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Jam's got a cold! I know how she feels!

Sorry for the long delay on a new Ask Jam everyone, unfortunately I've been hit by a hell of a cold. I thought I was over it and then it came back strong. So I've mostly been in bed.

I wanted to post this so everyone knows I'm still kicking, even if its just sicky-kicking.

Gonna go climb back in bed. Hope you're all doing okay



Jade B

This has cursed implications for the Ask Jam lore(tm)

Chris Scott

Wait. The one brain thumb ape is extinct here?


Cursed lore is best lore

June Vasquez

Soon get well! Take it a rest! 🥺


How many brains do Jam and Plum have?!?


Jessi is a cute nickname. Cute comic, they’re so good together. Although this also poses some interesting/troubling lore, like those tidbits sprinkled throughout many cartoons XD


Lizards (and probably dinosaurs) have a cluster of nerves known as a "hindbrain." Takes care of certain reflex actions.