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So I mentioned I've been working on a game! WELP... I'm still working on the writing (which making a game involves WAY more writing than one might think) but I've now gotten far enough that I'm feeling okay with spending some time doing concepts for characters I'm certain will be in the game.

So here we are! The first major set of characters from Marigold & the Moonlight Theater. (Our teams current working title, but might MIGHT be the final title)

Marigold, the titular character, her sister Chrysanthemum and two of the characters they'll meet towards the beginning of their adventure. One being a spider who's a seamstress who will be making costumes for the sister duo and a very dramatic acting teacher who I can't explain tooooo much about at this point. She's gonna be a big personality!

I'll probably be streaming art of the game on Twitch, more than likely finishing the line art on things, coloring stuff, etc etc. Hopefully will be starting those streams shortly after the month rolls over. Will also probably cool down with some games afterwards. First one I'm really jones-ing to play on stream will probably be Elden Ring. Anywho!

Since these will be the first streams I've done in a long LONG time, kind of using it as a setup test, making sure all my equipment works, making sure my computer doesn't burst into flames, all that good stuff.

So I thought here will be the first place I post about streams once they're going. Then I'll branch out. But yeah! That'll be happening very soon! I'm super excited for it and to be able to share the game as it comes together!




Marigold is cuute


I already love how dramatic the acting teacher is!


Slick! Great designs all around!