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Let's talk about perhaps one of the best core stratagems in the game...


Joshua H Katz

Had some great success ingressing Hearthguard with a Kahl attached. Gives them a nice vantage to get a good judgement token placed in addition to setting up good shots and a charge.

V2d12 -

I love using Terminators, as they've proven to be stubborn at the best of times, and their fists have shown many nids that imperial worlds aren't to be invaded


Dreadclaw (Legend, turn 1 deep strike) + Rapid Ingress when going second? 5+1 Chaos terminators.... mmm, fun?


I use it all the time on kayvan shrike and canis rex. No one expects canis to show up and one shot a ctan while shrike and his assaukt buddies take down a devastator with mortal wounds.


Love using this to set up a next turn short charge with my Grandmaster NDK so I am sure he can get stuck in and wreck faces.

The Everchosen

Can you use Rapid ingress and the DAEMONS 3" deepstrike stratagem?

Brandon Thomas Martinez

I love doing rapid ingress with a drop pod full of devestators and sternguard veterans on my enemies first turn lol


I have used this several times to screen with a Drop Pod carrying (5) Infernus Squad and (5) Intercessor Squad to some good effect.

Marek Dziedzic

Anyone have a suggestion of how to effectively use terminator teleport homers? I've made the mistake of putting the teleport homer on the centre objective, but then I can't use it since I need to drop down >9" from the enemy. Is the right move to put the teleport homer 9" AWAY from an objective, so that when you opponent takes the objective, you can Rapid Ingress for free outside of 9" from the enemy but within 3" of the homer? Or is it better to put the homer near the enemy's deployment zone?

clyde autin

It's tricky but you can't be too aggressive with the teleport homer. I've had success dropping it somewhere in cover that is more than 12 inches away from the center objective.

Jordan apodaca

How do I get on the Discord?


Theres a link in the Youtube channel's "About" tab


I still avoid deep striking like it's a disease.

Alexandre Boutaud Valarini

Quick question from someone trying to learn the game: The stratagem lets you bring someone in from reserves at a different time, using the regular rules. The Core Rules - Reinforcements (p16) says "Some units have a rule that allows them to start the battle in Reserves, such as Deep Strike" Looking at the Armiger Warglaive, I don't see anything to that effect. How did you get it in Reserves? Is it a Knights specific rule?

dylan wilson

In the core rules book, there is a section on Reserves, which says depending on the battle size you may choose to place units in reserves. I think it’s 250pts in a 500pts game, 500 in a 1000 game and 750 in a 200pts game.

Chad Stewart

So... this is becoming, a bit of a sticking point for me now. I sent Auspex a message, maybe it'd be better to address it here though. Im in the US, and events are mixed on Drop Pod, or more applicably, for me, First to the Fray, with Rapid Ingress in Turn 1. Ive read everything from the dumbest shit youve ever heard to reasonably well thought out rulings on why you cannot do this. The better ones seem to focus on, what I believe is a misinterpretation of the Out Of Phase Rules section of the commentary. Because the drop pod specifies YOUR movement phase, you cant use it with rapid in turn 1. I disagree, vehemently, with that stance, but that is way the wind is blowing. I'd love to get Auspex thoughts on it though.

Chad Stewart

Some reserve rules are in the core book, some are specifically in the Levi pamphlet. These rules let you place units into Strategic Reserves – a special type of Reserves you can use to keep units off the battlefield until you require them. Note that while all Strategic Reserves units are also technically Reserves units, the reverse is not true, and so these rules do not apply to units that are using other rules that enable them to start the battle in Reserves (e.g. Deep Strike). Such units are instead set up as described by those other rules. Up to half of your army can be put into reserves, but strat reserves cannot exceed 250, 500 or 750 points for incursion, strike force and onslaught respectively. Any unit can be put into reserves if it meets that criteria, but Deep Strike is a specific unit keyword that is required to place a unit into DS.

Brandon Thomas Martinez

Huh, I’ve never noticed the ‘your’ part of its rules. I’ll admit I play mostly crusade with my local store members and we plan as in you’re able to rapid ingress turn one with a drop pod or any ability that allows you to come in a turn early. I mean we’re trying to have fun, not be a stickler for unfun rules. Also rapid ingress is easy to mess up with some of our newer players. Though if it says ‘your’ movement phase, in tournament play, rules as written me and my friends use rapid ingress wrong sometimes lol

Chad Stewart

Oh, gotcha. Yeah, its been a freakin... fun suck, to be honest, trying to get this one right. I don't believe the OOP rules were meant to interact in such a way that it would deny this from happening. Rapid allows you to set up a unit that is otherwise able to set up in that turn. Can drop pod set up in that turn? Yes, ergo, you should be able to do it.

Chad Stewart

For me though, with GK, we need all the help we can get on primaries lol. I really, REALLY want to be able drop 10 paladins with rapid in turn 1.

Chad Stewart

Thats what First to the Fray is. Grey Knights model with the Deep Strike ability only. The bearer’s unit must start the battle in Reserves, but neither it, nor any Transport it is embarked within, is counted towards any limits the mission places on the number of Strategic Reserves units you can have. That unit can be set up using its Deep Strike ability in the Reinforcements step of your first, second or third Movement phase, regardless of any mission rules.

Brandon Thomas Martinez

Yeah me an my friends would allow rapid ingress for that. Now some tournament people may disagree, but we play for fun. Also Grey Knights need any help they can get atm in this edition

Chad Stewart

I dont think so. GK also have a 3" deep strike rule, but I believe you cannot use the strat out of phase.