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Happy New Year have some Bats!

NSFW variant: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cass-nsfw-119108217



Jack Newbill

Really? This is what Tumblr's grumbling about...?


Oho a classic batgirl color scheme.


Damn now that what i call strong woman

Ira Shantz-Kreutzkamp

Dylan, don't know if I've mentioned this earlier but I love how...I don't know, solid, massy, heavy? you make the figures in these. They've got this very physical presence to them, and it's a really cool thing I don't often see somehow? Like I don't often get that sense off of other art? Is it the line thickness? No clue. I don't know how art is made, so I can't hope to say much more than I think that's really cool and I hope you do too.

Dylan Macri

Thanks! I think it's because I tend to draw thicker characters and pay attention to how gravity affects the meat.