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Hey everyone, just a heads up! Our area has been having power outages so I've been losing a lot of work time to well, sitting in the dark and waiting for the power to come back on!

So while appropriately seasonally spooky, its... not great for work. haha

So as long as I have power and storms allow me to work, I'm gonna work and post stuff, but I'm definitely running into delays cause of this!

Hope you're all doing well and having a lovely very near Halloween time!



Oh no!!!!!


Despite all the problems I hope you have a happy Halloween buddy!!~

Sage Derby

inconveniently spoopy! best of luck, and happy halloween!


I’m of the opinion that spooky season should carry on into the first week of december anyhow so plenty of time to continue Peaches & Scream as the power grid decides to behave 😁


Understandable. My neighborhood in TX has been dealing with outages due to our unregulated garbage wad of a power grid