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ハードプラン、一気見プラン/hard plan,Glance plan

The overall quality of Senran Kagura's character models still seems to be poor, so it seems like it will be a while before they are released in earnest. I think I'll wait for a model that looks a little better to be released. I will be Yumi(micro bikini in full nelson and cowgirl position) as requested.We accept requests with the Glance plan.Feel free to write in the DM.(Please note that some characters cannot be reproduced.) Thank you for your support!  We look forward to hearing your opinions and impressions. Thank you for your continued support!

まだ全体的に閃乱カグラのキャラモデルの質が悪そうなので本格的に出すのはまだ先になりそうです。もう少し綺麗に出せるモデルが公開されるのを待とうと思います。 リクエストをいただきました雪泉になります。一気見プランの方はDMに気軽にリクエストしてください!(再現できないキャラクターもあることを予めご了承ください。)ご支援ありがとうございます!ご意見、ご感想をお待ちしております。引き続きのご支援よろしくお願いいたします!




I see, honestly Yumi does not look bad for having a poor model! you did a great job mate!