanfic is good for that, often it is easier to forgive your own writing if it is about characters you didn't invent. Like, at least only half the things there are created by your brain. Also, it is easier to take it lightly, as you can't sell it, or make a profit, or whatever the current capitalistic monetization paradigm will tell you is necessary. Also, write finished stories or books! Don't keep editing things forever to make it good, write an ending and be done with it, and then move on to the next one. Move forward, and eventually your skill will catch up to your eye.
Of course it never goes away entirely. I often HATE a lot of the scenes I write, especially scenes that NEEDS to be there, and which I had to force into existence. I hate them because I had to spend a lot of time on them, and thus I am aware of how it felt when I wrote them. People tend to like these scenes as well as any others, so I have resigned myself to the fact that it is just me. By the time I come around to fill out and edit such scenes I have forgotten the pain of creation, and I am often surprised and delighted by what I find. Or, it is crap, and I write a new scenes. Such is life. But now I genuinely enjoy reading my own writing, especially old things that I have forgotten are mine. Sure, there is what you might call "cringe" there in places, but also turns of phrase I didn't even remember and can discover anew. Forgiving yourself for not being perfect is part of becoming a better writer, and part of that is trying to focus on what delights you rather than what annoys you.
The truth is that when you read a book, a lot of it will be forgettable. It needs to be there for form and structure. But it is that one scene, or sentence, or chapter that will make it sing. That you will remember. Maybe write down as a quite. That maybe rocked your world. That might be just a single sentence. And a book that has one of those is still a great book! Few will remember the more boring parts. Try to stop focusing on making those good as you write, focus on the things that really burns inside you. Maybe the boring, bland bits don't even need to be there in the end. Who knows? You will find what you love about your writing eventually, and once you do, it will make it easier to make it sing. It will probably not even be what you expected or even wanted in the first place. I sure as hell never planned to write romance...
Referencing a past QnA where the HG trio had stats as if they were Sidestep (Career path, motivation, etc), is Nocturne actually interested in justice?? Actual justice, ‘make a fair place for everyone and tyrants/cruel people/etc don’t go unpunished’ justice?
Hmmm. I would say so, in a weird way. I won't say that her view of justice might line up with everyone elses, but yeah. She is however prepared to go to great lengths and spill blood for what she wants.
Th Farm can manipulate memories… so how would Ortega react if the Farm had cut out Sidestep’s better memories of them so they wouldn’t come to Ortega for help/help see them as a threat, instead of a friend/ally/past love?
Ortega would tear the Farm to the ground if they were able.
Do anyone have vampires like power in the world
I mean Shroud is kind of adjacent, so there's probably one or two.
Would Chen's heart override his logic for a romanced step,like forgive him for killing Blaze or some other outrageous thing?
There are lines that can't be crossed, and just because you love someone doesn't mean they doesn't need to be stopped.
Just curious.Why is Chen the only one who can only be romanced by male/trans step?I know he is gay but why,since the other ROs are all open to all gender.
Originally, neither Argent, Daniel or Chen were meant to be romancable at all. I added that when people liked Rebirth and I decided to be more ambitious than I had planned to be. Chen was always gay, and part of his backstory was a struggle with that, and how it had impacted his relationship with his family. I originally planned to go with my principles of all RO's for everyone, and even had a talk with Chen and a female Sidestep written out, but it didn't feel right. My playtesters at the time agreed, it felt awkward and out of character, and a little too close to the old trope of "you're only gay because you haven't found the right woman yet." So I decided to break my own design principles and keep him gay, rather than break the character. So I guess, in short the answer is that it just didn't work for me. Same with my brief pondering about making Herald, Argent and Chen gender selectable. It would detract from the story.
I was wondering a few things about Anathema and how their invulnerability affected them.
- can they get sick (common cold or otherwise?)
- does their hair still grow and can they cut/style it still? What about facial hair?
- for trans/Nb Themmy, would hormones work for them? What about gender confirming surgeries?
No, Anathema does not get sick! Their hair does grow, but a lot slower than normal. Facial hair is an issue, but Anathema's hair is not as vulnerable as their body, so that can be dealt with with their own acid. But, it's not likely that Anathema will be able to have any cool haircuts sadly. Neither hormones nor gender confirming surgeries would work either, sadly. So yeah, bad with the good.
Which of the RO’s have lost the most teeth while fighting?
I have never written Ortega as fast before.
Why did Blaze join the Guardians? Easy money?
No. I would call it more a search for respectability and position. It would be easier money to be a corporate hero.
In a previous QnA, Blaze thought that Chen was comparing him to Ricardo during their thing (which was wrong). Chen in return thought he might be more interested in Julia: was he similarly wrong?
Chen was slightly less wrong, but I wouldn't call him right.
Does he celebrate pride month?
Oh yes. Probably a part of the "veteran" segment of the parade, dressed down, so nobody ever realizes who he is.
How much percent would you say the book is finished?
No idea. I don't focus on that.
Was Sidestep influenced/manipulated by Heartbreak the same way that a random, non-telepathic Joe Shmoe would have been during the HB incident? Or did Sidestep’s telepathy allow Heartbreak to connect with Step in a unique way?
Sidestep's telepathy made for unique interactions and synergy.
How does the Handyman feel about Owl’s willingness to kill? Steel’s and Herald’s stance on her makes me wonder.
He... has issues with it. But he likes to think of himself as a mellowing influence, and he is right about that.
Probably been asked a billion times, but is there a tentative release date for Book 3/Revelations?
Nope, no idea! It depends on real life, inspiration, how ambitious I go, how complicated it turns out to be, my other projects go, and a million other things.
Will we learn more about danny's past? Also why was he looking for some kind of recognition when he told us his last name?
Oh yes!
First off, I'm back finally! I have to ask would Jake wear a zoot suit & what are or would be his thoughts on them? For some reason he strikes me as an old-school So-Cal gangster & I can only imagine him wearing really nice zoot suits now. Sort of like the Joker's but way better quality & better kept.
I mean he absolutely could pull it off, I think Nocturne has probably talked him into one for a costume party or something. He thinks it's a bit too flashy.
On a completely unrelated note can we please tease Argent and mess with her & everyone for that matter more moving forward? I find that people with serious trauma like pretty much any Sidestep tend to vent & deal with things by fucking with people and generally being a troll. Especially when they have severe trust issues & either can't or won't get help from others.
I mean there is a reason why Argent can be such a troll as well. I will do my best to find times for things like this, it depends on what fits into the scenes.
No spoilers necessary (but desperately wanted) for poly steps just how of much of a cluster fuck can we make our characters' lives? like could we try to convince say Julia, Argent, and Mortum to all go on a date with us at same time? Cause the mere thought of doing so makes laugh like a madman. I'd love to know the chances of actually accomplishing this feat. For instance would we have a better chance of fighting Godzilla? If you've answered this before or if I asked this before then sorry for effectively wasting some of your time
I mean... look. I'd love to be able to say nope, that's never gonna happen, but part of me is also sitting here cackling in a corner thinking of how fun it would be and wondering if I can pull it off. The very thought delights me, that's all I can tell you for now.
Does the Rat-King have a natural lifespan or are the brains effectively immortal?
The Rat King is already older than any normal rat, so there seems to be something going on with the lifespan there.
How would the power players of the FEZ react individually to a no-win scenario? Natural disaster or enemy assault.
Oh that is SPOILERS of the big kind.
Are the re-gene brands a custom built parasite tailored to each subject?
Yep! Though I wouldn't call the tattoos a parasite...
In terms of Step's vices of sugar, tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine. On a scale which would the Rangers take the most seriously or would it vary?
I mean we all know it is alcohol...
You’ve said Ortega punched multiple ppl over sidestep, did Ricardo ever punch a woman? How about Julia?
Julia definitely did. I don't think Ricardo... no wait, Ricardo did punch Owl.
How would HG react if they slipped up and called Sidestep by their little siblings nickname? How'd they feel if Sidestep actually responded to it without realizing it?
Like when you actually manages to pet a reclusive cat, but you can't show your excitement or do it again because then it will run away.
Can we get a movie marathon with Argent and Ortega? I'm a lifelong moviebuff & would love to see their opinions on a wide variety of movies if possible.
I am sure that Argent and Ortega can find common ground in the spaghetti western genre...
I remember you said that fighter Steps would be the best of the main group in hand to hand at least in technique, how would a prime Sidestep vs Steel exhibition go?
Sidestep would win.
Who among our named cast celebrate Christmas & Thanksgiving? I mean actually participate not go to parties because they'd get shit for not going although that info would be great to. For instance I love Halloween so all October I'm just happier then any other time of year including my birthday.
I think I might have answered something similar ages ago but I can't find it now, so if my answers have changed, sorry about that. Dr. Mortum is a huge Halloween fan, and organizes the yearly villain Halloween party. Argent is also a huge Halloween fan. On the other hand, Ortega is more for thanksgiving, that's the time they get to see most of their more distant relatives on Elena's side, and catch up on things. They usually takes a week off for that every year. Chen is invited every year, and reluctantly agrees because he doesn't want to be a bother. Probably the only holiday he kind of feels relaxed at. Daniel likes Christmas for the aesthetics, it was never really celebrated in his household, and he likes to make up for lost time. Since he has no family, he tends to spend it at one of the Los Angeles orphanages he used to volunteer at when he had just moved to Los Diablos and had no job and no friends. It's a yearly tradition, and an open secret that he is Herald. I think the HG trio is mostly for Thanksgiving, though the organization would have holiday celebrations too. They have gone to HG's Halloween party more than once. Sky-Raider likes Christmas, there's probably a villain party for that as well somewhere. A lot of villains doesn't even have families. Vera has no real favorite festivities, they always makes her feel a bit out of space, and if she has a chance she grabs Arde and they head off somewhere alone to chill. There's so many obligations with celebrations, and she always feels like she does the wrong thing.
Will crashstep use a cane in recovery or is this headcanon territory?
Canes are useful and cool. Would be a shame not to use one.
With the Olympics going on, I wondered what Olympic sport/event you might associate with each RO (and HG trio, if you’re so inclined)? Doesn’t necessarily have to be the sport they’d be “best” at, more just a fun question based on ~vibes~
Instant vibes: Ortega: Speed climbing. Herald: Diving. Argent: Gymnastics. Chen: Pistol shooting. Sky-Raider: Mountain Bike. Vera: Table tennis. Dr. Mortum: Dressage. Jake: Boxing. Nocturne: Sabre. Hollow Ground: Audience.
If Ortega had one last chance to say everything they ever wanted to say to Sidestep they had a past thing with, and they’d believe it (compliments and all), what would they say?
That depends too much on the path to ever give an answer to.
What would current!Chen caution past!Chen to do or think, knowing what he does now about Sidestep?
Don't underestimate them, and trust your instincts.
Would any of the ROs (with or without romanced steps blessing) get a tattoo or something to match/show support of steps regene tattoos? Like a little replica of steps barcode or something?
I'm not sure, that might be in really bad form.
Could Sidestep have possessed any comatose patient or was there something special about the puppet's body/mind?
There is a sliding scale from comatose to brain dead, and the puppet was right in the sweet spot. Still physically functioning, but with no conscious or unconscious mind that Sidestep could pick up on. Normally someone becomes comatose for reasons that includes damage to the brain. Blood clots. Stroke. Inflammation. Trauma. This would have made things very hard for Sidestep to deal with. Also, some people might be comatose but still have a very vivid unconscious life, there is something in the connection to the conscious mind that just won't click. That would also pose trouble for Sidestep. So, the puppet was a one in a million chance, Sidestep could have made do with others, but it's doubtful it would have worked as well.
Do the metallic parts/Mods of the Catfiend's body regenerate like its fleshy parts do? Does it need to consume metal to "regrow" those components?
The metallic parts needs to be repaired/regrown. The fiend can do some things on its own, the blades is the most easily regrown, in a way they are like metallic covered teeth. Some of the other components it needs to get help for. Yes, somewhere out there some poor mechanics have done work on the Catastrofiend.
How does Nocturne's Boost blind people? Does it cause an overload like a flashbang? Or does it directly shut off the occipital lobe? Is the second option technically a form of telepathy?
That is spoilers, you will need to find out that in game.
How did Dove and Arde meet? What kept Arde from just running away?
You will probably find that out in game!
Are the cuckoos kept isolated from one another to the point they wouldn't recognize each other if they met in the field?
Yes. Most of them wouldn't know each other.
In regards to last month's question about whether or not Ortega could've gotten to Sidestep if they hadn't stopped for Chen, would Ortega still have been around by the events of Book 1, had they left Chen and still failed to save Sidestep?
I honestly don't know. I think not, but Ortega can be unpredictable.
Have there been any attempts to create perpetual engines in universe, considering that many powers seems to violate the conservation of energy?
Of course! That's the current pipe dream of physics, now that fusion is workable.
Why would it be worse if a Catfiend half ate another?
So when you answer these, do you stop answering questions posted after the end of the calendar month, or do you just answer all the ones posted since your last answering post?
The ones posted since my last answering post most of the time. If there are too many, I might break at the month.
Where was Regina the day of Heartbreak?
I'm not sure I should tell you!
How was regina told about sidestep being taken in again? In person? Did the evil emts understand how big a deal this was, enough to go through to the director immediately?
They had no idea of how big a deal it was at the time, they just saw an opportunity. But due to the nature of the Heartbreak incident, the current director was informed immediately.
Does Mortum have any interest in making watches?
Not currently, but I can see that as a thing they'd be into. Maybe when they retire.
What's your favorite video game?
Nier Automata without a doubt, closely followed by Dragon Age 2. The one I have played the most though? Civ V.
Since he's apparently interested, how would Argent react to Lord Ember asking her out?
Laugh. Absolutely lose it with the hyena cackle.
What is Lord' Ember's reaction to hearing that Argent is dating a civilian (Sidestep)?
Oh, so she's slumming it.
Would Argent recognize Heartbreak if she saw a photo of them?
Also can I have Mortum and HG as dinosaurs too?
HG is not a dinousaur technically, but absolutely a Dimetrodon. Dr. Mortum is a Troodon.
Argent is Lord Ember's type, but would she still be his type if he knew the true nature of her powers?
HELL NO! She should be nuked from orbit, which would be hard since the FH world don't have nukes or that many satellites.
So in timelines where Argent kisses Sidestep during the bridge fight, how jealous was Lord Ember of the new villain?
Just low level normal seething envy, since Argent moved to LD he's not exactly kept up too much. He might be bad, but he's not a stalker.
Who is the oldest person currently alive in the Fallen Hero universe and how old are they?
I literally have no idea!
Does Snowball have any favorite treats?
Bananas, peel and all.
Is the number of these ever overwhelming? Should we try to limit our questions to one or two per month? I don't want to stress you out!! But this is a cool and fun idea, so thanks for the opportunity!
If I don't have time or feel overwhelmed I will tell you, I promise! Just be a bit mindful about asking elaborate AU things (which I won't have an opinion of), big spoilers or what characters think which will come up in game (which I won't answer), or large lists like "favorite car of all the ros and the hg trio, and henchmen and the crew." Be specific and interesting and I have no issues with the number of questions.
What would the Catfiend taste like to the Catfiend?
Very tasty! Deeply marinated in the good juice.
Will we have a chance to confront Argent on the repercussions of her using the regenerator before she goes through with it?
It depends on the path, but there can be a discussion there.
Where does Sidestep get their solution to feed the rat king from?
Probably steals the mixture from hospitals and then adjusts it themselves.
What's everyone's favorite potato chip flavor?
I have no idea! Chip flavors are so extremely local and ever changing. Even here in Sweden the flavors just keep shifting in and out, and my favorite corn chips flavors from the first time I was in the US doesn't even exist anymore.
Not asking who, but have we met any characters who would have unusually good odds against the Farm? If so, how many?
Hehehe... yes you have. Hmmm. One that everyone has met. Another one too... technically depending on how you define things.
Did Tia Elena name Snowball or did Snowball tell Sidestep her name when she was rescued from the lab?
Tia Elena named her. She just had a number code at the lab.
How long would the Farm have kept Heartbreak specimen alive, if they weren't a Regene? As in, if Sidestep wasn't a Regene, for how long would the Farm keep them for experiments before disposing of the materials?
As long as they remained scientifically useful.
Did the Farm know which of the Rangers were deployed to HB?
As soon as the LDPD did.
Will it be possible to gain Blaze as an ally in future books if you don't ally him in the hotel?
Possibly yeah.
Would the Catastrofiend make use of the regenerator if it got an opportunity to use it?
Are there any performers on broadway with boosts?
Possibly. Minor boosts can be a boon in performances, and if they are deemed harmless they can get a license even on the east coast.
Because the rangers are US government employees, I assume any work they do saving/protecting civilians is covered by their paycheck.
Oh yes. And they are insured when they mess up...
What about non-federal offical heroes, like the Guardians? Does the Los Diablos mayor office issue bills to people who have been saved by Blaze to cover the cost?
No, the Mayor sees this as part of a PR scheme, and managed to sell that to the Council. So the Guardians also has their paycheck and insurance sponsored by the city, or rather by the cabal of major companies that runs it.
Is the Chicago Bean still around? How does Argent feel about the fact that she kinda shares an aesthetic with it?
I cannot capture the face I made on Argent's behalf in words. For fun, I will say that the Chicago Bean absolutely exists, and some hapless reporter asked that was question and was promptly banned from ever appearing at a Rangers press conference ever again.
What is the lifespan of a single nanovore before it dies of "old age"?
It depends on the activity level, I don't have exact numbers. The higher the activity level, the shorter the lifespan. Luckily high activity level also often coincides with a feeding frenzy, so nanovores will be quickly replaced.
What is the procedure for if a Re-Gene becomes ill on a mission, to the point where it impacts their performance but not enough to require hospitalization?
Pull them back for treatment. Even Re-Genes gets medical evacs, they are valuable tools.
Just how naughty can a cuckoo be before they are pulled from a mission? If a cuckoo does everything they are asked but has attitude, are they in trouble?
It depends a lot on the team, but Re-Genes with an attitude, cuckoo or not, are a liability. That is as bad as refusing orders, because it is a sign of independent thinking and a concept of self-worth. If not correctable, that might be a cause for recycling, or at the very least wipe and replace the chipped memories if they are not entrenched enough. That particular AI chip loudout might be scrapped as well, if it gives rise to independent thinkers, it's dangerously defective.
Has Ortega ever got sick of a short Sidestep's shit and hung them on a coat hanger?
No? I doubt most coat hangers or clothes could stand up to that kind of abuse.
How did Argent know the specifications of a living space that would seal in the nanovores? Or did she just over engineer it and hope the nanovores wouldn't break out?
Oh she over-engineered it like hell. But again, she can't be sure. It's not like something like that can be found open-source on the internet or something.
In scenarios where Sidestep shot (?) HB, what came first Chen almost snapping or the sound of the caster going off?7
Chen almost snapping.
Let’s pretend for a second all the movies IRL exist in FH, does Argent have any “Literally Me” characters? IE an outcast character that someone connects with so much either from actually sharing a lot traits or just wishful thinking they go “Wow, this is literally me”
Oh boy. I don't think so? A lot of the movie characters Argent bonds with and idolizes are more like what she -wants- to be. Aspirational. She rebuilt herself from the ground up, body and attitude both, so a lot of her is cribbed in part from various sources. Not a single individual, but little scenes and fractions of identity that she has latched onto and made hers. One of the things she loves about movies is that she can get pulled into them and -not- have to be herself.
How insistent are the farm on cuckoos having tattoos? If they got asked to infiltrate or monitor a group like a nudist colony then would they have a cuckoo without tattoos take on the mission or would they turn down the government's orders?
I honestly doubt that has ever come up. But if that was necessary, a cuckoo would not be chosen. Tattoos are essential, otherwise they might be mistaken for a human.
If Jake got caught and prosecuted for all of his crimes, would they put him into a medically induced coma for the duration of his sentence, or would they have some other ways of stopping him from just strolling out of prison?
Jake is a tricky one there. Unless there is some way to disrupt his powers (not that Sidestep knows), he would be one of the ones who would have to be kept in a coma. However, there are two likelier choices considering who he is. He might get deported to the Philippines, since that is his country of origin. The classic, just get him out of our hair. He would also be subject to a massive recruitment drive. His powers would be super valuable for many government agencies, and his psychological profile would show that he's essentially a rather loyal man. With HG's powers taking into account, it wouldn't be hard to sell it that he has been mind controlled, and a full pardon could be arranged. Money, security for his family, whatever he wanted, it could be arranged. Probably even leniency for Nocturne (she wouldn't be considered too dangerous with her powers). Not HG though... that one is deeply dangerous, though easy to keep in a comfortable prison should that help Jake stay loyal.
How would the various rangers and the hollow ground trio react to finding child re-genes of themselves?
That's not how it works.
Will we be able to date Vera/Ben/Mortum without them knowing we're a villain? Or does is it through them knowing we're a villain? And if so, would they accept if we don't reveal ourselves even with feelings involved? Who'd push?
All three of those will be fully aware that you are a villain, there's no civilian path there.
Will there be an option to introduce mortum to Argent?
Yes, just not sure how I will do it yet.
As per the June QnA question about what Re-Genes talk about through the wall of their cells: do they warn each other about certain guards, handlers, or scientists?
Oh yes, there's a whisper network on who the dangerous ones are. And, though nothing is ever proven, I think that on occasion especially nasty Farm staff might end up rather unlucky... Re-Genes can be quite subtle when needed.
Would Marcia recognize Ortega? How would she handle Ortega coming in and asking after the resident basement-dweller?
Marcia would be like "Oh, you have a pretty lady/handsome gentleman out there asking for you by name, and I might be needing my glasses adjusted, but they really look the spitting image of Charge. A little older and taller I think, but oh my, they're a cutie. Should I turn down my hearing aid and go dust some shelves so you can have some private time?"
Has HG ever got someone hurt by mistake using their power? Like telling someone that they can't feel pain or not to worry about something that maybe should have been worried about?
Oh yes. It's an easy thing to do. HG likes to remember those points when they get overconfident.
How high do you think the survival rate of a boost drug (including substitutes like void blood) could theoretically be in your setting?
Not high at all. But any number I would pull would be pulled out from thin air.
How big is a single nanovore? Also, what do they look like under a microscope?
I honesty don't know. If I specified the size, that might mean I paint myself into a corner story wise. Visually I've always imagined them as a cross between tardigrades and woodlouses, but techy.
Does Ortega trust Herald with anything they don't trust with Steel or Argent?
No, but they should. It would be good for them.
What does Herald think of kites?
The bird: Cool! The kite on a string: A damn nuisance near what remains of the beaches.
How long does it take Steel to change armor configurations? Does he need a dedicated hangar and pit crew to change or can he run around with an Optimus Prime style trailer filled with his other loadouts?
It needs a hangar. Some variants are an entirely new armor, while others are just modular weapon systems. But all needs time and work to prepare, it's not something he can do on a mission. Once Steel takes the field, he's stuck in whatever configuration he had until they return to base.
Is there a substance abuse problem in hero/villain communities similar to what was going on with 80s - 2000s wrestlers?
Oh yeah. It's not uncommon at all, especially with the laxer laws when it comes to controlled substances.
Is it more common for heroes & villains to take breaks even if there’s no serious injuries like many modern combat sports athletes or go non-stop until they have to recover from something major like pro wrestlers?
It varies depending on the person. And, it might not only be physical injuries that needs rest. PTSD and stress is a big issue, and while some prefer to repress and work through it, others takes time off before they snap. Some would say the biggest risks of injuries, capture and death are when people keep pushing themselves beyond their limits. Sponsored heroes, or ones in teams, might have people that care about them enough to make them take a break before something worse happens, but the same is rarely true for villains. The most well-adjusted ones (like Psychopathor) usually disappear for a month or two after a big score, presumably for rest and recreation, and to spend their ill-gotten gains.
How likely is it there’s a documentary series about heroes that’s similar to Dark Side of The Ring? & if it’s likely have any past/present LD Rangers ever been a subject or interviewed for it?
I would say that there definitely is one for vigilantes. They don't have any media teams or corporations looking over their shoulders, and many are quite outspoken about the challenges they face. The team who made it probably planned one for the more official heroes as well, but got leaned on pretty hard to turn it into an upbeat documentary instead and stopped the project. No dark sides allowed for corporate spokespersons. There might be tapes out there of interviews filmed but never used, revealing some nasty sides to things. They should have been destroyed, but you know how things are... I don't think the Rangers got interview, that was too high profile.
What was in the warehouse (or what did he think was in there) that Psychopathor wanted?
I'm not sure what you're talking about? If you mean the warehouse in Rebirth, I think that was just the current base for Psychopathor? A good assembly spot to prepare for their next job, a temporary base so to speak.
Does Ortega attribute any of their survival going up against HG as due to being Sidestep's friend? As in HG should have had them killed by now but is willing to overlook some things because their little sibling wouldn't have wanted them dead.
Oh yes. Ortega is quite convinced that is the reason why they have just been indirectly warned off (blown up flat, etc) instead of assassinated like Hood. That is one reason they haven't pushed too hard against HG with overt attacks, because there must be limits. Ortega doesn't want to cross that line until they have all the proof and information they need, and is ready to take HG down for good.
Would this opinion have shifted upon discovering Step was alive? From being just too skilled to be killed to being kept alive as leverage over Step? Or being alive due to sentimentality to having dodged genuine assassination attempts so they can't get Step to be a hero again?
Oh yes, the moment they learned Sidestep was alive, all facts clicked into place. It's the wrong facts, sure, but oh boy do they paint a very convincing picture. Ortega is not sure if it is Sidestep that actively protected them (they hope so) or if it is HG who wants to refrain from widening the rift. Ortega is also so absolutely furious at themself for not coming to the conclusion that the fact that HG hadn't tried to kill them yet meant that Sidestep must be alive. If only they had stopped being so depressed maybe they would have added up all the facts beforehand.
Was there any public backlash or conspiracy theories about why Sidestep, a vigilante with unknown and non-very-flashy powers, got pulled into a disaster on the scale of Heartbreak?
Oh yes! Especially considering that there were rumors about the Nanosurge, though most bought the official explanation. A lot of people had theories about Sidestep's true powers, some were probably even correct! Others saw it as a misjudgement by Charge, you don't take your Sidekick on a mission like that. Just like Charge to let their ego decide.
What is the situation surrounding boosts, mods, the hero scene, and the legality of such things in Canada?
Canada is not as repressive as the US east coast, nor as permissive as the free western territories. There is a thriving hero scene in Canada, people can get licensed to use their powers, and many choose to go into law enforcement. They don't have a Rangers project per se, but the Royal Canadian Mounted Police do have an Enhanced Crimes Division that boosts and mods can apply to. If you pass the background checks and the six months of basic training, you will have a good paying job waiting for you. These heroes are known as the Royal Canadian Enhanced Police, the RCEP for short, though many of them prefer the parent term and see themselves as much a part of the RCMP as their non-enhanced comrades.
Of course not everyone wants to go through with this, or believe they will be able to pass the background check for various reasons. They can become independent heroes, and if they pass a psychological evaluation, and a voluntary mapping of their powers, they can get what is essentially similar to a private investigator license. This is quickly revoked in case of too much property damage, but careful and heroic individuals are much respected. And, they can also retain their secret identity.
Vigilantes have no licenses or official sanction. If they are heroic and not too destructive, they are left alone. Otherwise they might be treated as almost as much of a problem as the villains are.
The hero drug is illegal in Canada, but with the busy border traffic between Vancouver and Seattle, it's not a hard thing to get hold of. Penalties for smuggling are very harsh, the Canadian authorities prefers that people get boosted on US soil so they don't have to deal with the potentially explosive fallout and side-effects. There are well-known "clinics" in isolated spots near the border that offers an opportunity for boosting under somewhat medical control, and these are popular.
How would the Rangers have taken it if Sidestep did die during the Physcopathor fight?
They'd be sad and distraught, but on occasion allied heroes die.
What was Themmy's last thought before dying? Did they see the Void when dying due to Heartbreak?
Oh that is spoooilers!
If someone took the boost drug with something like DMT which gives extremely intense hallucinations (often to do with higher planes of existence, to the point where some people think it is responsible for out of body experiences during near death experiences), what kind of power what would they be likely to get?
About as random as during other times, there's no predicting it. There might be a greater chance of extrasensory or "weirder" powers connecting to the experience, but it's hard to be sure due to limited tests being done. I am sure the Farm has experimented with various drug cocktails to see if there is a difference, but so far there's no statistical significance. Too small sample size.
Placing some tinfoil scraps on the table. Was 5p always prone to be aggressive/"rancid"/villainous/ other adjective to describe his whole thing, or was there a certain circumstance that caused him to change in such a way? If so, was it caused by being boosted similar to The Void or was it a certain event that caused/catalyzed his descent from hero to killer?
Chicken or egg? Hard to tell at this point, even when he was on the right side of the law, Five Pennies were always one of the more brutal heroes. Maybe we'll get into it in game, not sure yet. If not, I might reveal more background later.
And has 5p ever encountered Mortum's gun?
I don't think so.
Would storing 5P's five pennies in Mortum's gun deteriorate their abilities when 5P uses them?
How do I open all of the gates?
You can't yet, that is for book four. Or book three. Not sure yet.
You mentioned in another Q&A that there isn't much of a market for superhero TTRPGs in FHR, but what about their world's equivalent of Madden or fantasy football? Do they have games where they play as teams of superheroes or set up teams of superheroes for missions or whatnot?
OH yeah! Fantasy Heroes must be a big thing, build your own four man hero team and see how it does. Was probably called Fantasy Rangers first before the cease and desist letter came. With the ranking sites for heroes and villains, I think this would be a feasible thing to do. Probably a lot of board or console games too.
What are the housing units for regens like? Communal dorms? Single unit closest-like bedrooms? How are they adjusted for Regene's with unique physiologies?
It varies. New Re-Genes have communal dorms to be able to interact. When they are later selected into teams, each team have their own dorm to increase bonding. Some Re-Genes do have single unit rooms, either because their powers are dangerous or volatile enough, or because they are deemed difficult or unreliable. Sidestep was one of those. The rooms are spartan but not uncomfortable, just devoid of personality. Think hospital more than prison cell, sturdy and utilitarian. They can be adjusted depending on the occupant, let's say a solid metal bead for heavy Re-Genes, or a water bath for ones needing immersion often.
How would Hood and Sentinel have fared under Heartbreak's mental influence?
Bad. Would probably have led to a city-wide disaster, maybe even worse for Hood.
Did Deadeye have any prominent employers before HG or did she freelance?
She was a freelancer.
Can you rate the public figures of the cast on a scale of how likely they are to lose in a look-a-like contest of themselves?
I don't know for everyone, but I DO know Ortega would absolutely lose, and it would infuriate them.
When it comes to the distinction between a standard killer & a massacre villain do people have a heavily desensitized threshold like most mid/high power superhero comics or is it roughly like reality? IE if the gala attack happened IRL & 5 people died that would be enough to be called a massacre but if Emma Frost or Namor did it while they were villains it’d be bad but it’d have to be around 50 people to elicit that kind of response
I would say it operates more on comic book logic here, but I am avoiding numbers for a reason.
When you fight the re-gene in Rebirth, Step notices their optic mods. Given the longer time you spend with him (like saving him) the higher your SD clue gets, were his optic mods recording?
Ehehehehehe. Not gonna tell you that.
Would Daniel, given the speed of his flight, consider a flight to Japan and back a hiking trip?
Kinda like the Appalachian trail I suppose. A LONG one. Since Danny can easily sleep floating, it is feasible, he would have to pack food and water though, and some means of navigation.
Does the core implant memories similarly how to Step can do with Argent?
Hmmm. I would say similar enough.
Following up on a question from last month: Nowadays, when Hollow Ground crushes some rando's pathetic attempt to bring them to justice beneath their heel, do they ever think wistfully that Hood would have done it much better?
Oh yes. A man (gn) is measured by the qualities of their enemies.
How often does Ortega let slip something to Daniel that Daniel doesn't have security clearance for? Has Steel ever let anything slip to anyone?
Ortega lets slip surprisingly little. Honestly, I think Steel has let slip more. Don't underestimate Ortega's caginess.
What does Herald think of Argent flirting with a villainstep? Is it different from how he views Ortega's previous times on the fridge (if he thinks about that)?
He thinks Argent is being self-destructive. That can't be healthy. And he does think the same about Ortega...
If the rat king wasn't in place, would argent be able to use step's armor against them? How much could she fuck with the armor if it was possible for her?
It would be harder due to the telepathic interface, but it would be easier to read it at least. A powered armor (not just Sidesteps) is made to respond to the wearer, either through muscle interaction, neural, or telepathic interface. This is an active loop, which is harder for Argent to influence. She would be be able to puppet an armor like that. However, she might be able to cause faulty sensory readings and the like, use it a bit like Sidestep started out using their telepathy. To mess with people.
When Argent feeds them, how do the nanovore know not to eat her as well? By taste or by technopathy?
At this point, a bit of both. She's designated HOST not DINNER.
How do the nanovores perceive Argent? Is she their leader? A foreign body they'll listen to? A very large and misshapen nanovore?
She's HOST, a bit like a coral reef for them I suppose. Fish living in anemones and so on. They live there, she protects them, and they protect her.
Would Argent have been disappointed if the villain she’d been flirting with turned out to be a flat out sentient machine like presumably Dread Reactor?
No, that would be fascinating. She always wanted to meet Dread Reactor.
Does ortega consider their mods to be a part of themself, or like chen and his hands, does ortega not consider them their own?
For Ortega, they are as much a part of them as their eyes or hands. It's all them, that's one of the reasons why they are able to get that modded. They are fully integrated on a level that's true for few other modded heroes.
Does Argent cheat at video games when playing single player or multi player?
No, that would be cheating.
What would happen if I Boosted an independent cancerous cell culture like the HeLa cells?
I don't think it would work on just a cell culture. But now you've got me thinking...
How stable is the hero drug on its own? Is it basic, acidic or otherwise difficult to store? Radioactive? Are its fumes hazardous? How long does it take to degrade beyond effectiveness?
The hero drug is not very dangerous on its own. It's somewhat acidic if dissolved in water, but not more than lemon juice. No fumes, but if burnt the smoke can harm lungs and mucous membranes. Not healthy. It can't boost anybody if smoked like that, people have tried. It's generally not radioactive, though there has been experiments with irradiated variants to see if that is more effective. The results are inconclusive, but it seems that radiation in combination with the hero drug can result in more dangerous but volatile boosts, thus less serviceability. As for stability, it varies depending on the form. Currently the premium variant is liquid, for injection, and degrades within a few weeks if kept at room temperature, longer if kept cold. It's not overly sensitive to heat, but it does reduce the shelf life. The old variant, which was a yellowish, milky, crystalline powder for ingestion was more stable, and could last for many months if stored dry. This is still the most common type to smuggle, though it is less effective than the newer, purified variants. Most dissolve it in water before injecting, in the mistaken belief that will make it as effective as the premium variant.
How are the nanovores feelings and behaving during Book 2's Argent date?
Spoilers. Maybe I'll write that out one day.
What would a romanced Ortega's reaction to Sidestep wearing deliberately awful outfits on dates just to make them cringe be?
Oh that is a challenge, two can play that game...
Is HGs organization as large as Ortega thinks it is? Or does Ortega think HG has more reach than they truly have?
I would say that Ortega is prone to exaggeration.
Does Herald rank higher than Ricardo on "Top 10 most handsome hero" lists? Or is there a betting pool in the Ranger's HQ staff for when that will happen?
Yeah, he is now. To Ortega's chagrin.
Aside from Sky Raider are there any names we know that Dr Mortum has done armor/weapon work for? Have they done work for vigilantes or is it villains exclusively?
I haven't decided all, but I do know they have worked with Psychopathor. Dr. Mortum works with vigilantes too, if they can cough up the cash, which is rare.
Was going in with a small team to handle the Heartbreak threat personally only Ortega's call or was it suggested or preferred by higher ups? Was it an attempt to minimize civilian casualties or were there other motivations since just bombing the building was always on the table?
The team size was to avoid giving Heartbreak tools to use. Hence Sentinel's absence. It was Ortega's call, and as you can see, they were a bit hesitant whether Sidestep should come too. Ortega wanted to go in and take Heartbreak out in person rather than bomb the building and surroundings to minimize casualties. They didn't know if any people were still alive in there, or in fact if Heartbreak still was. Steel was the one which arranged for the bombing backup, though this was probably strongly suggested to him by the military. As a last resort, don't tell Charge.
Since Dr Mortum is so fond of capes did they ever have one in an iteration of their own villain armor? Have they ever incorporated one into their civilian wardrobe?
No, but they did have a sweeping coat which fulfilled a similar role.
Is there a higher resignation/requested transfer rate amongst handlers assigned to work with cuckoos? If so is it because they’re more difficult to dehumanize, or for different/multiple reasons?
I don't think so, but I do think the handlers are screened a lot more resolutely to weed out too emphatic people.
Can 5Ps be telepathied by Sidestep? Or do his pennies give him a kind of resistance?
Is danny perceptive enough that he might notice any tension or hesitance between one of his teammates and the villain, particularly in a case where sidestep/ro would be hesitant to hurt each other? What about if the villain (who he doesn't know is a sidestep he's dating... doubly so in cases where step mangled his leg at the gala) is suddenly subtly hesitant to hurt him?
Ehehehe oh you will see. Not gonna tell you.
What is it about a Villainstep that’s Ortegas nemesis compared to every other potential status that makes them so certain they’re working for HG even before the meeting? Or is it just “I hate these 2, they must be connected”?
Once you have a conspiracy board with lots of lines connecting things, it becomes very easy to fit every new threat into the picture that is emerging. In short, it's just a hunch.
Does Sidestep remember their re-gene designation number?
Are Ace's premonitions 100% accurate or are they more like extremely probable outcomes?
Depends on your power level. Also, they tend to be probable unless affected by Ace, so they can be changed once you figure out how.
Which of the ROs are quickest to notice when Step struggles to be fully present during physical or emotional intimacy? Would any of them only realize that was happening afterwards?
Who would be first to try and talk to Step about it?
I would say Danny... he's pretty perceptive that way, and have no filter for when SIdestep might like to repress things in peace. But it is a thing all the RO's will figure out sooner or later.
Did the farm make cukoos have telepathic fights to have them hone their telepathy?
I think telepathic adjacent cuckoos were deliberately kept very isolated from each other. Too dangerous.
Does Chen still play chess? Does/did anyone in the Rangers play with him?
Daniel does! He's improved a lot.
The ultimate balance of tactician and fighter, which one of the cast would be best at chess boxing? Rank them please
I have no idea what chess boxing is, and ranking the cast is a huge effort!
Does Ortega have a thing for nerds?
Ortega has a thing for characters, people that stick out somehow. And sometimes, those are nerds.
Can Ortega fix/maintain cars or are they just good at driving them?
They're decent, they had to do that a lot when growing up. Not an expert though.
Are there crimes targeting the Enhanced that are considered hate crimes?
Does Ortega think a revealed Step possessed Argent? Or has that yet to cross their mind?
I'm unsure. It would depend on the circumstances. Most likely not.
Mayor Alvarez is credited with opening the heroic heritage museum, was she present during the gala? Does she have any idea that the original blueprints of the museum were altered either before or after the villains attack?
Oh yes, she was present during the gala. She has no idea any blueprints were changed, she was not that involved in the details.
Would any of the ROs purposefully tighten the lids of things so Sidestep comes to them to open it?
Nah, they know Sidestep one, knows the knife trick, and two, would be as likely to gently smash it open. Asking for help? Sidestep? All signs point to never.
If the ROs fell asleep at a desk or couch, or some place not their bed, how would they feel to find Sidestep carried them to bed or threw a blanket over them to keep them warm?
I mean who wouldn't feel warm and loved by that?
What did Ortega see when present for Step delving into Argents mind a second time at HQ? How did Argent and Steps physical bodies react? About how long did the mind delve take?
The mind dive was quick, but took long enough for Ortega to start to worry. One to five minutes perhaps? It depends on what was done. Both of them showed rapid eye movement behind closed eyelids, and depending on what happened, quick facial distortions, fleeting, gone as soon as they arrived.
Did Ace intentionally take the Boost drug?
Oh yes. They were the betting sort even back then.
Would Argent actively try to supress her thoughts about her birthday around a known telepath Sidestep to stop them finding out that it's her birthday?
I honestly don't think she needs to suppress much, these days she rarely thinks about it.
Since her clue is raised when the Puppet passes out completely unharmed at the gala, is Argent aware Ortega’s been investigating the Puppet.
Argent might be having an inkling, yes.
Who would be better at noticing minor similarities (hand gestures, speech patterns, etc.) between Step & Puppet, Ortega or Herald?
Herald. Ortega would notice, but would be more likely to write it off as Seeing Sidestep everywhere.
Is Doves 1-sided rivalry with Herald coming more from a place of malice or annoyance?
Did Mortum have any rivals at any point in their life?
Probably, but I haven't come up with them yet!
Does Bo's daughter know what he does for a living?
Not exactly, but she suspects.
What would Ortega have done if at the end of book 2, they explained their HB sibling theory to Sidestep and then Sidestep revealed they were just a paranoid average citizen with no connection to any major players?
Insert doubt emoji here.
What would've been the max range of HB before they expired if they hadn't been stopped?
I would say city wide.
What scares Ortega more; the thought that Sidestep is a villain or Sidestep is truly 100% retired?
Oh that is an interesting question. Ortega would not want to admit this, but it is actually the latter.
Very roughly (like by standard form), how many nanovores does Argent have around her?
Absolutely no idea!
Could the rat king feel Argent trying to take control of villainstep's suit?
They might feel the suit glitching yes, but not pinpoint the source. If they connect the two, they might get better at spotting it.
(What) does Argent know about the Ratking? If she does, does she suspect it being part of the armour?
Do Ortega and Chen miss the old HQ, did they fight at all to keep it as it was? Or after Heartbreak were they glad to have a bit of a "fresh start" away from the potentially painful memories?
Both were happy for a fresh start, away from the ghosts.
How vivid and faithful can implanted memories be? Has there been attempts to make full clones with full duplicate lives from the original?
Implanted memories can be just as real as organically sourced ones. However, there is a question of quantity. Think of it like seeding a wildflower meadow, you blanket the entire area with seeds, but which ones which will take root and grow, let alone flower, depends on the dirt, the weather, so many things. Of course there has been attempt to transplant whole memories and personalities, some say that as a way to eternal life, but so far none of the attempts have been very successful.
Could Hollow Ground use/work with other telepaths to command others without touching? For example. Hollow Ground touches Sidestep. Sidestep telepathically connects Hollow Ground and the target and then they give the command.
No. I don't think that would work.
Does Ortega have a range of scented candles that just smell like burning electronics?
Ahaha no.
Does Argent have a mental list of how accurate film's portrayals of heroes are to the hero's she's met?
No, the film portrayals are just stories, she wants them larger than life.
Does Argent know if Villainstep took a sample of her hair in the sewers?
Has Argent ever been tempted to traumatise a villain by letting them get a quick look at her face under the nanovores?
Gross, but no.
Did the SD kidnap Hollow Grounds sibling because they wanted to recreate the geokinesis they claim to have? If so how would HG feel if they learned the lie that helped give & maintain their status is also the reason they lost their last family member?
Was Marshal Hood somehow involved with the younger sibling's death?
Do you have a term of endearment in mind for Mortum to use with genderqueer steps?
Not yet. That's the problem with both french and spanish, they are so gendered. I'll have to consult with my french speaking readers. I will most likely also let people choose at this point.
Step can fess up (or not) about being a regene or a villain. Is there a secret Ortega never plans to disclose to Step because they're afraid of Step's reaction? Would Step be able to find out anyway? I don't want to know specifics, just if there is one. Oh and what you think a justified range of emotions from Step would be if they did find out.
Hmmmmm. That's a good question. Maybe. I need to think about that, I can't answer it yet. As for Sidestep's reaction, that is up to the reader.
Will the Regenerator need any extra parts for it to work? Namely, one might say, Nano-sized ones both Mortum and Argent already know how to work with?
I mean... that sure would be dangerous and convenient.
Does Argent know more about how the Regenerator works than we do when she finds it up for auction?
Can Argent 'talk' to devices that are powered down? Or does her technopathy require devices to be running to work?
They need to be active.
Has Lou Carter ever been involved with a cult?
Not unless you count capitalism.
If Shroud got her hands on a body another telepath was controlling at that moment, what would happen?
I don't even want to consider that, it would be BAD.
When did Sky Raider turn villain?
A year or two after leaving the military.
Apologies if asked before. Do social media exist and in what form?
It does, but in a less evolved form. It's more late nineties message boards and things like that. Lots of little private islands kept alive by enthusiasts, some of them not quite legal. There is no Facebook here yet, they might be working up to the Myspace stage.
Could the Catfiend survived prolonged exposure to a vacuum?(Like the void of space and not a dyson handheld cleaning instrument)
Not prolonged, but probably an hour or so, though the damage would be severe.
If someone took the hero drug and Hollow Ground told them what power they'd gain, would that work?
If Hollow Ground told someone they've mastered a skill, would they only think they did so? What if they watch a tutorial and Hollow Ground tells them they'll do it perfectly the first time they try it?
That would help a lot, removing nervousness, adding confidence and so on. Still wouldn't be perfect, they wouldn't have the muscle memory, but a damn sight better than otherwise.
Is an object affected by the progression of time inside Mortum's gun? The Catfiend degrades over time sure, but is that because of the natural processes of starvation, suffocation, and dying of thirst or because of more esoteric wibbly wobbly space decay?
Wibbly wobbly space decay!
Mia's got guts but have there been any villains she'd been too afraid to interview (Catfiend not withstanding since it can barely talk). Have any refused to be interviewed when she's asked?
There has been villains she has not interviewed because of concern for her safety, specifically paranoid ones who likes to hurt people. She is less worried about the megalomaniacs, they tend to want an audience to brag to. Lots of people refuse interviews, but the ones she picks usually are suckers for fame and a chance to say their piece.
How does Mia usually go about getting villain interviews? Does she have criminal contacts that help set it up or does she just catch them after they're done doing whatever & ask for a time & place?
She does have criminal contacts! It's good to get tips as a reporter.
What are Boss!Step's crew's thoughts on No-Kill/Agent-Kill/Massacre Steps? Is it something any might express later?
Not gonna discuss it here, because this will come up in game, especially due to body-hopping shenanigans...
Did HG's little sibling ever encounter heartbreak?
I don't think so.
Who would be most to least likely to snuggle the farm animals on mama Ortega's farm?
I would say the least likely is Argent. For understandable reasons. Ortega doesn't do the snuggle, unless it's the horses. Chen would love the dogs, and watch the rest of the animals respectfully. Daniel would absolutely snuggle everything he got away with, but probably be a bit freaked out by some of them. I can see him holding a hen in both hands arms outstretched and just going "help?". Dr. Mortum is actually surprisingly good with farm animals, and knows a whole lot more about them than anybody would expect. They would not explain why.
How would our goat friend react to them?
Snowball is spoilers.
Hypothetically, could HG access Sidestep's chip memories? the false ones because it's technically not brain damage but just replaced memories?
Hypothetically HG might help Sidestep to access them, but at this point it's unlikely. At this point memories pretty much have fused into a giant personal soup where it's hard to pick out exactly what was seeded from the chip. Not saying it couldn't be done, but that it would probably be a long process, not unlike therapy.
Is Regina susceptible to HG's threads?
I don't see any reason why she shouldn't be?